Saturday Bullet Points: May 27, 2023

We accomplished adding one more candidate to the race for the GOP Nomination for President in 2024. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially threw his hat in the ring this week, to no one’s surprise. Shockingly, he chose to join Elon Musk and make his official announcement live on Twitter. It was a bomb! But he’s in. And we now have a horse race for the nomination.

Elsewhere, Mr. Biden continues to watch his favorability with even his fellow Democrats plummet. More than half of the Dems don’t want Biden to run for re-election. I guess they’ve had enough inflation and outrageous prices for everything while the social mandates from the Left strangle Americans in every city and every age. Who decides what is acceptable and what is deplorable? Many have seized that power with which they unilaterally crack the whip to keep us all in line. But who knows who is “authorized” to do so and who makes that determination? Don’t be tempted to say it’s President Biden. He defers to Jill to let him know when his Depends need to be changed!

Seriously, we ARE in a bad place as a nation — worse than I’ve seen in my 69 years. Americans are growing fearful of our future. Why? We’re watching the erosion of each of the cornerstones set 240 years ago in the establishment of the greatest nation in World history. And with that erosion goes the health and vitality of our precious republic.

So, what’s next?

Let’s get through this weekend before we begin the pontification about “tomorrow!” We’ll get us back on the road really soon, I promise. But, sadly, Joe Biden will surely not be driving the bus — at least, I hope not!

Let’s look back at the week’s big events and catch up on any we missed.

Bullet Points

  • This past week saw contention in Congressional hearings on both sides of the Capitol: the Senate and the House. FBI Christopher Wray found himself on the hot seat as he artfully deflected questions asked by members of Congress about many things, but specifically about documents that allegedly prove the Biden Family Syndicate took millions of dollars from the Chinese in what can only be described as a “quid pro quo” operation. What continues to dodge the production through a subpoena of a particular document a whistleblower testified contains specific evidence of Biden’s personal involvement in Chinese corruption. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Do you remember the Tom Cruise movie “Minority Report” from a decade ago? It was a futuristic law enforcement movie in which artificial intelligence enabled law enforcement officers to determine who would commit serious crimes long before they occurred. That gave those officers the opportunity to confront the “futuristic” lawbreaker and prevent future crimes. AI today is probably the most contentious topic of technology to spring into focus for everyone in the past year or so. Many experts are aghast at the specific capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and are encouraging world governments to stop its further development across the board. A former CEO of Google maintains that AI will be able to kill an unimaginable number of people beginning very soon! For complete details, click on this link:
  • President Bident received major pushback about the Memorial Day holiday vacations he announced. Why? Our debt ceiling increase is looming. According to Treasury Secretary Yellen, we will default on our debt obligations in just a few days. Though we’ve never done so, speculation abounds about the dire consequences we will see if we default. Biden has barely spent time negotiating the House bill passed a month ago to handle this. House Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) clarified he would negotiate any time and place with the President. But Biden has other thoughts. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans feel strongly about the source (or sources) they choose from which to get the news every day. Do you remember when, back in the 70s, we had only three television news networks from which to choose: NBC, CBS, and ABC? Oddly enough, all three seemed to be on the same page about EVERY important event in their news reporting! I cannot imagine how that could possibly happen in today’s polarized news world. Our news is dominated by “opinion” rather than “fact.” And everyone has an opinion about everything! Who do you think today’s Americans have chosen to believe regarding the news? A majority of Americans chose one announcer to be that person. Who is it? For complete details, click on this link:
  • If today I asked you who is the most dishonest lawmaker in the House of Representatives, who would you name? That name isn’t hard to remember if you’re Republican. What lawmaker has led the charge to diminish former President Trump with insinuations that seem never to quit? Which House member was entrapped by an American morning show in a live show where the fake Russian announcers convinced this lawmaker they had serious proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia to fix our 2016 election? Hint: Sean Hannity gave this lawmaker a nickname that will certainly follow this legislator to the grave! For complete details, click on this link:
  • DeSantis didn’t wait long to throw some controversy into the election ring. Florida’s governor announced he is running for the Republican nomination for President in 2024. He’s known for his conservatism and outspoken battles with the Disney Corporation and “Wokeism,” as it plays out across his state. Besides taking on Florida’s largest employer in evil battles that dominate headlines, DeSantis wasted no time after declaring for President to put Jan. 6 haters on notice. He stated that he “could” pardon any and/or all those who are currently behind bars as results from one-sided federal trials are seeing many of the alleged offenders end up behind bars — several for a very long time. What are the stakes for a candidate in threatening such actions? For complete details, click on this link:
  • School choice is quickly becoming a hot topic regarding public education nationwide. Multiple states have already enacted school choice programs that, while varying in exact details, all offer the parents of school-age children the ability to choose which schools their children will attend- public or private, or parochial. In each of these programs, public tax funds that are earmarked strictly for use in public schools will be earmarked to follow students to whatever school they desire to attend. The Left are beside themselves as they watch their power of education slip away after years of dominating every aspect of school education. What does school choice look like, and which state approved such a program this week? For complete details, click on this link:
  • The sleepy little South Louisiana town of New Iberia recently got the shock of a lifetime. The female manager of Arby’s found herself stuck inside a walk-in freezer. Of course, such freezers come equipped with emergency measures to get out of the freezer if and when something happens to the normal entry-exit mechanism. Not so in this one case. That manager found herself trapped inside. Her inability to get free from the freezer cost her her life! Sadly, her son was the one who discovered his Mom in a fetal position in the freezer with bloody hands from scratching and clawing in desperation to get out. What could have sparked such horror? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It is shocking for the nation to learn this week that the Biden Administration labels various groups as terrorist and/or dangerous organizations based solely on the “opinions” of such groups within the Biden Camp. Numbered among such groups are Christian organizations! Think about it: Black Lives Matter is NOT among the group, nor is Antifa. Both organizations are well known for their terrorist operations over the past few years, yet the Biden Administration does NOT include them. Watch this video for complete details:

  • It shouldn’t shock any news organizations that the Biden Administration “put a lid” on public appearances, meetings, and press briefings for the Memorial Day weekend. But the fact that our debt ceiling dead end is just days away made most in the media confident the White House would remain in full gear during the holiday. But it’s not to be! In fact, the White House Correspondents’ Association is slamming the Biden administration for NOT holding briefings as the debt limit default deadline looms. It is inconceivable that President Biden and most of his staff took the long weekend off rather than remain in D.C. to work with Republicans to reach some consensus on our debt limit renewal. It’s NOT to be! For complete details, click on this link:

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