Obama Weaponized Foreign Aid

President Trump has been demonized in the latest chapter of the “Dump-Trump” movement for pressuring Ukraine to investigate the alleged corruption of former VP Joe Biden and his son. In that telephone call between Mr. Trump and the newly elected president of Ukraine Zelensky, the Biden corruption investigation in Ukraine was mentioned. While Vice President, Biden publicly threatened to withhold an approximate $1 Billion of U.S. aid to Ukraine unless that prosecutor investigating Biden and his son was fired. Biden gave them six hours to do so. They fired the prosecutor and the relief was released.

Democrats have parlayed that phone call into the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” to launch formal impeachment proceedings against the President. It has been a fiasco. Partisan witnesses one after another were paraded before Rep. Adam Schiff’s committee to each demean President Trump’s Ukraine actions in an effort to build support from Americans sufficient to drive Trump from the White House.

The fundamental premise for their actions is the alleged use of U.S. aid to force Ukraine to restart the investigation into the Bidens. Why the uproar? Democrats’ justification (though lame) is that it is somehow unethical to use foreign aid to pressure foreign countries to do the bidding of America.

First, that’s not illegal. Secondly, it has been common practice for president after president going all the way back to the very first time foreign aid from the U.S. was given. And, guess what? Barack Obama used foreign aid multiple times to force countries to subvert to his opinion and policies on various issues. He even weaponized his foreign support for purely social issues — NOT anything involved in U.S. or other nations’ laws!

Obama’s Foreign Aid Blackmail Scheme: “Quid Pro Quo”

In July of 2015, the eyes of the world were on Africa as President Obama welcomed Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari to the White House and, for the first time as president, Obama visited his father’s home country of Kenya.

Reports indicated that Buhari and Obama discussed the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, as well as possible political and economic reforms for Buhari’s struggling country. Similar discussions took place during the Kenya trip.

While all seemed well on the public front, the reality is that both Buhari’s and Obama’s visits were used by the White House to promote what Pope Francis called “ideological colonization.” This agenda was let slip just days before Buhari arrived in Washington when the U.S. State Department indicated it would push the Nigerian government to redefine marriage.

According to the Nigerian Pilot, America’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told reporters that “as a policy, we will continue to press the government of Nigeria, as well as other governments which have provided legislation that discriminates against the LGBT community.”

Thomas-Greenfield defended the pressure, saying it was not international interference in Nigeria’s domestic affairs, but rather is “very much a work in progress…I think you will agree with me that the law in Nigeria went far in discriminating against this community but also people who associate with them. So, we will continue to press the government, to press the legislature to change these laws and provide human rights for all Nigerian people regardless of their sexual orientation.”

Across Africa, millions of people face starvation, war, oppression, poverty, and death due to a lack of essential aid. For decades, the United States has provided many forms of assistance designed to help nations resolve these problems.

Under the Obama administration, however, humanitarian aid often came with a price tag: Abandoning traditional values, especially those related to contraception, abortion, and marriage.

In 2011, Obama issued a memorandum that directed all U.S. embassies worldwide to promote LGBT rights, which he said were “central to the United States commitment to promoting human rights.”

“Under my Administration, agencies engaged abroad have already begun taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere,” he said.

That same year, the administration made aid to Nigeria dependent upon it’s not enacting the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act. And before she stepped down as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton compared same-sex relationships to race and sex in a speech that left African leaders furious.

In 2016, at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, Obama and Vice President Joe Biden both suggested that Africa’s war-torn, impoverished nations could attract economic and development aid from the West by becoming more gay-friendly.

This is social engineering at its finest, but it is not limited to redefining marriage. Contraception and abortion policies — carefully disguised as “family planning” — are also pushed upon Nigeria, whose citizens have rejected these mandates, which they consider harmful anti-women policies. (”Family planning:” sound familiar?)

Again, this “ideological colonization” is not limited to Nigeria. During his visit to Kenya, Obama publicly lectured President Uhuru Kenyatta on his nation’s laws against same-sex sexual relationships. According to CNN, sexual relations between males over 14 is illegal and punishable by as many as 14 years in prison.

Think about this: the Obama Administration is the same administration that spent tens of billions of dollars PLUS substantial political capital on that infamous Iranian deal Obama put in place without Congress that included virtually no requirements of performance of any kind by Iran. And Iran outwardly supports terrorists! And then Obama opened relations with Cuba despite requiring NO political reforms from the Castro dictatorship.

African leaders have long opposed Obama’s 21st-century imperialism, especially religious leaders. Ignatius Kaigama, an Archbishop in Nigeria – whose diocese is in the heart of the area affected by the terrorist organization Boko Haram – and Bishop Joseph Osei-Bonsu of Ghana said they were tired of international pressure to legalize gay marriage.

