Saturday Bullet Points: July 20, 2024

OMG! What a week, huh?

It seems that each week during this election cycle, we see and hear things we thought would NEVER be possible. I find myself saying, at least weekly, “No story could ever top this story!” Then, sure enough, some horror sweeps the news cycle that tops the previous horror I thought could never be eclipsed. Surprisingly, almost all these events evolve around one of two issues: the latest action in the Joe Biden weaponization of the Department of Justice against “Citizen” Donald Trump or Joe Biden lays another layer of proof that he’s way past the point of no return in dealing with his obvious cognitive decline.

Which is the worst?

We’ll let you decide that. Meanwhile, we’ll look at some of the week’s top stories, some of which you missed. Check them out in today’s “Bullet Points.” It’s more than likely you’ll see a story or two that you missed!

Bullet Points

  • What should Joe Biden do regarding running four more years in the White House? Each day this week, more and more Democrats in Congress are publicly advising the President to pull out of the Democrat Party run for the presidency against former President Donald Trump. See what many “young” Americans feel about that:

  • The most likely story of the week that captivated the attention of most Americans is last Saturday’s assassination attempt of former President Trump. It was shocking that it happened at all. However, the daily revelations of the ineptness of another Department in the Biden Administration took over the spotlight. Questions about that horror show in Pennsylvania keep showing up. The only thing about that incredible act is Biden’s Secret Service was not even on Planet Earth last week! Every day, more jaw-dropping facts about the unforgivable process of the once-top Agency in our government’s failure to protect former President Donald Trump. Always billed as the top government agency for keeping our dignitaries safe, this Secret Service contingent guarding Trump at the rally in Pennsylvania was comprised of agents who were NOT even employees of the Secret Service! According to one whistleblower, they were “inexperienced personnel!” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Congressional members who are Democrats have one common trait, which has become the fundamental glue that keeps their Party successful when election time rolls around. No matter their differences on policy issues, they seem to put their differences aside every time they head into a voting booth. However, this election season is seeing more divisiveness than I’ve ever seen among Democrats. Each day this week, Democrats in both the Senate and House are publicly calling for the President to withdraw from the November election. The third Senate Democrat called for Joe Biden to exit the election on Friday. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Regarding numbers in politics, Rasmussen Reports has always been considered one of the top agencies for determining what most Americans think about any political issue and every candidate running. The upcoming November 5 General Election is no different. As former President Trump announced his choice to join his ticket as the GOP Vice President seeking election, Rasmussen tested the feelings of Americans about Trump’s choice for the job: J.D. Vance. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Americans have learned the importance of the circumstances attached to “swing states” in national elections. This election is no different. Though fifty states are joined by several “territories” whose citizens vote in every election, several states’ outcomes in each election determine the winner almost every time we vote. 2024 looks to be no different. One such state, Arizona, was traditionally controlled by Democrats. However, in the upcoming election, The Cook Political Report, which used to show Arizona as a “toss-up” between Biden and Trump, now considers the state a “lean Republican.” What changed? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Last Saturday’s assassination attempt by a 22-year-old Pennsylvania man seems to daily reveal unthinkable evidence that there was more to that assassination attempt than first thought. That last shock came when it was revealed that the shooter had three overseas encrypted accounts! What in God’s name could that be about?

  • There’s no doubt that illegal immigration has been a critical policy supported by Democrats for years. While they watch in horror as the number of people in their party dwindles yearly, their fear of losing the one thing they relish is slipping away. What’s that? POWER. Power in politics comes from numbers. With hopes for a permanent Democrat Party in charge of the U.S. government, finding voters has jumped to the forefront of issues confronting Democrats. Biden evidenced the drive for voters by his total disregard for the Rule of Law, specifically federal immigration laws. Democrats looked on in horror during the Republican National Convention last week as they watched signs of “Mass Deportation” across the convention floor. These posters and leaflets encouraging “mass deportation” are scaring the Left to death. The thought of an administration that takes the nation back to the enforcement of laws petrifies them. They are going nuts! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Federal law enforcement is frantically searching every possible place conceivable to discover what Trump’s would-be assassin was all about. They finally cracked the security on his phone and found he was not as innocent as his classmates thought he was. Besides several secret overseas accounts, he had a penchant for online pornography. In fact, the last internet search he conducted on that phone was searching for online porn. For complete details, click on this link:
  • No Saturday Bullet Point offering would be complete without some words of wisdom from one of the Left’s most outstanding representatives. Today, we chose that bastion of integrity, knowledge, and Christian requirements, MSNBC’s Joy Reid. No doubt, she is a highly educated black woman. No doubt, she flouts her expertise and discernment daily on her show to illustrate her myriad of unilateral understanding of everything — especially Christianity. Yes, the loud and pompous show host knows how Jesus feels about everything — especially Donald Trump:
  • The World awakened Friday to the largest IT shutdown in History. With more than a thousand flights canceled globally, passengers were seen sleeping in passageways at Los Angeles International Airport, huge queues formed at terminals across Spain, and in Delhi, staff set up a makeshift whiteboard to record departures. Shops in Australia shut down or went cashless after digital checkouts stopped working. In contrast, the U.S.’s emergency services lines went down in Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Ohio. What ushered in this worldwide horror? For complete details, click on this link:

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