Saturday Bullet Points: November 20, 2021

The U.S. watched multiple bizarre things happen domestically and abroad during the week. How much of all that did you know about and understand? How much of it did you miss? Make no mistake: Americans — ALL Americans — MUST stay plugged into the crucial happenings of each day. It’s more important than almost any other period in U.S. history. The future of the Republic is at stake! EVERY American needs to stay awake and consume factual information to make decisions: personal, family, business, and government choices.

If this is your first venture into our Bullet Points, here is how the process works: After each bullet point, you’ll read a few sentences synopsizing the content of an important issue. When you read those sentences, if that information is something you’ve already digested or that you don’t care too much about, skip to the next bullet point. If you want MORE information about the story, click on the small blue arrow at the end of those sentences. That will take you to a complete story where you can digest ALL of the content.

Please have a great weekend! Now, let’s get started with today’s Saturday Bullet Points.

Bullet Points

  • The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse jury deliberated for the 4th day on Friday, trying to reach an agreement on the guilt or innocence of Kyle Rittenhouse in that triple-shooting last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that left two dead. The reasons for the contentious atmosphere surrounding this trial were, and still are, ironic in that all three men shot were white, as is Kyle Rittenhouse. That puzzles many who think it’s about racism. Black Lives Matter was daily during the trial protesting against an innocent verdict after the Mainstream Media portrayed (confirmed twice by President Joe Biden) that Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist. There are NO ties between Rittenhouse and any racial group at all. On Thursday, an alleged MSNBC photographer followed the jury van purportedly to take pictures of the jurors. Kenosha police officers stopped him because of the potential issues his doing so would likely initiate. The judge in the case blocked any MSNBC personnel or cameras inside the courtroom. After deliberation of the five charges against Rittenhouse, the jury gave the judge their verdicts. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The question of how our president would feel about whatever the verdicts were in the Rittenhouse case we “thought” was established when President Biden immediately AFTER the conclusion said “I support the verdict of the jury.” But, apparently the President had not spoken to his “handlers” before saying that. To no one’s surprise, he later gave Americans a different “observation.” For compete details, click on this link:
  • Not to be relegated to the sidelines, one MSNBC show host, Joy Reid, lashed out at Rittenhouse on her Thursday show. In a twisted example of “true” racism, Reid compared the flood of tears of Kyle Rittenhouse during his testimony at the trial to those of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearing. She labeled both Kavanaugh and Rittenhouse “Karens,” a derogatory label used to denigrate people by members of the so-called “Cancel Culture.” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Another weird story hit the streets on Friday from Pfizer regarding the pharmaceutical giant’s process to document its testing of Bio-N-Tech and Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccines to present to the FDA for approval. A watchdog entity filed a Freedom of Information request for all the research documents submitted by Pfizer to the FDA with which approval was given. But Pfizer wants to prolong the time for production requested to provide these documents. You will NOT believe how long Pfizer has asked to provide this. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • No one but close friends and relatives knew Beto O’Rourke until his campaign to unseat Texas Senator Ted Cruz in 2016. His campaign was divisive, with Beto embracing EVERY far-left legislative item that Democrats touted. And he came close to defeating Cruz. However, with the approval ratings of the President and Vice President and Democrats in general plummeting daily, it was a shocker to learn that O’Rourke has thrown his political hat in the ring to take-on incumbent Greg Abbott in the upcoming Texas governor’s race. For an inside look at Beto and what’s up, click on this link: 
  • How bad is COVID-19? That’s a question asked by tens of millions of Americans almost daily. The answer to that question is simple: we don’t know! Despite all the “science” quoted to us by the experts, we are still in the dark regarding almost every aspect of the pandemic nearly two years into this. But one thing is sure: COVID-19 is terrible and kills people. But there’s one other thing: COVID-19 vaccines are ALSO killing many Americans! The CDC issues a report every Friday with the latest reported cases of COVID-19 vaccination adverse reactions. And a large number of people have died from the vaccines! For the details of all those adverse reactions, including the reported number of deaths, click on this link:
  • COVID-19 certainly takes a toll on an unknown number of Americans. Not every case of COVID-19 is detected. Many are asymptomatic. But there are a large amount of “ancillary” deaths involving circumstances that accompany COVID-19. One such case is of a man arrested for not wearing a mask to protect against the virus while riding a bus. The man was jailed only to die later in a jail cell! What could have happened to cause this? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Amazingly, the surges of COVID cases around the nation have NOT been uniform or even predictable throughout the pandemic. Experts have repeatedly warned that if we “do” certain things, we will probably not catch the virus. And if we “do not” do certain things, we almost certainly will get COVID-19. No matter how hard we try, it seems that somehow COVID-19 finds a way to defy the instructions and just cut a swath across parts of the country without explanation. Doctors are worried across northern Colorado. For some reason, COVID-19 is blasting that part of the state without any cause. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The Jan. 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol has initiated incessant arguing about who and what happened and why. Those on the Left maintain it was a coordinated affair with former President Trump involved in planning and implementing what happened while conservatives push back against those allegations. There were indeed very few injuries to folks that day that were a direct result of the so-called “insurrectionist” attacks that never materialized. And though the Left claims there were many shootings and several deaths, the facts say otherwise. But there was at least one person there who really IS a white supremacist who is in deep trouble somewhere else: Arizona. He’s known as “Baked Alaska” and is facing serious charges in Arizona not related to Jan. 6. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The continual claims by Democrats regarding interference in all things federal government related by white supremacy groups have been diminished a bit. The U.S. Department of Justice has filed charges against two Iranians for “foreign interference in our 2020 election!” How in the world could that have happened? These two provided a fake video to the GOP showing supposed ballot tampering. And they falsely identified themselves as members of the white supremacist group “Proud Boys.” For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The upcoming week is considered to be the busiest travel time of the year annually. Thanksgiving travel — air and ground — are flooded with holiday travelers. Airlines are worried about the crush of travelers that are predicted to number as high as 20 million over the Thanksgiving holiday! This marks the first time in 18 months where “normal” holiday air travel is anticipated in numbers. But how have the pandemic circumstances impacted air travel this season is still unknown. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Abortionists are shaking as they anticipate what and when the U.S. Supreme Court will do regarding the Texas abortion law that has been appealed. Guess what: it is very “likely” the Supreme Court will weigh in on the case as early as this coming week! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • When advising Bill Clinton in his bid for re-election, James Carville made a statement to political pundits regarding what is the most important issue to Americans at election time. His words rang true then and still do today: “It’s the economy, Stupid!” The upcoming midterm elections will undoubtedly be critical to all Americans living through problems that no one even dreamed ten months ago might exist in advance of next November’s elections. The nation’s economy is foremost in importance. What part of the economy troubles Americans the most? For complete details, click on this link: 

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