The “Wrap-up Smear”

We all have wondered how for the past years whenever attacks come from those on the Left, they seem to be coordinated. Most Americans when seeing this happen over and over again have only two options in their determination of what is happening. One is to simply believe what those on the Left are saying is true. The only other believable explanation is that there is some liberal conspiracy designed and implemented. The latter seems unrealistic because there are so many involved in the process, it would take immense efforts to coordinate with everyone to be on the same page. But it seems that there is now a third option.

America looked on as the angst from the Left reached a fever pitch during the Kavanaugh confirmation process. That angst revealed itself in well-coordinated demonstrations in multiple cities but especially in Washington D.C. Protestors stormed the Capitol, famously confronting Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) in an elevator. That confrontation was documented on national television. Was it planned and coordinated? (Read on for the answer) Senate Judiciary hearings were flooded with protestors who in a coordinated fashion consistently interrupted proceedings by screaming and then visibly being dragged out of the hearing by Capitol police. Demonstrations outside the Capitol and Supreme Court involved hundreds and even thousands of protestors. What was going on?

Planned or Not

Immediately after the Saturday afternoon vote in which Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed through a Senate vote, it was revealed that many of those protestors were actually paid to protest. The obvious financial “backer” was globalist George Soros who, it was later revealed, actually through several of the non-profit organizations he funds, DID pay for protestors regarding this confirmation process. How many? I doubt we’ll ever know.

You have seen and heard many conservative radio and television talk show hosts point out that the media have adopted the role of being the second branch or arm of the Democrat Party. It has been uncanny to watch MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, C-SPAN, the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and other news outlets in seemingly coordinated fashion parrot the same talking points over and over again. They all have been unified around one cause: to discredit Brett Kavanaugh while “reporting” anything that looked bad about the nominee, saying anything no matter what it took to block his confirmation. Before Kavanaugh and certainly going forward, this approach has been and will be to perpetuate daily criticism of all things Trump.

How did all this media uproar and furor become unanimous in content and timing in its presentation? Was it really planned and coordinated? Is there some vast conspiracy that involves all the liberal media in cahoots with the Democrat Party?

The answer to the last two of those questions is “yes” and “yes.” The answer to the first is “Wrap-up Smear,” a process used by Democrats for a long time in fighting against conservative legislation and appointments. Even though it has been in operation for decades, in the brutal and far-reaching drive by the Left to kill the Kavanaugh confirmation, its identity and its uses slipped through the carefully devised and maintained veil of secrecy hiding the Left’s operational guidelines so no conservatives know how it’s used.

Carefully watch and listen to Pelosi, Blumenthal and other politicians separated by reports from liberal media reporters. Nancy Pelosi in a press conference actually exposed the Democrat coordinated plan and tells how they use it:


Any conservative who dares to call tactics of the Left “conspiratorial” is immediately excoriated by all on the Left. The power of this tactic so successfully used again and again has been fueled in the past by its anonymity. With the Kavanaugh hearings, this tactic of “Wrap Up Smear” has been exposed to the World to the Left’s horror. Remember this: the one thing in which evil and darkness cannot exist is light. The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and associated news hysteria have shined the light on this conspiratorial process used by the Left. I did not make that up, and I am not some conspiracy nut job.

I liken this current political process employed by the Democrat Party to what in my city we experience with a powerhouse high school football team. Evangel Christian Academy is a very small private school (less than 400 students) that has amassed 14 state high school championships while playing in the Louisiana High School Athletic Association’s public school category. There are dozens of Evangel alumnae who have played in the NFL and are playing right now at the NCAA Division 1 level who are probably headed to the NFL.

One can imagine the furor targeted at this small private school’s football success from public high school coaches and school administrators. Even some other private school administration and sports personnel hate their success as well. For years, this public school organization has systematically endeavored to push Evangel and at least one other private school in the state from its ranks. Evangel and this other school have weathered the outrage and are still at it.

