The Face of the Democrat Party

From 2008 through 2016, the Democrat Party face was that of former President Barack Obama. Though many of his policy positions changed during his 8 years, it was certainly obvious “when” he made those changes and “where” specific changes ended up. In today’s Democrat Party, not only is the determination of who is the face of the party impossible, so is the determination of the Democrat Party platform. Let’s see if maybe we can narrow the options for those determinations.


So who is the Democrat Party’s leader? Is it House Speaker Nancy Pelosi? Or is it new Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Are Democrats looking to get governing ideas from the left-leaning, aging, yet experienced and powerful California Speaker, or from the young, energetic, Socialist from New York? Here we are two years after Obama gave the White House keys to Donald Trump and we still don’t know who is leading his party. Rank and file Democrats don’t even know!

Consider this: they made it through the 2018 midterm elections and fared very well. But the question that many Americans are asking today is “Can the Democrat Party not just survive the 2020 election, but can they wrestle control of the Senate and the White House away from Republicans? I don’t have a crystal ball, but if history plays a role here, it is doubtful Dems will gain control of both while maintaining their House majority. And that should weigh heavily in their decisions regarding legislation and how the House operates in the next two years. And, quite honestly, they’re not getting off to a good start.

The House

Oh, the House of Representatives is in session? Few know that answer with certainty. All we seem to hear (because all the mainstream media want to “report”) is “Trump’s government shutdown.” They forget that the President has put four different offers for resolution on the table to which Pelosi and Schumer have not only declined but refuse to make counter offers. Maybe that’s the way the House Democrats feel they can win control of the entire government!

Yes, there ARE things happening in the House of Representatives — but nothing substantive. They have offered at least 6 bills passed by the Democrat majority for government funding. But they did so purely symbolically, knowing there was nothing going to happen across the Hall. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made it clear weeks ago that the Senate would not waste time considering those bills or any that the President would not sign into law — and that was NOT going to happen for any legislation that did not contain funding for the southern border wall. If we rely on what’s happening now in the House, there is NO party leadership at all.

House Speaker Pelosi is back in charge. She wielded her substantive power and apparently cut deals with those Democrats in the House that opposed her return. But she is known as by far the best campaign fundraiser for Democrats in House history. For that, they needed her in their corner.

But is she the best “Face” for the Democrat Party? Who can forget this:

Remember that statement? She was referring to what history will probably show as the most expensive law in U.S. history: The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Remember this: the Speaker of the House — Nancy Pelosi — told EVERYONE she did NOT know what was in the bill nor did any other Democrat in the House or Senate. But we needed it passed so we could “find out what was in the bill.”

You can’t fix stupid. And that statement was and is stupid.

The Senate

Over there sits Chuck Schumer — New York’s “Obstructor in chief.” If you look up the definition of “Obstructor,” you’ll see Chuck’s picture!  He forgets there is YouTube that documents EVERYTHING we say and do. Here’s a collage of Schumer’s very obvious flip-flops on a myriad of policies:

Cabinet appointments, policy questions, judge and other position appointment confirmations: ALL — at least according to Schumer — should be handled in the Senate whatever way DEMOCRATS say they should! His hypocrisy in these videos is actually hilarious. Why? BECAUSE HE RIGHT NOW IS ONE OF THE DEFACTO LEADERS OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! It would be funny if it was not for the fact we need someone in HIS position who is really ready-enough to deal with legislation strictly on the grounds of what is best for the country. And in Schumer’s own words: “How can any President not get confirmations for the appointments he makes. Good God, he’s the President!”

Oops…it seems that Chuck only believed that when Obama was in office. He planned on that working the same way during a Hillary Clinton two-term stint at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But the American people thought otherwise.

So who is running the Democrat Party? Let’s go BACK to the House of Representatives:

AOC: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The new member of Congress from the New York suburbs has set the political world on fire. She’s young, she’s energetic, AND SHE’S A SOCIALIST! But let’s correct that: she’s really not a Socialist — she’s a “Communist-light.” As she speaks more and more in the public in interviews, rallies, and appears on television and radio talk shows — basically everytime she opens her mouth — she proves just how virtually incoherent she is discussing “facts” about all things American. Putting it mildly, she doesn’t have a clue:

Let’s put this freshman member of Congress and her political views in perspective: she has shared her ideas and ideals throughout her campaign to many who live and work in New York, fellow members of Congress since her election, on all these talk shows on television and radio, and still the Mainstream Media are fawning over her simply because she’s young and attractive, speaks well, and is a minority Congressional member of the House of Representatives! Apparently, those are the only traits necessary to be considered a potential leader of the Democrat Party.

Do Americans really support that concept?

  • 60% of Americans polled support AOC’s plan to assess a 70% federal income tax rate on wealthy Americans;
  • She stated that the very existence of billionaires is evil and that no one in the United States should be a billionaire;
  • While appearing on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show following President Trump’s address to the nation on the crisis at the U.S. Southern border, she attacked Americans opposed to illegal immigration and glossed over the recent murder of a legal immigrant police officer Cpl. Ronil Singh;
  • A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that, if the 2020 presidential race was between Trump and Ocasio-Cortez, 43% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 40% would vote for Ocasio-Cortez. A sizable 17% are undecided;
  • And then there’s this:


In AOC’s own words, “Call me a radical.” I remember Americans pretty much saying the same thing about that junior Senator from Chicago when he ran for President. Democrats (and enough “other” Americans) felt the U.S. needed a president that would bring radical new ideas to the nation. Obama’s views were radical when compared to the mainstream. And for eight years, he did his best to fulfill his promise to “lead the nation in fundamental change.” Unfortunately for the U.S., his leadership drove us in economic devastation and eroded almost all of our international credibility while killing our military might.

Are Democrats ready for new “radical” leadership? Are U.S. citizens ready for that including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents? Thankfully, the New York radical is not old enough to make a bid for the White House. But, the leadership of the Democrat Party is in her sights. And mind-dumb Millennial and Generation Z-ers are enough in number to probably see that happen.

70% Tax Rates: hopefully we will NEVER see that — at least not in my lifetime!


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