Saturday Bullet Points: November 7, 2020

It’s the last day of the first week of November. Not too much happened this week in the U.S. Ha! But there were a few other items that seemed to have been lost in the fray. So why don’t we just put the election chaos to the side and spend a bit of time catching up on some other important things that are out there — not saying at all the election and all that’s part of it should not dominate our thoughts.

If you are just joining us in this Saturday event, here’s how it works:

Of the important stories we found that many missed, we will give you a few sentences describing each. If you want more details simply click on the link at the end and go to the full story to get all the information. It’s simple. What better way to start the weekend than by eating a bagel with a hot cup of java in hand while catching up on the important things from the week. Enjoy!

Bullet Points

  • Potential fraud in voting in the election on Tuesday is still a dangerous and real possibility. President Trump and the Department of Justice have launched a full investigation on numerous fronts that include civil and, apparently, possible federal action. In fact, the federal attorney in Utah announced Friday he’s taking a leave of absence to join the forces to investigate numerous reports of voter fraud in several states. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • I like this guy: Victor David Hanson. When he gives his opinions on various news outlets, he’s always cool, calm, deliberate, and factual. On Friday, he confronted the craziness that has erupted and intensified through the last four years in America’s Mainstream Media. Would like to get a “cool, calm, deliberate, and factual” perspective instead of the raving? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Much has been made of the automatic support by African American and Latino voters of Democrat candidates during my lifetime. (I’m 67) It was understood (and confirmed by Democrats often) that members of the minority communities are “supposed” to support Democrat candidates because Democrats care for them — Republicans don’t. It came as a shock to D.C. Democrat Party Leaders when during the past four years, members of the minority communities that include multiple movie stars, sports heroes, and music entertainers saw that Donald Trump was a president who not only committed to minorities while campaigning, when elected he put considerable effort and dramatic improvements in place for minority members just as he promised! That was a change and no doubt caused the switches. How big a change did it cause in election results? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • It’s sad but true. Police on Friday had to rush to an area near the site of vote counting in Philadelphia. Why? A bomb threat. Isn’t it abhorrent that in our nation today there are those who resort to such tactics to sometimes express anger, sometimes just for a thrill, and sometimes to slaughter a bunch of people? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • It was only a matter of time. We knew that Democrats would probably hold the majority in the House. We were shocked that, at least so far, NO Republican House member has lost a seat! Further, twelve Republicans flipped House seats from blue to red. We thought the cries for Speaker Pelosi’s crown would not begin until Christmas. But they have already started! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We haven’t heard much about any boost of women to Congress, have we? A bunch of Republican women won House seats! How many and who were they? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Do you yet have one of those Ring camera/floodlights in place? We got ours’ about three years ago. It’s uncanny! We can be in another country and via the internet see who is coming to our front door and even speak to them via our Ring system. Well, Mississippi police are finding there may be a good and realistic way to lasso Ring to help them expand their surveillance operations. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We all saw and heard the threats by numerous Hollywood elites to leave the U.S. if Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. He won, and, to my knowledge not a single one moved away. Interest in this election has sparked not just threats this time, but people actually making plans to do so. But everyone should really investigate all the intrinsic pieces of leaving the U.S. permanently. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • In the midst of all the politics, don’t forget it’s about to get cold in the U.S. It does that every winter! But U.S. cold weather is not confined to the months of December, January, and February: it’s pretty cold already in Chicken, Alaska. Try 41 degrees BELOW ZERO! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • OMG! Shark Week is over, isn’t it? Well, one Great White shark didn’t get the message. “Maybe he’s been watching reruns and assumed they were live shows.” That monstrous Great White has been spotted tooling the shallows off Key Largo, FL. Do you think that has kept a few swimmers and jet ski jockeys on solid ground? For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Lots of folks really like New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is young, attractive, very fluent in at least two languages, and has become an American icon of Socialism. It was expected that a Biden election would move our country further to the Left very quickly. But, it appears that AOC and “The Gang” are going to have a real uphill battle after the election results. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The uncertainty that surrounds every aspect of COVID-19 has really changed the lives of every American, and not just Americans, every person on Earth. I’ve heard many important questions asked about elements of the disease, its effects, and how to best treat it. I’ve heard SOME answers, but not many. But now there’s a new question: “Can COVID-19 be sexually transmitted?” I don’t know about you, but that’s probably something that should be considered — except for one thing: I doubt many people REALLY sick with COVID-19 are too keen on having sex! For complete details, click on this link: 

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