Saturday Bullet Points: June 25, 2022

The guns and knives are out! It’s Friday evening of a day in United States history that will forever be marked as a “critical day in HUMAN history.” Two groups will continue to war about the event marking this day: “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” advocates will each claim the other was/is wrong. Pro-Life adherents will forever proclaim the day as the miraculous salvation of millions of babies who, without Friday’s Supreme Court ruling, would never see life because of an abortionist’s scalpel. Pro-Choice supporters will forever view Friday as the day women’s healthcare was obliterated by the Supreme Court in its overturning of Roe v Wade.

In spite of what the protestors, who hopefully will NOT become rioters, are screaming from the housetops, the Supreme Court decision does NOT make abortion illegal — it returns the determination of the legality of abortion to each of the 50 states for their legislatures to decide on its legality in their state. This decision means only that there is NO Constitutional provision pertaining to abortion.

For our look today at the top stories of this past week, we’ll start with several of the most significant stories about the Supreme Court action on Friday. But there are plenty of other important events we will present to you so you can catch up with the big events of the week. Just take a look at the few sentences following each bullet point. If after reading those you want more information, click on the blue arrow following each description and you’ll be taken to a full story covering that news in detail. If you want to move on, skip to the next bullet point and repeat the process.

Let’s get cranking!

Saturday Bullet Points

  • Where should we go first to get the “best” story about the Roe decision? How about CNN! Oh, we have a plethora of options to gather a multitude of nasty stories about everything to do with the Supreme Court that probably even denigrates Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s dog! We are certain CNN digs into this story (like they do every day) to find the nuggets of “truth.” Those CNN nuggets begin with the very first sentence of this article: “The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion. ” Just as a point of reference before you read the story, the Supreme Court did NOT state “there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion.” They ruled there never WAS such a right. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Pro-Choice Americans want everyone to think their fundamental reason for supporting abortion on demand is because of women’s healthcare. Let’s be clear: abortion is NOT about healthcare. People who claim its about a woman’s right because of her healthcare issues are primarily those peddling abortion for MONEY! And make no mistake, there are hundreds of millions of dollars in the abortion industry. And organizations who profit from abortions are screaming in outrage at the Supreme Court finding. For complete details, click on this link:
  • TruthNewsNetwork regularly informs political leaders to be careful about things they say in public that may come back and bite them later. Hillary Clinton knows that better than most. Who will ever forget her speech in which she labeled “at least half of Donald Trump as deplorables.” All politicians have pasts. President Biden was quick on Friday to give an excoriating damning of the Supreme Court for their Roe opinion. He was actually nasty in his speech making outlandish accusations about anyone who is Pro-Life. Now quick he forgets! Guess who was recorded in 2006 making the statement that “abortion is actually NOT a right?” That would be — JOE BIDEN! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Pro-Choice governors find themselves scrambling in the aftermath of Roe v Wader’s overturn. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer made clear her intentions for her state was to do anything necessary to protect abortion rights for women in her state. She is just one abortion advocate in office who loudly proclaims they will NOT agree or comply with the decision by the Supreme Court. For complete details, click on this link:
  • It probably comes as no surprise to you to learn that three west coast states have informally made a pact it elaborately expand abortion access in their states for their own citizens and for women from any other state. California, Washington, and Oregon are the three that have made this pact. What are the specifics of this structure supposed to be? For complete details, click on this link:
  • The ruling that invalidates Roe v Wade was epic, to say the least. But one Justice on the Supreme Court feels Friday’s opinion from the Court doesn’t go far enough. Justice Clarence Thomas feels this finding opens the door for the examination of three more associated issues to consider their constitutionality. What are they? For complete details, click on this link:
  • The Biden Administration’s assault on the fossil fuel industry is almost solely driving our massive inflation, extending the supply chain issues, resulted in impending food shortages, and massive NEW costs for American families for this year and beyond. President Biden refuses to face the necessity of carbon energy, at least until a logical transition plan to renewables can be created with an implementation timeline that is legitimate. There are ways to quickly eradicate the horrors Biden’s energy plan has created. For details of ten things that could be implemented quickly that would help fix the problem, click on this link:
  • Has the nation forgotten the soap opera trial of this century involving two lawsuits filed by Amber Heard and Johnny Depp against each other? Most Americans consider the issue resolved as the jury ruled for Depp that has put Amber Heard on the line owing Johnny $10 million plus! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt pulled the trigger on Missouri’s statewide abortion ban immediately after the Supreme Court’s decision was revealed.  Missouri is one of 13 states that had “trigger” laws that immediately went into effect with the Court’s ruling. What is entailed? For complete details, click on this link:
  • This story is about a woman having babies, but it in no way includes anything about abortion. It’s a story of a Texas woman who in 2021 discovered she was pregnant with her first child. However, the story doesn’t end there. In fact, it continues. She found out months later she was pregnant with a second child! And she gave birth to twins. Wow! For complete details, click on this link:

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