Saturday Bullet Points: August 6, 2022

I guess the media really know more than conservative Americans. They continue their drum beats and unified support of the Biden policies that are dividing the nation. Will they stop? Can they stop? The answers to those questions don’t even matter anymore. Neither does the overwhelming lack of support for the Biden Administration among the American populace.

That sounds a bit like something that happens in totalitarian nations where the People and their desire don’t matter.

Oh well. Let’s analyze the big stories of this past week. Boy, there sure have been some hot ones! We’ve pulled together the biggest of the biggest and put them in our bullet point format. Read the descriptive sentences describing the content of each story we’re talking about. For more details, click on the blue arrow at the end. It redirects you to a full story. Then, go to the next bullet point.

Have a great weekend!

 Bullet Points

  • It’s hard to believe that Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) caved to join their fellow Democrats to push forward with another massive Joe Biden spending bill. Both insist that “government investments in our operations totally on behalf of the American people do NOT increase the deficit or inflation.” Horse-hockey!” How do they think we happened to find ourselves amid the most rampant inflation in 40 years? The Senate is planning to spend the entire weekend working through the process of passing that bill. But it wasn’t until today we got to read what’s IN the bill. It’s 700+ pages long. The following story details the entire debacle. The link to a .pdf of the bill that you can read or download is in the middle of the story. Click on the blue arrow if you want the story details and/or to read the bill:
  • What will Republicans in the Senate do about this pending legislation? I doubt they’re just going to sit in the voterama debates by the Senate all weekend long. We are told that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his cowboys have a lot planned for their Democrat partners. The Dems may ultimately get this bill passed, But we are told it’s going to be a raucous weekend in which dozens of amendments will be proposed, each of which must be debated! How mad are Republicans about this? For complete details, click on this link:
  • FBI Director Christopher Wray spent hours on Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he was drilled by Senators — primarily Republicans — about several contentious topics in the forefront of consciousness for most Americans. These include the actions of those involved in the “insurrection” at the Capitol on January 6, 2020, the FBI investigation status of the confirmed investigation of Hunter Biden on several fronts, and the actions of FBI agents in several other investigations. When asked about the whistleblower leak confirming those FBI agents “slow-played” any aggressive investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop back when it was discovered amid the 2020 election campaign, Wray responded to their questions as if he knew little or nothing about it! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans probably never thought of Disney’s significant presence in the Middle East. But Disney “does.” Think about that for a moment: Homosexuality in Islam is strictly prohibited and is punishable by death! How do you think Disney will present its blockbuster movies, documentaries, and even their characters without “showcasing” homosexual characters? You can bet they have a plan. They’re not going to “talk about “it” — homosexuality or gays. How ironic! Especially when they have attacked the state of Florida with legislation regarding their LGBTQI philosophies, they’re going to hide it in those Muslim countries! For complete details, click on this link:
  • The sudden all-in support by West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of Joe Biden’s anti-fossil fuel “inflation-buster” bill has taken aback the citizens of West Virginia. Why? Because W. Virginia is a massive coal producer, which will be heavily handicapped in coal production, and it’s said that 30,000 people in that industry will lose their jobs. Leaders in his state are aggravated with Sen. Manchin. How much so? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Suppose you’ve been to Washington D.C. and “made” all the must-do sites. In that case, you know how cool it is to go to the White House, stand outside the fence, and think about the several hundred years of historical events that have occurred there and how many famous of our forefathers visited and lived there. It wasn’t such an excellent trip for four people. Lightning struck all four while they were there. Horribly, three of the four have died! For complete details, click on this link:
  • I shouldn’t have been shocked when I heard, but I was. Shocked about what? President Biden announced monkeypox is a “public health emergency.” Wait a minute: we just went through two years of a “public health emergency” — COVID-19. Hundreds of thousands died in the U.S. from COVID-19. How bad is monkeypox? It’s horrible! As of Thursday, 7,100 Americans “have been infected” with monkeypox. And no one has died! That means that of 330 million Americans, that means that 0.0000215 percent of Americans have been infected, and there are zero deaths! Doesn’t sound like an emergency to me. There’s got to be something going on there. For complete details, click on this link:  
  • Who besides me was shocked to hear that former Vice President Dick Cheney spoke up on behalf of his daughter, who currently holds the single House seat in Wyoming and is under siege? Liz is reportedly 30 points behind her GOP primary race to newcomer Harriet Hageman. But Dick did not stop at endorsing Liz. He flatly stated that Donald Trump is the evilest person in American history! Dick must have forgotten about his warmongering in the Bush Administration. Those “weapons of mass destruction” that Dick claimed were all across Iraq and that we must invade to get them all to save the World! Oops: After numerous lives of Iraqi civilians and American soldiers lost, few tie those 4477 American and 185,000 Iraqi citizens’ funerals to Dick Cheney. But he talked George W. Bush to invade. There’s more to it. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Americans snicker to watch the mayors of New York City and Washington D.C. moan about the busloads of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border and showing up in those two large cities. (By the way, both mayors are  raving open border leftists) D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser formally requested the assistance of the National Guard with this onslaught of illegals. Ha! Her request was denied. Texas Governor got a good laugh as both mayors cried about a couple of thousand migrants dropped in their cities last month. Texas gets that many in one day! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Today’s final report is a really important one: the U.S. Army has developed a “tactical bra” for its female soldiers. (Wait: I didn’t know we could use the word “female” talking about uh…a “woman?”) I guess it’s OK because it’s the military talking about it. When I saw this story, I naturally thought: What can one do “tactically” using a bra? And this development process is taking forever and involves multiple agencies to do so! For complete details, click on this link:

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