The “Experts”

Today’s story is quite different from most you see here. In fact, there’s no story!

I have a few things that I want to see. I have a few “reminders” that I want to “tell” you instead of “write for you” today. And that’s exactly what I’ve done.

Today I have put my thoughts in verbal form and would love for you to hear as we head into the weekend. Maybe we should just call it a “Podcast Only” day. I hope it’s OK with you. After all, we’re going even deeper today at 9:00 AM Central in TNN Live. If you didn’t hear, we had over 1 million in our audience yesterday for TNN Live! That’s really exciting to me and I hope to you as well. And today on TNN Live, we dig even deeper into the insanity in Washington. You don’t want to miss it.

Regarding the podcast below, I teased a little bit with today’s title of what you can expect in its content. Humor me and take 20 minutes and give it an ear. I’d certainly appreciate it.

Oh, be prepared to get mad! Today in the podcast we’re using the words of the “Experts” to expose the “Experts.”

You’ll love it!


1 thought on “The “Experts””

  1. Everett and Ann

    Concerning Podcast Truth News
    Friday May 15, 2020
    Wow! Hearing the dates and what was said or printed is a great timeline to put the covid 19 madness in perspective. This podcast needs to be heard by everyone including the ones who said it or wrote it. Faced with actuality, however, they probably still will not see or admit that they could be wrong or heaven forbid were actually wrong, and should set the verbal record straight or print a retraction in the interest of actual truth and their own integrity. So many talking heads and so many pointing fingers placing blame and at the same time claiming they are blameless and/or being ignored or victimized. Or – the worst thing ever – being judged!!! Many adults have become like impudent children, but instead of kicking their feet and rolling around on the floor throwing a tantrum – they argue, are rude and insist on being heard, talk over others – won’t let the one questioned answer before they interject more of their thoughts? I use the term, thoughts loosely.
    Integrity, truthfulness and dignity, respect and honor – where have these qualities gone?

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