The Nigerian law explains, “Marriage is between a man and a woman… even outside of scriptural support, our culture tells us that, nature tells us that.”

And despite threats of denial of much-needed aid, he says, Africans will not give in to the demands. “These are our cultures, and we’re not going to compromise over them.”

Former Population Research Institute Media and Research Coordinator Anne Morse went to Kenya during the Obama Administration. An observation she made on Facebook explained a lot:

“Dear President Obama,” wrote Morse, “please justify why–for every dollar USAID spends on water and sanitation in Kenya–it spends TWELVE dollars on family planning.” Morse noted that she “had seen four television advertisements for condoms today, but hasn’t had a hot shower since Sunday.”

The worst example of America’s new-age imperialism was found in the growing evidence that President Obama purposely withheld aid to fight the terrorist group Boko Haram. While Buhari’s predecessor was accused of refusing U.S. aid to fight terrorism, what has been less reported is that the refusal came in part because the United States demanded Nigeria change its laws on marriage.

These accusations aren’t just coming from Catholic bishops. A former U.S. Congressman, a Pentagon Army spokesperson, a Nigerian official, and the Nigerian Ambassador to the United States all confirmed this was the case. To quote Ambassador Adebowale Adefuye in his statement to the Council on Foreign Relations, “the U.S. government has refused to grant Nigeria’s request to purchase lethal equipment that would have brought down the terrorists (Boko Haram) within a short time.”

Nigerian-American Winnie Obike, a candidate in political communications at the University of Maryland, said she was “appalled by the Obama administration’s foreign policy objectives for the African continent.”

“It was ironic that a president who passionately apologized for America’s 19th and 20th century imperialism adopted a twenty-first century imperialism toward Africa by forcing nations to change their beliefs on marriage, abortion, and contraception in exchange for basic humanitarian aid,” said Obike, who was the Minority Outreach Coordinator for the Minnesota for Marriage Campaign.

“Nigeria and other African nations need humanitarian aid and help fighting terrorist groups like Boko Haram, not the West’s declining values,” said Obike. “I urge President Buhari not to compromise traditional values in exchange for foreign aid.”

In 2009, President Obama was given a Nobel Peace Prize because many hoped he would lead the world to greater peace and security. The world looked in, hoping that he would take action to justify the award. He could have easily done so by setting aside his ideology and focusing on the real aid needed by Nigerians, Kenyans, and many other Africans. As we all know, that did not happen.


Try as I might, I cannot find any way to reconcile the consistent and non-stop hypocrisy of the actions of House Democrats regarding their faux-impeachment process to rid Washington of Donald Trump. It is unconscionable that they somehow justify their doing so to an alleged demand by President Trump of Ukraine to investigate Biden corruption in Ukraine in exchange for U.S. foreign aid. I’ll say this one more time: Even if the President did just that it would not have been unusual, illegal, but would have been part of his (and that of any other U.S. president) duty as American president to honor the 1999 Treaty between the U.S. and Ukraine to work together to rid each country of corruption of every kind that involved in any way the other’s country or members of its government. 

If the truth were known, Rep. Schiff would probably have wanted to instigate impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump if he had NOT restarted corruption investigations by Ukraine IN Ukraine as part of the treaty.

All of the facts of this story have been in the public domain for some time. Yet no one in the Lame-Stream media has made any effort to report the facts. It’s far more palatable for them to continue their nonstop stream of vitriol at this President who refuses to play the Deep State D.C. games to perpetuate the flow of power, control, and money from D.C. to their minions to support their often illegal actions at the expense of the American people.

Isn’t it sad that President Obama was using same-sex marriage and abortion as a bargaining chit for the United States to send money to African nations to buy food, clean water, medical supplies, and to acquire military-grade equipment to destroy the Islamic Terrorist organization Boko Haram? Remember those several hundred young African girls kidnapped and held by Boko Haram for several years in which they were enslaved and turned into sex toys of those terrorists? All of those babies’ horrors and pain and brutality at the hands of those monsters fall on Barack Obama, who refused to fund measures to obliterate those terrorists. Those young girls would have never been kidnapped or turned into sex slaves. And the U.S. President refused because he demanded those African nations to mirror HIS values about sex, abortion, and same-sex marriage. And Obama did all that in the name of the American people.

I don’t know which is worse: Obama doing so or the Media hiding what he did and the details for years from the American people. And today’s Lame-Stream media are trying to turn what Obama DID do into something that President Trump did NOT do. And House Democrats are using the misrepresentations, lies, and lawlessness to impeach the President, and in doing so, subvert the wills of 63 million American voters who voted for Mr. Trump.

Mr. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize WAS a joke and is now a travesty thrust on the World that has destroyed a large number of the African people in the name of political elitism. And the World thinks you and I supported his doing so.


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