The House vs. Department of Justice: It’s WAR!

In keeping with our commitment that “If it’s Relevant, You Will Find it Here,” the Thursday testimonies by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Chris Wray ARE relevant. To say that several Congressmen threw a shot across the bow of Wray and Rosenstein is being kind! There’s no better way to illustrate for you just how frustrated members of the House are at the constant resistance from the DOJ and FBI to turnover relevant documents to Congress regarding multiple investigations than to simply show you contentious confrontations between Wray, Rosenstein, and a couple of House members. If you’re reading this, see the video of the two below. If you’re listening via Podcast, coming up first is Trey Gowdy (R-SC) followed by Jim Jordan (R-OH):

Congressman Trey Gowdy takes on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein


Congressman Jim Jordan goes Postal on Rod Rosenstein

As you can see/hear, both of these Congressmen are having a really tough time with accepting what the Department of Justice and FBI are NOT doing in supplying Congressional committees with documents as requested by Congress. To make matters worse, several times in responses to Congressional requests for documents and information, DOJ and/or FBI DID provide a small number of requested documents. But those documents are so heavily redacted much their content is unintelligible. When Congress asks for explanations for the redactions, the DOJ and/or FBI respond the redactions are to protect classified information.

That in itself seems prudent today, especially in the case of protecting national security. The Mueller Russian Collusion investigation is NOT a criminal investigation, rather a “counter-intelligence” investigation. Because it is labeled as such, investigators are able to label certain information and documents “classified.”  Doing so allows those agencies to redact certain documents (or to simply not provide certain documents) and designate persons revealed in the documents with numbers rather than their names, all to justify hiding those to “protect identities of confidential informants, and to protect ongoing investigations.”

Clearer now? Well it darkens a bit. As committees in Congress have turned those requests for documents into subpoenas, and then to threats of potential impeachment of those who obstruct Congressional requests.

Some documents have been turned over to Congress. But in most of those, committees have discovered the real reasons for the FBI and DOJ to delay sharing many of those documents in the first place. Their reluctance was NOT for security reasons at all, but to protect each department from being embarrassed by the redacted information in documents provided.

Seeing now how Jordan and Gowdy go so angry and insistent to Rosenstein and Wray?


It’s pure politics! And it always has been.

I will not add portions of questions in this hearing asked by Democrat members. Let it suffice to say that every question I heard asked by Democrats of Rosenstein and Wray were softballs that were choreographed to make it easy for the two to slide right through today’s hearing unscathed with an assurance that Dems “have their backs.”

One Democrat made a demonstrative effort to illustrate just how ridiculous Republicans are for their insistence for documents and information from DOJ and FBI about an ongoing investigation, not allowing investigators to complete their work. One Democrat angrily noted that in any investigation, evidence obtained by prosecutors is never discussed with the subjects of that investigations or their lawyers. And he further denigrated all those in Congress that would expect such a ridiculous thing to happen was realistic. Such demands certainly verify that the G.O.P. is merely on its own witch hunt to give the President’s legal team ammunition to mount their defense against the certain pending Mueller indictments of the President and/or members of his campaign. Republican members should just trust the DOJ and FBI and let them finish!

It seems certain that Mueller WILL be allowed to finish the investigation — and at extreme cost to taxpayers. (Unofficial reports of expense so far are at $22 million)


It’s true, Democrats in Congress: Congressman Trey Gowdy and Congressman Jim Jordan (just like most Americans) don’t trust the FBI and DOJ to conduct a fair, thorough, and accurate investigation into these matters. Why?

Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele, Bruce Orr, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and all the others who have been caught in lies, massive political bias, manipulation of evidence to affect the 2016 election and to even to impeach President Trump — that’s why millions of Americans do not trust the Mueller investigation.

Mr. Rosenstein and Mr. Wray: THEY DON’T TRUST YOU!

 A big “ditto” to what Trey Gowdy said in his remarks to Rod Rosenstein: it’s time for Mueller to bring forward the evidence against President Trump and/or members of his campaign for Russia collusion to impact the 2016 election results — not to give to the press, but to give to an empaneled Grand Jury to prosecute.

As Gowdy concluded, “You must do this. This is tearing our country apart.”

Final Note

Answer this question for yourself: Why the intense effort to hide information, documents, names, dates, meeting details, etc., if nothing was done wrong, against regulations, laws, or policies? And why are so many people obviously so afraid they will do anything to protect themselves?

Answer: there are many people in Washington D.C. that do not want the American people to know the truth about all of the “stuff” those people are hiding.

I am confident “The Truth will Out.”


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