The “Other” Kavanaugh Woman

Christine Blasey Ford has come forward to accuse Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct that dates to the 1980s when both of them were in high school. Because the Supreme Court nomination is so politicized, some people are wondering about Christine Ford’s politics. Is Christine Ford a Democrat or Republican? What are her politics?

Ford graduated with an undergrad degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and went on to receive her Master’s in psychology from Pepperdine University and a Master’s degree in education from Stanford University. She also has a Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Southern California. She teaches graduate students in clinical psychology, specializing in statistical models for research projects. She’s also a visiting professor at Pepperdine University, a professor at Stanford School of Medicine, and a research psychologist for Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry.

Ford married her husband, Russell Ford, in 2002. He is a senior director at Zosano Pharma, and also received a Master’s degree and Ph.D. from Stanford. The couple has two sons.

Years after the alleged sexual assault she stated was perpetrated by Kavanaugh, she began to show signs of symptoms and “had increasing anxiety.” Before meeting her husband, she also struggled with relationships with men: “I think it derailed me substantially for four or five years. I was very ill-equipped to forge those kinds of relationships,” she said.

Her Professional Career and Politics

Ford is a registered Democrat, according to The Washington Post. In addition, The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump.

Ford works as a professor at Palo Alto University and teaches in consortium with Stanford University. She has written or helped write more than 50 journals, book chapters, and other articles. One study focused on trauma as a result of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that she was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink vagina hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

Ford has made contributions in the past to various Democrat candidates and causes. The federal campaign donation website lists these donations for Christine Blasey, which is how Ford is known professionally. Among them: In 2017 she made 3 donations each for less than $30, 2 in 2014 for $35 and $3.50: one earmarked for the Democratic National Committee, one designated for Bernie Sanders.

Ford’s attorney — Debra Katz —  says Ford would testify in a public hearing. The Senate Judiciary Committee has set a hearing in which to hear Ford for Monday, September 24, but as of this writing has not received confirmation from Ford or her attorney about appearing at that hearing. On September 16th, after the Washington Post published an article with Ford’s first public description of the alleged incident, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, questioned how Democrat members handled a confidential letter from Katz detailing her side of the story but also said he would gather more information.

Just for a point of political perspective, Debra Katz is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by Geroge Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Katz is also a hefty Democratic donor, giving thousands of dollars over the years to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other leftist candidates.

The accuser initially did not want to talk publicly about the allegations because she viewed Kavanaugh’s nomination as extremely “politicized” and because she feared doing so would put herself and her family at risk, Katz said. To that end, since the Post article published, Ford has received “hostile threats” and “recrimination.”

Her intent in sending the confidential letter to members of California’s congressional delegation, including Judiciary ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, was to provide information about Kavanaugh’s character. Feinstein did not ask the nominee about the letter or its allegations during her 50 minutes of allotted time to question him during a confirmation hearing earlier this month. But after the existence of the letter surfaced in media reports, then subsequent articles detailed the charges, “that decision was taken from her,” Katz told CNN.

Christine Ford came forward on September 16, 2018, to The Washington Post and revealed that she was the anonymous woman who has accused Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school – accusations that Kavanaugh has strenuously denied. Ford, 51, says she instantly thought Kavanaugh might “inadvertently kill” her during a party in the early 1980s after he and a friend corralled her in a bedroom and the Supreme Court nominee pinned her to a bed and groped her over a one-piece bathing suit. Kavanaugh denies the allegation. She says another high school friend of Kavanaugh’s named Mark Judge was in the room. Judge, a D.C.-based writer, previously told The Weekly Standard – before Christine Blasey Ford was named – that the account was false.

Ford’s Facebook page and LinkedIn page appear to have been deleted, although it’s not clear when.

Ford’s Actions in Revelation

In her letter which was read to The Post, Ford described the incident and said she expected her story to be kept confidential. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, the name she uses professionally.

Though Ford had contacted The Post, she declined to speak on the record for weeks as she grappled with concerns about what going public would mean for her and her family — and what she said was her duty as a citizen to tell the story.

In 2012 while in couples therapy, she reportedly discussed a sexual incident that occurred when she was in high school. She released those notes to the Washington Post. The Post story said Ms. Ford told her therapist about the alleged incident during couples therapy with her husband in 2012. The therapist’s notes do not mention Judge Kavanaugh by name but say she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” There are some discrepancies in the therapist’s notes and the interview with The Post, which Ms. Ford blamed on the therapist.

Ms. Ford told The Post that she said nothing at the time, not even apparently to her girlfriends because she didn’t want her parents to know she had been at an underage drinking party.

Conservative Ben Shapiro after examining the therapy notes and hearing Ford’s explanation of the incident detailed the differences:

“Ford showed her therapist’s notes to The Washington Post. Those notes conflict with her account. The notes don’t include names, instead stating that the alleged perpetrators were ‘from an elitist boys’ school,’ and had since become ‘highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.’ The notes also state that four boys were involved, not two; she says her therapist got it wrong, and that there were four boys at the party but only two boys involved. Another therapy session the following year includes the charge that Ford underwent a ‘rape attempt’ in ‘her late teens,’ but she was allegedly 15 – not late teens – when this incident occurred. Her husband, who was present for the first therapy session, said Kavanaugh’s name was raised, but the Post account doesn’t say that Kavanaugh was called the alleged perpetrator.”

