Saturday Bullet Points: August 24, 2024

What an exciting week to be in the news media business! But for the rest of America, it’s not so exciting. The Legacy media played the game really well for their close partners, the Democrat National Convention. There was hardly a peep about violence in the streets of Chicago. For the citizens of Chi-Town — only seven were shot and killed while the DNC was in session. (Hey, for Chicago, seven was about half of what they thought it would be. Chicago Democrats call that an amazing week!)

However, the rest of the World remained in “operation” mode. There were quite a few important happenings. Let’s step away from the “Kamala-Tim Show” and peek at what the rest of the World was doing while Kamala toasted her Democrat comrades as they played the game “How to sell Authoritarian to the American people!”


Bullet Points

  • As anticipated, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., held a press conference to announce his endorsement of Donald Trump as President. What does that mean for Kennedy’s run for POTUS? Kennedy is NOT canceling his campaign, but he is “suspending” it. What’s the difference? (the story will clear that up in just a moment.) Kennedy’s attorney submitted court filings Friday before his speech addressing the nation about his “path forward,” in which he announced he would suspend his campaign and came out in support of the Republican frontrunner. What does his doing so mean to the election? How does it impact Donald Trump and Kamala Harris’s bids for President? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Over the past few years, I have threatened to stop watching FOX News. Why? It’s certainly not for any content they bring to the nation. I can’t imagine how dark news would be without at least a few “realistic” news journalists who aren’t sold to the Democrat Party. My reason is simple and two-fold: my reason has two names. They are Juan Williams and Richard Fowler. Williams and Fowler’s titles at FOX are “FOX News Contributor.” In reality, their title should be “Democrat Party Shill.” I have no problem with dissenting opinions about anything, as long as the dissenter explains their reason and does so in a factual manner using facts. Neither of these two “shills” ever do so. They prefer to embark in each conversation to the standard Democrat mantra when speaking to any conservative — especially FOX News. FOX weekend co-host Will Cain confronted both on a current hot topic involving “false reasoning” and “lies.” Both Juan and Richard jumped into their “Shill” clothes and entered the fray! For complete details, click on this link:
  • In the fast-paced week in Chicago, Donald Trump was out on the campaign trail meeting and greeting Americans from multiple states who all have one thing in common: they want to get the right person in the White House to replace Joe Biden as President. Trump was very busy. He wasn’t giving hollow campaign rhetoric, selling shallow promises that would have no result that resembles those Kamala Harris promised. I’ll shut up for a moment and let someone else remind you of what Trump has already done:

  • Meanwhile, Kamala did what she did best: she promised everyone who voted for her anything and everything they wanted! The entire nation knew her as Biden’s “Border Czar.” Maybe without that title, but still with the responsibility to handle the illegal immigration issues at our southern border, she told everyone she “had that covered.” She did a magnificent job by opening the border even wider than each previous Biden/Harris Administration, with an admirable number of illegals now reveling in the Biden/Harris luxury life we taxpayers are paying for. Her new gimmick for illegals? In her speech in which she formally announced her acceptance of her nomination to face Trump in November, she outlined amnesty for millions of illegal aliens! Part of her promise is to give (illegally bypassing Congress) legal status to remain in the U.S. with a pathway to citizenship. Wait a minute: don’t we already have a Constitutional path to citizenship for any immigrant from any country on Earth? Doesn’t that process already bring one million immigrants to the U.S. who take their oath of citizenship each and every year? It appears she prefers ignoring that “law thing” and doing as Joe did: break the law and let ’em in! For complete details, click on this link:
  • It is uncanny to me that Democrats, from top to bottom of their Party, are still telling people that Donald Trump created and plans to force “Project 2025” on the U.S. if he wins the election. It doesn’t take brain surgery (and certainly not an “educated” Democrat) to use the old Google search engine to find out “Project 2025” belongs to and was created by the Heritage Foundation — which has NO ties at all to Donald Trump or his campaign. When asked a few months ago about his take on the extensive plan, he responded that he hadn’t read it and had heard a few things about it, but he has NO intention of making it part of his policies! Still, that controversial plan is a perfect tool for Democrats to weaponize against the former President. So they continue to march it out as a “reason we cannot vote for Joe Biden!” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Israel suffered through the October 7th massacre at the hands of Hamas, which killed 1200 innocent Israelis. There have been quite a few Israeli men, women, and children who have suffered unbearable atrocities at the hands of these terrorists that include raping of women in public, decapitation of infants, and the indiscriminate slaughter of those just outside the Gaza boundary. Yes, there have been numerous Palestinian innocents killed in Gaza in the fighting in retaliation by the Israeli army. But, it appears that Hezbollah — another Iranian proxy that headquarters in Lebanon — is ready to launch a vast October 7-style attack on Israel. This comes after ten years of plotting and building miles of tunnels from which they can even fire missiles! For complete details, click on this link:
  • I’m not confident we’ll ever know what happened at that Pennsylvania Trump rally. All we know for certain is that a young man shot and attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. He did that with entirely screwed-up Secret Service agents who apparently broke EVERY procedure the Service has in place to protect those they are assigned to keep safe. An internal investigation has been ongoing since that day. However, little or NO information about that day’s details has been discussed publicly. We learned Friday that at least five agents have been placed on “administrative leave.” What does that mean? And what were these actions taken for specifically? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Did you hear the news? Joe Biden is dead! Don’t panic. He’s not “biologically” dead. He’s dead to the World of politics and his presidency. Think about it: before Nancy, Barack, Michelle, and Chuck (Schumer) got together and determined it was time to kick Joe to the curb, he was not only alive but was spinning his web of authoritarian governing in which he excelled. It didn’t take long for the funeral and burial. After Joe’s speech Monday night at the DNC, they laid him to rest. By Tuesday morning, “President Joe Biden” was little more than “Uncle Joe.” What happened to the 46th President? For complete details, click on this link:
  • As we’ve watched inflation blow up the American economy, millions of Americans are wondering when the government will bring skyrocketing prices back in line and interest rates back to pre-Biden levels. However, if you listen to Kamala and Joe, Bidenomics was the perfect tool to accomplish all that. You ask, “Where is it?” Joe blames inflation on Trump’s policies. Kamala blames it on global warming and climate change — anything but their actions. Economists maintain that none of this will return to “normal” as long as interest continues to climb. They need to go lower! But that is the sole responsibility of the Fed, which has all the power to lower, keep the same, or raise interest rates. For months, the Fed’s Chairman Jerome Powell has maintained our economy does NOT warrant a rate cut. He even said that one more time last week. Guess what? Everything has now lined up to warrant an interest rate cut! Boy, that sure was a quick 180-turnaround. What could have possibly happened that quickly? The Democrat National Convention is over, and Kamala is formally the Democrat nominee for President! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Who will ever forget who David Axelrod is? He was Barack Obama’s campaign adviser and took care of all the “dirty laundry.” He’s maintained a position at the top of the Democrat Party and most certainly was part of kicking Joe Biden to the curb. However, on Friday, Axelrod went nuts! He lost it when he heard Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump. Robert F. Kennedy, “Senior,” was Axelrod’s political hero. For complete details, click on this link:

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