Saturday Bullet Points: October 2, 2021

Have you had a great week? Well, the week’s NOT over yet. You have today. So let’s make today great by catching you up on the top stories of the week.

Click on the first bullet point. You’ll see a sentence or two that describes the content of that bullet point. If you want more details, click on the blue arrow “hyperlink” at the end of the sentence to be transferred to a complete story. If you don’t want more information, click on the next bullet point.

Enjoy your weekend!

Bullet Points

  • Do you know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley, called his Chinese counterpart in the aftermath of the 202o election chaos and told that Chinese general that the U.S. was NOT going to launch an attack on China? Why the call? Milley said that the Chinese general stated that the Chinese government was nervous about a Trump attack on their country. Now, Milley has received demands to provide proof of those claims that China was worried about such an attack. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The escalating costs of everything for Americans are skyrocketing. Historically, such an incident portends inflation. One economist has sounded a loud warning that massive inflation is not “on the way” but is already here. And it’s historical! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Did you hear the back and forth between that college student and VP Kamala Harris from this week? The student blasted the U.S. government for renewing their financial support to the nation of Israel to assist in replenishing Israel’s “Iron Dome,” which protects the country from rockets launched from neighboring states into Israeli’s back yards. Harris declined to confront the student for her statements! Guess who’s taking notice of Harris’ NOT correcting the student? Iran! For complete details, click on this link: 
  •   Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan is under assault by his policies! His threats of massive new taxes on corporations and individuals, along with his egregious CO VID-19 vaccination mandates, are scaring corporate CEO’s to death. Many have renewed their once “shelved” plans to bring corporate profits being held in foreign countries back to the U.S. and massive expansions to reassume outsourcing much of their operations to China and other Asian companies. Lordstown Motors in Ohio has announced they’re selling one automotive process to a Chinese company. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • This story blows my mind. Amid the massive flood of illegal immigrants at our southern border, we have discovered that one member of the Biden Administration is “re-training” border authorities to a “new” fact: an illegal immigrant crossing illegally into the United States is no longer grounds to arrest them! This concept defies logic. But more importantly, it ignores federal law that states otherwise! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • There is a rush by Americans from every sector of the nation to take President Biden’s vaccine mandate to court to block. After Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin voiced a similar order requiring EVERY member of EVERY branch of the U.S. military to be vaccinated against COVID-19, two military members have filed a class-action lawsuit against the Pentagon. Though this case is enormous and inclusive, it’s received very little publicity because military members are confronting military leaders legally. This will be interesting to watch as it plays out. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, finds himself mired in controversy of his own making after the Afghanistan withdrawal. It was revealed that Milley AFTER the 2020 election but BEFORE the inauguration of Joe Biden reached out to his counterpart in China with assurances that Donald Trump would NOT launch an attack on China. Milley stated he did so because the Chinese were worried about Trump doing so. Gen. Milley noted in a classified congressional meeting that he informed former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of this entire story. But Pompeo says Milley did NOT pass that information along. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • There’s big-time division among Congressional Democrat leaders. On Friday, it was made clear when I learned that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had secretly cut a deal with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on the maximum dollar amount Manchin would agree to on any spending deal: $1.5 Trillion. And the pair signed an agreement stating that. The problem is that this agreement was made and signed two months ago, and Schumer didn’t let House Speaker Pelosi in on even its existence until Friday! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We at TruthNewsNetwork wanted to discover for you specific lies/promises that Joe Biden made as a candidate and as President. Guess what? We found more than a few. For your Saturday morning entertainment, we thought we’d pass those along. To see the Top Ten, click on this link: 
  • Isn’t it wonderful when great museums, art galleries, symphony halls, etc., are funded with large donations to facilitate their construction and operations? Doing so has always been a staple of the American Spirit. That’s precisely what happened in the Los Angeles Film Academy Museum building, which opened its doors Thursday, September 30, thanks to several large donations. One of those significant gifts — $20 million — came from the Chinese Communist Party! For complete details, click on this link: 
  • President Biden has been routinely excoriating “those evil, rich, big corporations” that, he says, don’t pay any taxes. “It’s time they all pay their fair share!” Each of the Biden “Build Back Better” ideas come with a hefty price tag. But, no worry: to pay the tab, Joe is pushing for massive tax increases on “those evil, rich, big corporations.” But isn’t it a bit hypocritical for the President to demean those corporations for what he calls “cheating the American Middle Class by not paying their fair share?” Biden has spent years avoiding significant federal tax liability by using the same system employed by those corporations. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • Guess who signed up to join the Biden “Vaccine mandate” train? California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Friday that students in California will now be vaccinated to attend school in person. Part of his requirement does not kick in until the FDA fully approves vaccines for the impacted age groups of students. For complete details, click on this link: 

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