Saturday Bullet Points: October 12, 2024

How divided are our government leaders going to allow us to become? No matter what their goal is, they’re marching us toward destruction. They don’t care much about the division in the nation. No matter the political perspective of our so-called “leaders,” they all have one commonality: they lust for the power that comes from division. They don’t care that the power of division is harmful and, therefore, bad for at least half the nation. How can they justify hacking off half the nation to lock the other half into their string of propaganda? That’s easily answered: angry and hateful people are usually more willing to act on their emotions than are those who are “reasoners:” those who refrain from acting on negative emotions. They’ve discovered that finding consensus with others is more profitable than pouring gasoline on the fires of division.

The fires of division are burning brightly across our Nation!

Keeping this in mind, let’s look at a few of the week’s most important stories. It will be difficult to choose the top ones — there are far more available this week than most other weeks. Keep that in mind. We can’t fit all of them into this one offering. Keep your eyes open in the upcoming days. And don’t hesitate to share a link to any critical story you find that we haven’t acted on here. After all, what we’re doing, we’re doing it “with” you!

Bullet Points

  • I’ve been waiting for former President Obama to appear in this presidential race. He came through this week. When he appeared in Pennsylvania to (very obviously) try to coax black men to “come back” to the Democrat foal and support Kamala, he took an approach that infuriated many of those he was trying to win. Instead of giving black Pennsylvania men reasons to support Kamala Harris, he makes a racist rant against Donald Trump. Does he seem a bit desperate to you in this rant?

  • Let’s stay right here for a moment. Barack Obama, when elected, for eight years told the World that every good thing that happened in those eight years was directly tied to his personal governing. He didn’t stop there. He claimed that everything good that happened during Trump’s four years was also something that Obama did- not Trump! Of course, all those bad things we experienced under Obama were Bush’s fault. And Biden’s people are out today parroting all of these talking points in desperation to try to move voters to Kamala! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Since Orwell’s bestseller 1984, people from all over Earth have forecast that powerful politicians around the World are surreptitiously pushing us toward a “One World” government. Of course, for that to possibly be an effort that could succeed, whatever group — if there is a group — would be required to penetrate the Justice System for the entire Earth while simultaneously taking control of a majority of the governments of all nations. For decades, that has surely been impossible. But maybe not now! In the aftermath of the massive numbers of legal cases arising from the cries of election fraud in numerous states, one powerful “dark money” group is threatening lawyers across the U.S. who choose to represent Donald Trump in any litigation having to do with allegations of voter “fraud” or “irregularity.” Their threat is to force the disbarment of those attorneys to ruin their careers! (So much for the Constitutional right to access the judicial system to settle disputes!) For complete details, click on this link:
  • OMG: Hillary has been given a microphone in THIS election cycle! Of course, her instant cries are those echoed in her recently released book, just in time for another round of Hillary’s screams about Donald Trump stealing her presidency. However, Americans are tired of Hillary. That recent book justifies their angst for the former Senator and First Lady. Her book sales should get her attention. But she hasn’t yet noticed. It’s a flop! How so? For complete details, click on this link:
  • In his speech in Pennsylvania, Obama blasted former President Trump for saying that hurricane relief has not arrived for thousands of private citizens in North Carolina who lost everything to Helene and that many have not yet seen any federal employees there to help. “How dare Trump lie to those people!” exclaimed Obama. However, news slipped out that VP Harris, in preparation for her visit to the hurricane-ravaged state, had a C-17 cargo plane loaded with hurricane relief to stage a photo for Harris, adding the aircraft was never sent to aid in hurricane relief! Reports of FEMA’s abysmal j0b in North Carolina are still being denied by many in the Biden/Harris Administration. Eye-witnesses are still reporting horrible treatment by FEMA and the lack of cooperation with locals in the few areas they have finally arrived at. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans realize that only registered American citizen voters can legally vote in federal elections. Daily, facts from multiple states have shown that hundreds of thousands of “non-citizens” have been registered to vote, and an unknown number of those have already voted early in the November election! It may shock you that, knowing the above legal requirements regarding voting, the U.S. Attorney General has sued the state of Virginia for purging non-citizens from the voting rolls!  Does that reveal anything to you? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Disney is one of the most visible entertainment names on the Planet. Its movies, theme parks, cruise ships, and the millions of world citizens taking advantage of all of Disney’s family opportunities have been a staple for decades. However, Hurricane Milton changed that quickly. Disney World closed while Milton made its trek across Florida. Disney announced on Friday that it would reopen this weekend. However, many Floridians are verbally attacking Disney for reopening so suddenly because so many victims of the hurricane cannot get their lives jump-started so soon. People are VERY upset. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Kamala Harris surprised many by agreeing to and participating in a Univision town hall. This happened right after Hurricane Milton. Many of the people there were victims of the hurricane. DeVory Darkins held his show shortly after the town hall. He pointed out that Kamala conducted herself in the usual Kamala fashion that showed up during her discussions with Latino voters in the crowd:

  • We mentioned earlier what happened in Virginia when the state removed thousands of illegal aliens from Virginia’s voter rolls. The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit AGAINST Virginia for doing so. Guess what? According to Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) announced that the Texas Department of Public Safety has issued driver’s licenses, commercial driver licenses, and other IDs that number 2,824,613. That’s one issue. The other issue is far more important: the Texas Secretary of State has allowed those IDs to enable the holders to obtain voter ID! Remember: non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections. How will this sudden action impact the upcoming election? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Israel has NO plans to walk away from their plans to eliminate all of its foreign foes who continue to declare they will destroy the nation of Israel and eliminate every Jew. Of course, those foes are Hamas, Hezbollah, and even Iran. Israel has ramped up its actions in Lebanon to continue finding and eliminating the leaders of Hezbollah. For the latest about this war, click on this video:

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