Saturday Bullet Points: January 14, 2023

There is almost too much to cover from the past week. The House got a new Speaker: Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Additionally, House Republicans did exactly what they promised. They started passing and implementing very important measures on our behalf to try and get the ship “SS America” floating again.

One of the GOP leaders who is key in legislation AND oversight is Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA). He frequents “TNN Live!” He joined us Friday to give us a brief, but deep, synopsis of the most important things that were already done and others daily getting into the pipeline of the most important matters for all of US — NOT the U.S. Government!

We thought it appropriate to start our Saturday Bullet Points with Congressman Mike Johnson. If you care to listen, click on the link below. We’ll pick up the “scraps” of information from the week that you need to see.

Let’s get started.

Saturday Bullet Points

  • Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is one of our lawmakers who were “dropped in the grease” in the early going in the 118th Congress. He joined us this Friday morning at the top of our show. For those who were unable to listen live, he has some very important things to tell us all about what’s already been done in this session and what the plans are for moving forward quickly. It’s much easier with a GOP majority in the House. But things can (and do) get sticky. Oh: he weighed in on President Biden’s “DocuGate” dilemma this president is really struggling to get a handle on. You can now listen in to the Congressman by clicking the arrow below:

  • Here we go again! That darned debt limit for the federal government’s spending authority runs out of “gas” next Thursday. (It’s really not gas, but it’s necessary for you to operate your car!) Once again Congress is in something of a conundrum. The debt limit will be reached next Thursday. According to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, we MUST give her a higher debt limit so she can borrow some more money to pay the nation’s bills. That just sounds stupid to me. Oh well, very little that happens in Washington makes sense today. For complete details on our pending debt limit increase, click on this link:
  • Will we ever get the facts regarding COVID-19 vaccines? All the “experts” led by Anthony Fauci apparently headed to the hills recently. In the meantime, the numbers of severe COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions — primarily from Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines — are piling up. It’s gotten so bad, one scientist and a world-renowned doctor who are unquestioned experts on COVID are clamoring for the total cessation of their vaccines. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Welcome to “DocuGate,” President Biden’s version of Watergate. This President cannot fight his way out of a paper bag! Everywhere he turns, he runs into himself. And he continually creates his own conundrums with egregious legislation, executive orders, political appointments, and telling lies. Oh well: this is Washington D.C., right? All those in the Biden Camp quickly scrambled when the first of three locations for Biden’s “DocuGate” scandal were revealed.  Though similar in some ways to Trump’s classified document trouble, the two incidents were different from the start. ALL of the documents found in the Biden case are still classified. Trump, however, claims he declassified those documents — which a President has the right to do. There’s much more to the story. For complete details, click on this link:
  • DocuGate may be Joe Biden’s “Perfect Storm.” Just think about the timeline for this nightmare. Joe Biden was in really good shape going into the New Year. Inflation was dropping, gas prices were easing, and Donald Trump was embroiled in his own document mishandling investigation. The President saw a realistic path to repeat as President, and he made plans to do just that. Exhaustive details, we are told, have been prepared to launch Biden’s re-election campaign in the next 90 days. Now, however, Biden’s presidency is in jeopardy, and not just his possible re-election, but the last two years of THIS term; For complete details, click on this link:
  • While “DocuGate” dominates the news — and don’t forget it applies to both THIS President and the PREVIOUS President — there’s other news that involves only Donald Trump. Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is considering expunging both of Donald Trump’s impeachments! If this happens, will every person on the left see their hair catch on fire? You may remember, impeachment begins in the House. The House must vote to impeach a sitting President for anything to happen. If/when that vote is to impeach a sitting President, only then can it go to the Senate to consider the penalties for that President’s alleged wrongdoings. And if McCarthy even attempts to expunge Trump’s impeachment, all hell will break loose; For complete details, click on this link:
  • One of the perks of being an employee of the federal government in D.C. is the thrill that goes with living in the seat of government of the United States, enjoying the sites, the food, the entertainment, and being part of the seat of democracy. But there’s one perk that is changing: the prices of homes in the greater D.C. area. It’s always been far more expensive to live in Washington than most other cities around the nation. But, thanks to “BidenFlation,” the average price of homes in D.C. is cheaper this year than last year for the first time in years. For complete details, click on this link:
  • There’s a new Twitter file dump from Thursday. It is beyond comprehension how Big Tech and the FBI colluded in lying to the American people about something so serious as the dangers of COVID-19. Of course they did so in the name of “protecting the Science.” But little of their efforts they say to stop the lies and misrepresentations about the virus and vaccines were doing so. But these files show something totally different. Facebook stopped censoring “misrepresentations” and began censoring TRUTHFUL POSTS ABOUT COVID-19 AND VACCINES! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Several House committees are FINALLY launching real investigations of the Biden Administration and President Biden himself. Who can forget the botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan? We could write all night about travesties accompanying Biden’s abandonment of hundreds of Americans and our allies after promising he would leave NO ONE. Our military was to remain in Afghanistan  to make certain all Americans were safely evacuated. Biden’s military bolted and left scores of Americans and our close allies. There are several hundred still there trying to find ways out while avoiding the Taliban. Now, we’ll get the real facts of the withdrawal! For complete details, click on this link:

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