The Truth About All-Things Congressional

You must believe me when I say it seems that everything being done in Washington in and by this Congress is a mess. The House Democrat freshmen members are steadily pulling the Democrat Party farther and farther to the Left while Senate Democrats have joined with House Democrat leaders to spurn the exhaustive Mueller Report and replaced it with their incessant demands for testimony before their committees regarding anything and everything to do with Donald Trump. They simply refuse to accept the fact that Mueller and his 20 Democrat attorneys who all despise this president in 2.5 years could not find anything on which Congress can use to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump. And they are going nuts.

TruthNewsNetwork turned to Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA) to get some answers. He paused to answer some of our questions and share his thoughts on all of these and other critical issues.

Congressman Johnson is in his second term in the House. He’s heavily involved in the legislative process, details of which you are about to hear, and serves on several House committees that each have critical roles they play in government. Two of those committees are knee-deep in two of the greatest political issues of the day that dominate the news 24/7. Those committees are the House Judiciary Committee and the Homeland Security Committee. It is safe to say Congressman Johnson sees in a bit more detail than we when looking into those committee’s two critical issues: the Mueller Investigation and Illegal Immigration.

We pause here but will be back with Congressman Mike Johnson in a few minutes at Truth News Network.

(The balance of today’s offering is in our interview of Congressman Johnson. Please join us on the Podcast for that conversation.)


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