The Master “Electioneer:” George Soros

George Soros is 89 years old, but by gosh, before he dies, he’s going to see to the internal destruction of America.

At least that’s how it seems.

How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?

In the last few years, Soros has taken to trying to take over local law enforcement agencies by pumping massive amounts of money into candidates he favors in key district attorney races.

“George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the US justice system,” Politico reported, way back in August of 2016. Soros was overwhelming with cash to support Democrats in local and state law enforcement. In my sleepy little town of Shreveport, Louisiana, Soros made a $250,000 donation to a Democrat Party PAC that supported an African American lawyer for the office of District Attorney. Not a U.S. Attorney or a state Attorney General — a local District Attorney!

“PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for prosecutor,” The Washington Post reported in June, about the money from the Justice and Public Safety PAC that went to the left-leaners of both Arlington County, Virginia, and Fairfax County, Virginia.

“Soros Adds Intrigue and $800,000 to D.A. Race, Backing Progressive,” The New York Times reported in November.

The district attorney’s office is one of the first local lines of defense of the Constitution and the rule of law. That means the potential for immediate progressive impact is huge — and it’s an impact that can be had without all that costly political fighting over, say, a senator’s seat, or a Supreme Court slot.

Buying D.A. seats gives you good bang for the buck, in other words. And oftentimes, quietly, unbeknownst to those who might oppose.

That doesn’t mean Soros isn’t busily buying into congressional races, too. or the media. Or — and this, particularly in recent months — the grassroots.

Democracy Alliance, a nonprofit founded in 2005 to advance a progressive vision throughout America, and funded by wealthy elites, recently shifted its charitable giving strategy from think tanks in high-powered Washington, D.C., to small, mostly unknown groups in various communities. Why?

And Soros recently personally funded an $18 Billion donation to his 501(c)3 organization — one that is supposed to be a charity (according to IRS regulations) that is prohibited from participating in “electioneering!”

Think the IRS has called Soros to announce an impending audit?

Call it — once again — under-the-radar influence.

Politico in 2018 described the process: “Kevin Rodriguez, a 19-year-old aspiring singer in tight jeans and gray-and-white Nike high tops, had never heard of the powerful progressive donor group Democracy Alliance. But he is a key part of the secretive billionaire club’s plot to flip the Sun Belt. The donor clique, which counts George Soros and Tom Steyer among its members, is quietly giving funds to a handful of local grassroots groups like Rodriguez’s employer, Living United for Change in Arizona.”

It’s a strategy aimed at quietly taking down President Donald Trump, one “new voter in rapidly diversifying states across the southern U.S.” at a time, as Politico wrote.

It’s a strategy that skirts the enemy’s knowledge, and therefore, oftentimes, the enemy’s win.

And it’s a strategy that takes full advantage of dark money-type donations that are difficult to track and even more difficult to thwart.

It’s one thing for Soros to take his hatred of this president and his disdain for free market America to the public stage — as he just did in Davos, when he criticized Trump as a “con man” whose “narcissism” has turned “into a malignant disease,” as CNBC reported.

It’s another for Soros to slide, on the sly, his anti-American influences deep into America’s politics and culture. And now: education.

In Davos, he announced the infusion of $1 billion into a new Open Society University Network to fund schools around the world — to “educate against nationalism,” is how the Financial Times reported it.

In other words: to train the next generation in the evils of sovereignty — to teach the emerging youth how to become good obedient citizens of the world.

Soros calls it his “most important and enduring project” ever. No wonder. It truly could be. If successful, it could mean the collapse of borders, the implementation of world government, the end of America as we know it.

If children are the hope of the future, America’s children must be educated on the greatness of America — before it becomes too late and America, as a sovereign nation, hasn’t any future at all.

The Man

George Soros — born György Schwartz in Budapest on August 12, 1930 — escaped from his home country after World War II and put himself through the London School of Economics and eventually earned a Master’s degree in philosophy.

His career in the financial world really began with his first hedge fund, Double Eagle, in 1969 and in 1970 formed Soros Fund Management, later known as the Quantum Fund. He gained notoriety in the early 1990s for shorting the British Pound, leading the country into Black Wednesday in 1992 — and adding $1 billionto his wealth in the process.

Though he was active in European philanthropy — including in his home country of Hungary — during the 1990s, Soros’s foray into U.S. politics didn’t start until the 2004 presidential election when he gave John Kerry $20 million in his run against George W. Bush.

He also helped fund the liberal think tank Center for American Progress and — and he started talking openly about conservatives, saying that the U.S. would have to experience “a certain de-Nazification process” once Bush left office.

Soros also backed President Obama during his first election, but told the New York Times that Obama was “actually my greatest disappointment” because he never asked for Soros’ advice.

“He made one phone call thanking me for my support, which was meant to last for five minutes, and I engaged him, and he had to spend another three minutes with me, so I dragged it out to eight minutes,” he told the Times. “He was someone who was known from the time when he was competing for the editorship of The Harvard Law Review to take his supporters for granted and to woo his opponents.”

Soros donated $25 million to Hillary Clinton and other democratic causes during the 2016 election — and he’s often accused of silently backing everything from the 2017 Women’s March and the Occupy Wall Street protests. He did provide millions to the Women’s March through his Open Society Foundations, but didn’t pay people $300 to show up.

But though he’s supported his opponents, Soros is complimentary of President Donald Trump, telling the times that he was “very afraid” that he’d “blow up the world,” but is pleased with how he’s reached out to Kim Jong-un and North Korea.

“I think the danger of nuclear war has been greatly reduced, and that’s a big relief,” he said.

But don’t expect the answer to “who is George Soros supporting politically” to turn to conservative candidates. He’s predicting a Democratic landslide in the 2018 midterm elections.

Trump is a “purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner,” Soros said.


There’s plenty of irony in that those in the American Left — especially Hollywood’s Left — personally demean the wealth of capitalism while building huge mansions and piling up millions in the entertainment industry. It’s OK for them to do so, just not you or me.

That irony stretches into politics. It’s always been laughable to me to watch and listen to a spoiled group of artists, musicians, actors, and their “clingers-on” demean every person who disagrees with them personally. And in doing so they always claim they are individuals who are deep thinkers who “know” what’s right and what’s best. How could everyday Americans be so gullible as to think our lives are significant in any way — especially when measured against their lives!

Soros is “their” guy.

I’ll stop here: there’s too much irony and hypocrisy to even read through this story yet alone life through it.

They just don’t get it.

But here’s what they DO get: including Soros. Capitalism in conjunction with our Representative Republic is the antithesis to the beliefs of these elitists. They continue to pedal their cries for socialism: “The rich are evil. We need to tax them from their financial class and take that money to distribute among the plebes!” Yet, many who make those cries don’t realize that within that espoused philosophy is the seizing of THEIR accumulated wealth to do just that: distribution.

But those cries are NOT cries that come from Soros. He sees a grand and mighty autocracy that will look at these Hollywood and east coast “Elite Waanabes” as scum not worthy of membership. Soros is European. He knows how to pacify the masses while coddling elitist hangers-on.

Neither class will ever pass muster. But the autocrats handpicked by a paltry few will pass right by those wishers and hopers on their way back to World political domination at the hands of — you guessed it — Marxism.

The IRS SHOULD be auditing Soros and his 501(c)3. But I’m certain that will not happen. The word is that the IRS Director wants a seat at the Soros table.

That’ ain’t gonna happen either!

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