Saturday Bullet Points: July 24, 2021

FAR too many important events occur 24/7 in the Nation for anyone to catch them all and digest them live. But you don’t want to miss ANY of the important ones!

If you missed any of the noise, don’t worry: we’ve captured each of the big events. Check them out in our Bullet Points. Read the sentence or two of each story. If you want complete details, click on the blue arrow at the end of the descriptive sentences, and you’ll be transferred immediately to a full story. If you have all you need to know about it, click on the next bullet point and move on!

Relax with your Saturday morning cup of java and catch up on the news of the week with us. Let’s get going:

Bullet Points

  • The policies of the Biden Administration regarding how to handle our southern border and illegals flooding into the nation is probably one of the most important news happenings of any day. Why? No one can figure them out! When it seems like there may be some integrity being re-inserted in what’s happening, they turn around and make stupid policy decisions based on who-knows-what. The Trump immigration folks had just about wrapped up getting that wall built when last November came. Biden had promised while campaigning he would reverse ALL of the Trump border control policies. Now, he’s taken it even farther: cancellation of contracts for portions of the wall we’ve already paid for! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • So how does President Biden pacify Americans who are dead-set on closing the border while, at the same time, fulfilling promises to the “open-border” gang? You find a way through current pending legislation to hide elements within it to pacify those who want open borders while getting Congress to spend billions in new tax dollars in the name of Border Security. Yep, that’s what’s on the drawing table. And the nuggets of pacification are amnesty for millions of illegals. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We’ve heard that the FBI has arrested more than 500 people who were identified as being on-site and complicit in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. They used primarily facial recognition software to determine who those perpetrators are. Several of those arrested have already pled and are awaiting jail time. Others have been held in egregious prison conditions with NO liberties, NO ability to see family members or their own lawyers, and are being treated worse than actual terrorists being held in Guantanamo Bay. It has come to light that Sidney Powell has announced she’ll be part of defending many of those caught in this “Biden trap” to take on the federal government for these alleged unconstitutional treatments. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Many Americans are fearfully anticipating government mandates for COVID-19 vaccinations. And everyday information slips into the news that there “may” be mandates in the works for many, if not all, Americans to take the jab. Certain private employers have already begun demanding vaccinations of their employees as a condition of their employment. One of those employers is the National Football League. One of the greatest offensive football minds in NFL coaching has been fired for refusing to take a COVID-19 vaccination. Who is it? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We at TruthNewsNetwork have weekly published the deaths and adverse reactions to COVID vaccinations from both the U.S. and Europe. These statistics are actually published weekly by the CDC in the U.S. and the CDC’s counterpart in Europe. However, when the news is bad, members of the Biden Administration carefully choose which of those to reference in press briefings and which to avoid. One reporter confronted Jen Psaki, White House press chief, about the latest “breakthrough” infection numbers, and Psaki refused to give that info to the media. What are they hiding? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Remember those “PPP” loans to small businesses that were included in the first COVID-19 Stimulus package? There were restrictions on which companies could receive any of those federal tax dollars — specifically the size of companies that could apply. One of the large companies that most Americans despise tax dollars going to is Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider. It seems that Planned Parenthood’s employee number disqualifies them from receiving PPP money. Yet, they DID receive millions. And members of Congress are after the Biden Administration to find out why and get those millions back. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The state of Mississippi has petitioned the Supreme Court to take up a Mississippi anti-abortion law to confirm its constitutionality. Though the Court has finished its season of determination of many cases filed with it, they prepare their docket for the next session. Constitutional law professors feel with the makeup of this Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade may be in danger when the Court weighs in on this Mississippi case. For complete details, click on this link:
  • It appears new COVID-19 cases are on the rise again. This time, three states are leading the way with the newest cases. Which states have earned that honor, and what are their case numbers? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Who can figure out the stock market? When you’re tempted to drop a few thousand dollars to purchase stock in a new “can’t miss” startup, days after you invest, bad news shows the company is already facing certain failure, and your stock value drops to zero! But the opposite is happening more today than the losses, and stock market values have soared, even in the midst of horrible employment numbers and certain inflation upon us. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • News from Venezuela has of late certainly be rare. Remember: this South American country was tagged as one of the wealthiest nations on Earth just a couple of decades ago. But a brutal socialist dictator seized power and initiated Venezuela’s financial, social, and economic demise. We’ve all heard of the lack of basic needs of its people, including food, medicine and healthcare, and even toilet paper. Now, we’re told that to get gasoline for a car, waits are as long as all day! For complete details, click on this link: 

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