Saturday Bullet Points: January 8, 2022

Wow! What a week. I thought the first week of the New Year would be a slow, “let’s ease into the chaos” sort of a week. Was I ever wrong! There are far too many things that happened in the past week to ignore. In fact, even though we have captured what we consider the “biggest” of the bunch, I’m certain we’ve missed some happenings. But we grabbed the biggest of the big and have them here for you.

Click on each bullet point and read the first few descriptive sentences. Skip to the next one if you already know all you need to know about that bullet point. But if you want full details of a story, click on the blue arrow link at the end of the description, and you’ll find yourself at a complete story with full details.

Yes, it’s been busy. But you won’t miss any BIG happenings! Let’s get started:

Bullet Points

  • Today there is not much (if any) good news for President Biden. Try as he might, very little is going well in his presidency. What are they? Take your pick: COVID-19, vaccine mandates, school closures, massive inflation, worse than anticipated employment data, and the massive loss of respect for this president among the populace. Can it get any worse for Mr. Biden? Hmmm… Probably so. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Joe Biden was supposed to be the savior of the minority communities in the nation. He promised to put more African Americans back to work and allow them to narrow the gap between themselves and white Americans in every category. The truth is 180 degrees away from his promise. In fact, the gaps between African Americans and White Americans have further widened in Biden’s first year. For complete details, click on this link:
  • The very first action President Biden took from the Oval Office was to cancel that “evil” Keystone Pipeline permit. Many in America felt he didn’t have unilateral power to do that and began the process in court of restarting Keystone’s construction. But, Friday, those fighting to resurrect all those jobs and revenue were dealt a huge blow in court. It looks like Joe really put the death nail in the Keystone Pipeline. It appears it will NEVER come back. For complete details, click on this link:
  • On another and equally important front, it appears that COVID-19 is kicking this president’s butt. And it’s supposed to be the other way around. Remember this from the Biden Campaign? “I will kill COVID-19 when I’m U.S. President!” That was Biden’s continual promise while running for office. And he’s perpetuated that promise almost daily. But it looks like the Biden Administration has recognized COVID-19 is winning and that Joe’s gun is out of bullets. It appears that COVID-19 may have ushered in the beginning of the end of the Biden presidency and that the President is actually throwing in the towel, telling Americans COVID-19 looks to be hanging around — FOREVER! For complete details, click on this link:
  • “Omicron, Omicron, Omicron!” We hear those cries and watch the oppressive actions taken by government officials, school administrators, and business owners based on the fears of the Omicron variant that is flooding the nation at a never-before-seen pace. Once again, massive fear being sown by Joe Biden and others in his administration along with the medical “experts” — specifically Anthony Fauci — is fueling the panic gripping the hearts of hundreds of millions of Americans. Guess what: we are learning from medical experts outside the U.S. that Omicron may be as much as 100 times less serious than ALL the previous COVID-19 infections. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Two states — Missouri and Louisiana — filed federal lawsuits against the Biden Administration asking the courts to overturn the vaccine mandates initiated approval for OSHA to require private employers with 100 or more employees to mandate employee COVID-19 vaccinations and the second mandate, which requires ALL healthcare workers who work for medical operations which accept Medicare and Medicaid patients to be vaccinated. It was expected to get to the U.S. Supreme Court for final adjudication. Sure enough, that happened. Friday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on both suits, hastening to hear the arguments from both sides to resolve the issue quickly. We will not know the Court’s decisions for at least a week. But many who heard the arguments personally feel certain that conservatives on the Court feel strongly that the mandates are overreach and that SCOTUS is “probably” leaning toward supporting the two states. For complete details, click on this link:
  • On Friday, there was big news for the “Luv Guv:” former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo was forced to resign because of multiple claims and lawsuits for sexual wrongdoing over several years. The alleged sexual improprieties involved many women who worked directly for Mr. Cuomo and others who were “affiliated” with him through working with the Cuomo Administration. But it appears the “Luv Guv” may be back on this feet. Why? Another judge has ruled against one of the claims made by another of Cuomo’s alleged victims. So far, nothing is sticking to Cuomo. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Poor Joe Manchin! The Senator from West Virginia is under intense heat from EVERY fellow Democrat legislator for his lack of support for two pieces of proposed Biden policies: Biden’s “Build Back Better” social and economic boondoggle and the Senate Democrats push to do away with the filibuster so they can pass the other huge piece of legislation. That legislation would destroy the structure of the American voting system that was set in the U.S. Constitution. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called in former President Obama and television mogul Oprah Winfrey who both “dropped a dime” on Manchin this week. (That means they each called the Senator pushing him to support both measures) For complete details, click on this link:
  • Many Americans have long been tired of the political posturing by Democrats about the “1/6/21” storming of the U.S. Capitol. They want it to go away. But Democrats, along with this President, have turned that day into a political cause. What cause? To stop Donald Trump from ever holding public office again! In fact, a group of Democrats claims to be studying the possibility of using a section of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from running for election in 2024. For complete details, click on this link:
  • A large majority of the American people cannot believe how this government is in totalitarian fashion persecuting hundreds of Americans who attended the January 6 event in D.C. last year to protest the 2020 election results. Yes, some broke laws and created mass chaos at the Capitol. But facts bear out that those events were NOT “an armed insurrection,” as Joe Biden repeatedly claims. Those same Americans are shocked that this is still happening to several hundred Americans who were really protesting while actual domestic terrorists nightly for months burned buildings, destroyed billions of dollars of private property, destroyed businesses, attacked law enforcement officers, and nothing has happened to those perpetrators! Those riots occurred in Portland, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., New York City, and several other cities. Those riots were planned, staffed, and implemented by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter “soldiers.” In fact, we have a list of such riots in which NO ONE has yet been held accountable. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Our northern neighbors are struggling with caring for all their citizens waging a rising battle with the Omicron variant. Multiple daily infections are resulting in hospitalizations which are resulting in hospitalizations that are taxing Canadian hospital workers to be able to treat those being admitted adequately. Part of the problem north of the border is identical to that down here: vaccine mandates for healthcare workers who are leaving in droves, leaving hospital beds unmanned. Guess what? In Ontario, Canada, there is a move to suspend that vaccine mandate to get healthcare hospital staff back to the levels sufficient to treat these patients. For complete details, click on this link:

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