Saturday Bullet Points: March 11, 2023

Just how insane can one President be? Biden’s new budget proposal was released Thursday. I won’t go into the details here. But if it is passed as-is, it’ll raise our debt from $31 Trillion to $52 Trillion in ten years! That’s just one of the crazy things happening this past week. Let’s take a look back.

If you’re new and don’t know how our Saturday Bullet Points work, it’s really simple. After each “bullet point,” we give you a few sentences describing one of the week’s big stories. After reading each point, click on the blue arrow if you want more details. You’ll get transferred to a full story. If you’ve heard the story or don’t want any details, click on the next bullet point.

Let’s get started!

Bullet Points

  • It’s impossible for anyone to credibly declare illegal immigration is not one of the greatest debacles in U.S. history. More than two million illegals have been waved across our southern border during Joe Biden’s presidency. And he’s only half-done! We know there were millions of illegals already in the U.S. Most of them live “off the grid” where no one knows who they are, their pasts, or how they live financially. Experts, however, have come up with two numbers to consider in processing this significant issue: illegal aliens’ true cost to Americans and the threats many of them bring with them. For answers and complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s needless to say this, but I will anyway: the release by Tucker Carlson of FOX News of previously unseen video footage from the January 6, 2021 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capital has set the political and media worlds on fire this past week. It’s been humorous and telling to see who joined the media mob in damning Carlson and FOX News for airing it all. Most revealing is that NONE of those screaming about it have given any facts to support their cries. And there are quite a few Republicans that have joined their Democrat counterparts in the attacks against FOX and Carlson. Who’s doing it, and what are they saying? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s common knowledge that the Chinese Communist Party controls — if not owns — Tik Tok. It’s also common knowledge that millions of Americans watch this social media site daily. What’s NOT known is exactly what the Chinese are doing to infiltrate the internet using Tik Tok to steal U.S. secrets and the personal information of U.S. users. To that end, Congress is taking moves against Tik Tok with intentions to stop Tik Tok usage by those in the U.S. Not unexpectantly, President Biden made it clear he’s against blocking Tik Tok in the U.S. But he’s had a change of heart this past week. For complete details, click on this link:
  • I don’t think I’d want to be Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WVA). The odds in West Virginia are stacked against him. He’s the only Democrat in a national office in the state. All the government officials are Republicans. And Manchin seems to come under fire regarding almost every issue that comes before the Senate from a state full of Republican voters. Manchin has sparingly supported GOP ideas in crafted bills. Of late, however, Manchin seems to be leaning more to the right while supporting more and more Republican ideals. The Senator, this past week, voiced his concerns about President Biden breaking the law regarding the Inflation Reduction Act. How so? By selling the bill as a Climate-friendly Green Bill. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Professional sports for years was a place where sports fans of all ethnicities, sex, nation of origin, and religions could go and have fun with all others who, for the same reasons, watched their favorite sports team and players. I remember when I, as a youngster waited desperately to find out who were the MVPs of Major League Baseball, the NFL, and the NBA at the end of their playoffs. However, things change, don’t they? The NBA is finishing its season and will soon announce who will be this season’s MVP. Imagine the horror when one ESPN Analyst played the race card when commenting on who the MVP voters are in the NBA. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Actress/Activist Jane Fonda is infamous for her often-offered leftist positions on numerous contentious issues. The latest of her platitudes came Friday regarding the Dobbs decision of the Supreme Court that determined abortion is NOT a federal right. On “The View,” Fonda made her case for doing whatever is necessary to guarantee women can obtain abortions. And Fonda actually stated that “murder” should be justified, if necessary, to obtain an abortion. Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme? For complete details, click on this link:
  • As mentioned in the above introduction to our “Saturday Bullet Points,” President Biden dropped his gauntlet, announcing he’s “in” for the budget fight against Republicans. Numerous economists have broken down his proposed budget. And each have scored the proposal at face value to mean we, over the next ten years, will raise our national debt from $31 Trillion to more than $50 Trillion. Needless to say, Republicans are NOT prepared to fall in line with their votes for Biden’s proposed budget. What will it take to get the debt ceiling raised and a budget approved? The Freedom Caucus announced their demands on Friday. You’ll certainly agree that the Caucus has “different” ideas for U.S. spending than Democrats. And the Freedom Caucus has announced THEIR demands. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Bank failures are unheard of in the U.S. — at least in the last few decades. But Friday marked the historical failure of the nation’s 16th largest bank: Silicon Valley Bank. Honestly, I’d never heard of “SVB.” How could that be? It’s a west coast bank that caters to the Tech Industry. Therefore, most of its operations happened on the west coast. But the important question is, “What happened? What was done wrong? Who are the wrongdoers?” It will take time to unwind the details and wade through the finger-pointing. But the Feds will certainly find and report those responsible and their actions. However, many Americans are certainly losing many dollars with the shuttering of that large bank. Who are those impacted? How much will be lost by the bank’s stockholders and depositors? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Are you as confused as me regarding the various rules schools are making to “accommodate” students who are uncomfortable sharing locker rooms with transgenders? Almost daily, another school incident shines a light on how stupid it is to “need” to make these special rules. An Arizona school and school district are the latest to have one such bomb dropped in their laps. (Oops…”laps” may be a sexist term to use in this story!) Here’s a novel idea: let’s make certain EVERY student uses the bathroom/locker room sharing with others who share their biological sex. For complete details, click on this link:
  • I’m breathless! I am counting the minutes until I discover who wins the Oscar for “Best Picture” and “Best Actor” this weekend. Yep, the Oscars will make another attempt to regain their credibility, which they lost years ago, by giving Oscars to pictures and actors that most Americans have not seen, don’t want to see, and the actors on each who seem always to win the awards. All the while, the Academy voters have NO connection with the Americans who spend millions of dollars on their favorite movies, which matters little to those voters. If you’d like to see how many voters rank the public’s favorite movies for the Oscars compared to the gamblers’ opinions of who and which pictures and actors will be picked, click on this link:

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