Saturday Bullet Points: September 28, 2024

It was another busy week across the nation and the World, giving us another week of unexplained political happenings. We shouldn’t be surprised! In this current political environment, no one should expect there to be much logic in the news items we’re fed. The closer we get to November 5, the hotter the political climate gets—and the more lies we’re told.

Between today and election day, I encourage you to stay close to “TNN Live!” and It’s tough enough to find all the facts that apply to that day’s important events. In addition, we hear at least three different explanations for every such thing happening. Then, add the leftist drivel to the equation, and we find ourselves — if not careful — wandering away from the truth. We don’t have time for that!

Let’s look at the week’s top stories, covering the top events. To make it easier and quicker for you, they are in “bullet point format!”

Bullet Points

  • We’ve all heard this: “Same song—second verse.” In the case of so-called political experts passing along their wisdom to us during this election cycle, many military and national security experts signed a letter explaining why they support Kamala Harris for President rather than former President Donald Trump. What’s odd about this letter is that it appears to mimic the letter many of these same experts signed in the 2020 election, declaring the Hunter Biden laptop story was nothing more than “Russian disinformation.” Those claims were quickly debunked. However, something is oddly familiar about these two letters and who they were signed by: nine so-called experts who signed the letter in the last election! Hmmm…too obvious to be acceptable. For complete details, click on this link:
  • An interesting development occurred during our Southern Border invasion. At the beginning of the Biden-Harris border debacle, Americans were told over and over these migrants were mostly Central Americans running from their horrible conditions at home and, therefore, requested asylum in the U.S. Very quietly, immigrants in mass numbers have been coming into the U.S. in more significant numbers than previously. And it appears that Joe/Kamala is instructing these “new” immigrants to rush to beat any “legal” immigrants seeking to come here legally. And a massive number of these are coming from China! For complete details, click on this link:
  • How bad has the criminality been by those illegals that Biden/Harris have welcomed into our country since 2020? A report released Friday by ICE gave us a glimpse of much of the crime committed by illegals released by ICE into the nation at Biden/Harris’s instructions. Before taking a look for yourself, remember that the number of criminal “convictions” is just a representation of how bad it is for this administration to knowingly bring criminals into our nation with no regard for our safety. Also, remember that both Joe and Kamala have told us for several years that “the Southern Border is secure. To see complete details, click on this link:
  • Let’s look at additional data compiled this year by the one Southern Border state that compiles and publishes the actual types and numbers of criminal offenses committed by illegal aliens between 2011 and April of this year. Why is Texas the only border state to let the nation know how horrible is the criminality of many of the illegal immigrants in Texas alone? And why haven’t the national news entities reported these numbers themselves? has published the updated Texas numbers every year!!! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans are horrified as these statistics of crimes committed by illegals are reported in the media. Worse is the knowledge that Biden/Harris have been doing so while purposely hiding it from the Nation! It’s sad to know our government is deliberately turning our nation over to not just immigrants wanting to make a better life for themselves and their families but also to the worst groups from the populations of dozens of countries around the World. To make matters worse, is it a surprise for you to learn that 158 Democrats voted against a bill in Congress that would force “non-citizens” who commit violence against women to be immediately deported? For complete details, click on this link:
  • We all heard the warnings about Hurricane Hellene, headed toward Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Those warnings were mainly for the anticipated massive flooding that would make this hurricane one of the most dangerous in decades. One man in Tennessee, living in the same town for 41 years, watched as his business and town were wholly and quickly destroyed. Take a look at how quickly his life and the lives of thousands of others will never be the same:

  • The Middle East war between Israel and Iran’s proxies is escalating daily. On Friday, Israel launched a successful attack against Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut. An Israeli official also confirmed to The Jerusalem Post that the Nasrallalh had been one of the targets of the attack. The official added, “Hard to believe he [Nasrallah] got out of it alive. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Special Counsel Jack Smith is doing everything he can to get as much damaging information about Donald Trump’s so-called “legal issues” out to the public as possible before the November election. His latest attempt on Friday is shocking. In the ongoing effort among prosecutors to work around a Supreme Court ruling in July that gave Donald Trump immunity for official acts he took while president, special counsel Jack Smith wants to file a public version of a Thursday brief with “substantive” information from witnesses in Trump’s election interference case. (Whatever happened to previous Attorneys General who consistently demanded “no prosecution of any candidate for any reason during a campaign season?) For complete details, click on this link:
  • This news will probably come as no surprise. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ administration is allowing up to 650,000 criminal migrants and suspects to roam through American communities, according to a dramatic data dump by a House Republican.“The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals,” reported Fox News, which got the information from Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX). How much worse could it be? For complete details, click on this link:
  • I’ve always wondered how involved the nation of Iran is in the government and operations within our government. Joe Biden was far more connected than most Americans thought. Why else would a U.S. president agree to pay $6 billion for Iran to release a handful of hostages? More information released this week exposes closer ties between the U.S. and Iran. A former Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) contractor was indicted Friday for acting as an illegal agent for the Iranian government, the Department of Justice said. And there’s much more to this story. For complete details, click on this link:

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