Kavanaugh Confirmation Hoopla

“Sixty-five senators met individually with Judge Kavanaugh during a nearly two-month period before the hearing began, yet Feinstein didn’t share this with her colleagues ahead of many of those discussions. It raises a lot of questions about Democrats’ tactics and motives to bring this to the rest of the committee’s attention only now rather than during these many steps along the way,” Judiciary Committee Republicans said. That apparently won’t be enough for Senator Feinstein.

“There’s a lot of information we don’t know, and the FBI should have the time it needs to investigate this new material. Staff calls aren’t the appropriate way to handle this,” she told Bloomberg News.

Even though the Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a meeting in which to hear from both Ford and Kavanaugh, Ford has not accepted an invitation to appear. (In our summary below, we analyze that fact and what specifics are playing into this event and its expected outcome)

“Men will be Men”

What is all this really about? Is it about wrongdoing of men who sexually assault women? Or is it about a conservative Supreme Court Justice nominee and Democrats fighting to defeat his confirmation as they did of Supreme Court Clarence Thomas in 1991?

November 20, 2017, we published a narrative titled “Men Will Be Men.”  It detailed exactly what we face today with not just the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh, but the environment that fosters these sexual abuse problems and the problems they initiate.

In it, we stated this: “It appears that in Washington D.C. a culture of sexual harassment has been thriving in the highly charged atmosphere in which some of the most powerful people in the World live and work. We now have learned that for some time, the House of Representatives has maintained a ‘Sexual Harassment Slush Fund’ comprised of taxpayer dollars. It is used specifically to payoff interns, pages, and some junior staff members who have been sexually abused or harassed by their bosses and/or other House members and senior staffers. We do not yet have any of the details of the fund, dollar amounts, who has used it, or how it has been specifically used, but media calls for those details are ringing out. Do not be surprised for a Freedom of Information Act court order to obtain the House release of that information during the holidays. Obviously, members of Congress probably are not going to take the lead on stopping the longstanding practices involving sexual impropriety and abuses among their ranks.

Here’s the 900-pound gorilla in this room: Lady Liberty. Problem is, the #1 thing that makes America the greatest nation in human history is the fact that the government does not impose its thoughts, ideas, rights, and wrongs on U.S. citizens. Our “Bible” is the Constitution. While the landmark separation of how the government treats its citizens in right and wrong disputes — at least in criminal cases — is ‘innocent until proven guilty.” We each have the “presumption of innocence.’ No, that legally does not apply to civil matters. But its reality reaches far into Americans’ discernment of rights and wrongs.

The dilemma is this: how can an absolute answer be found in most of these cases when evidence that can prove or disprove sexual harassment and abuse allegations that have been buried sometimes for decades? Should we in the cases of these most often hidden transgressions decide based on a default position of guilt or should the accused be ‘innocent until proven guilty? And who would make that determination? Lady Liberty — long the symbol of American fairness in such determinations — wears a blindfold while holding a scale. When if ever is it right for someone — anyone — to with a finger change the balance between guilt and innocence?”


There are two travesties being committed in this “circus” as we labeled it in yesterday’s story. One is that this is an attack on the due process of the determination of guilt and innocence in the U.S. No, these allegations are probably not regarding criminal activity. If not criminal, they would certainly be civil in nature. But in either case, those charged with wrongdoing in the United States have always had the commitment from the American people to be “innocent until proven guilty.” Once again, in the world of American politics, Leftists are endeavoring to take away that right and determine guilt by allegations, no facts, and no evidence.

Do you know what is really going on here? Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and other Senate Democrats have joined forces with their House counterparts Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters to do anything and everything they can to not just prevent Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the next Supreme Court Justice. They are doing everything they can to change the outcome of the 2016 presidential election!

We have seen it again and again. Democrats were devastated by the election results. Every Democrat — from DNC leadership to rank and file Dems — just knew the White House would be home to Hillary and Bill for another 8 years. And they do not lay that loss at the feet of the American voters who are the ones who thwarted their dreams of another near-decade of “liberal euphoria.” They lay that loss at the feet of members of the Republican Party and House and Senate leadership.

What we are witnessing is the all-out move of the Left to summarily and steadily undo the constitutional method of choosing those who govern in the United States. Don’t think for a moment Hillary’s comments about Trump supporters coming from her “basket of deplorables” as her solo opinion of conservative Americans. We see again and again Leftists thumbing their noses at the concept of a representative republic, the electoral college, the free market system, capitalism, AND liberty and justice for all.

Leftists are today more than ever committed to Socialism in America even though it has never succeeded in any country on Earth!

I’ll finish this with this example of what I state in the above paragraphs:

Debra Katz — Ford’s attorney who is known as a leading legal advocate for those women who allege sexual attacks from others — made it clear on Tuesday that her client has NO obligation to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee or any other group. Why? In her words (paraphrased): “My client has no responsibility to prove that what she is saying is true. It is incumbent on Brett Kavanaugh and Republicans to prove that she is NOT telling the truth!”

Imagine for a moment what that world would look like: there would never be any need for anyone to run for political office. Why? No matter how committed or qualified a candidate would be IF the political elite were in charge of who might be unqualified based simply on alleged wrongdoing, those elitists would decide who governs in the U.S.

Our forefathers traveled half-way around the world to escape such a system. European countries were each run in that same manner. A “ruling class” unilaterally determined what was right and what was wrong, who was “eligible” to be in their class and who was not. It was a reprehensible life for most. America gave those early settlers a chance at a new life: one that offered justice for all and equal opportunity.

This Kavanaugh confirmation circus is evidence that the Politically Elitists on the Left want to take the United States back to that place in World history.

The question is simply this: will Americans standby idly and let that happen?


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