What’s the big allegation from coaches and administrators from Louisiana public high schools? Evangel is successful they must be cheating. But in more than 20 years, Evangel has been the most investigated high school in LHSAA’s history, according to its longtime executive director. And Evangel has never been found cheating. Still, the allegations by others continue annually and become deafening about September 1. That’s when football season starts!

How does this analogy compare to the “Wrap Up Smear” of the U.S. political Left? Both have the same fundamental premise as their foundation: “We will NOT change our operations to compete with others by working to rise to the same level in which they play. Instead, we will just go out in the public and make unfounded allegations of cheating against our opponents. That is much easier than working harder and working smarter, and surely will achieve the same results.” But they never do.

But they HAVE worked in the past. But how?

Their success draws from the same fuel used in peoples’ animus against that private high school. Rather than find and implement the same or similar processes used for a couple of decades by Evangel’s coaches in preparing players in whatever ways necessary to pick up 14 championship trophies, they opt to verbally denigrate Evangel, perpetrating the thought, “If they’re winning this much, it must be because they cheat.” That effort has not worked to stop Evangel Christian Academy. It has not worked for America’s political Leftists either. But as in the case in Louisiana among public school administrators and coaches, the allegations continue from the Left against conservatives.

By the way, what’s the definition of insanity? “Doing the same thing, again and again, expecting different results.” Doing so has not worked in Louisiana, has not and will not work for political Leftists in the U.S.

Should Conservatives be Afraid?

No. Conservatives should be invigorated! The exposure of these tactics prove several points:

  • Democrats and their minions are running scared. And as most know, it really is hard to make good decisions when one is afraid. It daily becomes more obvious the Left is NOT making good decisions;
  • When one knows for certain who their enemies are, it is much easier to plan and implement specific responses aimed directly at a specific target. Conservatives now know for certain where their arrows need to fly;
  • This craziness of the Left being revealed to all of America proves that there really IS a conspiracy in American politics — and that conspiracy is NOT from conservatives. There is a real conspiracy on the left that includes Democrats AND the drive-by media.

What are the opposites of “Fear?” “Trust” and “Faith.” Conservatives in government, for the most part, trust the current administration — especially now that this leftist conspiracy has been exposed. Further, those same conservatives have stronger faith than ever before to believe all of the positive information being revealed every day about the good things happening for Americans of every socioeconomic sector. And those Americans know for certain these good things are direct results of the Donald Trump Administration.

EVERY Leftist is horrified by Trump Administration success.


As promised, today’s story is the first that we will share this week detailing the falsehoods that have been sold to the American public by Democrats and others from the Left. As the clock ticks and pages of the calendar turn toward the midterm elections, two things are critical:

  1. Conservatives MUST get out to vote. Not doing so will give Democrats control of the House of Representatives and possibly control of several Senate seats currently occupied by Republicans. And even today the Democrats along with their watchdog leftist Media are promoting the investigation and impeachment of Brett Kavanaugh if they win the House. Though Dems know such an attempt would not be successful in unseating Justice Kavanaugh, their hope is to keep their base stirred up so as to ensure maximum numbers of votes;
  2. Every Republican MUST engage in understanding how critical it is for all to fight back against the tyranny of the Left is trying to turn our government toward Socialism. Simply understanding it is NOT sufficient. All must engage in this process of educating everyone within our circles of influence. “You shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.”

I really do not think a midterm blue wave is coming. But I know for certain the Left is energized in a way I have not witnessed in my lifetime. Knowing the truth is one thing. Acting on that truth is something else and is much more important. If conservative Americans don’t act on these truths, knowing the truth is really meaningless.

Remember the story above about coaches and administrators from those Louisiana public schools holding such anger for that little private high school? They though knowing what’s wrong and how to successfully address the problem by stepping up THEIR game, watching their opponent and learning the truth about the success in achieving those 14 state championships, they simply stand back and mount a constant verbal attack using hollow allegations wrapped in anger and hatred. Democrats doing so in the Kavanaugh case did not stop his confirmation to SCOTUS. But unless conservatives act, they may just be successful in the midterms with a true “blue wave.”

I don’t want to watch an impeachment process. To stop it, we MUST act.





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