What Happens if Trump Loses in November? The “Great Reset”

How would you respond if I asked you, “Is your world one of questions without answers, fear without peace, anger without resolution, and unknowns with no way to know them?” If I asked that to most Americans today, they’d nod their heads in affirmation. I know I feel that way. What’s strangest of all is beginning in January of 2017, all such difficulties disappeared for most of us. Why? Because newly inaugurated President Donald Trump had begun fixing multiple things in the U.S. at once that we didn’t even know were broken. And even with the roadblocks he faced, he was successful at turning around the economy in dramatic fashion, reduced unemployment, and subsequently increased employments to levels never before seen. Additionally, he brought trillions of dollars of manufacturing back to the U.S., supervised the U.S. becoming energy independent and Earth’s largest producer of oil and gas, passed a comprehensive criminal reform bill, and gave Americans individually and even companies tremendous tax cuts. All of this while watching federal revenues climb to unheard-of levels in just three years!

Things were pretty darn good: until February of 2020. (They were good even in spite of his impeachment by the House)

Enter Coronavirus. And the slide down the tunnel of “Uh-Oh” began. And we haven’t stopped sliding as of the end of June.

But, never worry. The likes of John Kerry and Al Gore have a plan to fix everything: Global Warming, Coronavirus, national debt, cultural and religious differences, wrapped in a contrived economy that we in the U.S. will find it to no longer be our concern. I forgot: while we’re doing all that, we’ve got to ante-up a to global government the trillions of dollars necessary to prop-up this pipe dream.

What? You haven’t heard about the “Great Reset?” Although you are probably not familiar with it, it could be well on its way, if the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a bunch of other powerful global organizations have their way. Trust me, the Great Reset is gaining traction faster than a middle-school fashion fad—and this is not a good thing.

In case you don’t care to take my word for it, allow me to introduce the architect of the Great Reset: World Economic Forum founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. “A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being,” Schwab recently announced.

Yes, Schwab wants out with the old social contract, and in with the new. But, what would Schwab’s new social contract look like?

According to Schwab, “The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of our old system in terms of social cohesion, the lack of equal opportunities and inclusiveness. Nor can we turn our backs on the evils of racism and discrimination. We need to build into this new social contract our intergenerational responsibility to ensure that we live up to the expectations of young people.” What the heck does any of this mean?

As if his description there wasn’t enough to make you do a double-take, consider this statement from Schwab, “This global pandemic has also demonstrated again how interconnected we are. We have to restore a functioning system of smart global cooperation structured to address the challenges of the next 50 years. The Great Reset will require us to integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose, and action.”

I don’t know about you, but when I hear phrases like “integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose, and action” my internal alarm bells ring louder than Big Ben.

In reality, the “Great Reset” is just another attempt at a global government. And a global government is a farce. There are 195 sovereign countries in the world. It is laughable, not believable, to expect that 195 countries, accounting for more than seven billion people, would ever agree to a Great Reset.

The world is full of nations with vastly different cultures, political philosophies, and social-economic systems. Have we not learned over the past few centuries that these countries would rather govern themselves than be under the thumb of a faraway, big, unresponsive dragon of a government? Have we not learned that local government, which is closest to the people, and most responsive to their needs and unique circumstances, is vastly superior to a far-off, out-of-touch, bloated worldwide governing body?

The Great Reset, if ever enacted, would turn back the clock to the pre-Enlightenment era; to a time when individual freedom was more a wish than reality and elites like Klaus Schwab were unquestioned. The Enlightenment changed the world for the better. The “Great Reset” would set the world back centuries and thus should be resisted at all costs.

Understand This…

None of the noise during this year that turned into chaos and then morphed into an impeachment, a pandemic, and now social and racial protests and riots was accidental. “Oh, Dan. That’s just another conspiracy theory!” Rethink that, folks. There are too many moving pieces that have been craftily placed in their appropriate places at the exact time necessary to keep the fires of destruction burning brightly for this to be just “another strange coincidence.” If something looks too real to be unreal, you can always bet it’s real. And this is real.

The idea of a global government has been the dream of a group of world elitist individuals and governments for centuries. Their thought in hypothesizing this has always been, “With just one government, one economy, one set of laws and rules, the World would move smoother, simpler, quicker than it ever will with 195 different countries, people, and governments each trying to function all by themselves. One entity is the best solution for every ill for every person on Earth!” Of course, all who believe that think they are the individual and the group that is best suited to operate such a government.

In the U.S., we heard the whispers before Obama’s election that he was the globalist that would be anointed to lead such a transition to a globalist society. His pandering to the big names in Europe and the Middle East was a clue something like that was being planned. Then, John Kerry and Al Gore jumped onto the bandwagon and became Obama’s messengers to the Rothschilds of France and Switzerland, Prince Charles in the U.K., and the others who get together each January in Davos, Switzerland to plot their path. Their specific plans? One world currency and economy, Climate Change, a single worldwide military, and a globalized education system. Taxation would be from the Top Down and would include all nations. Every aspect of life in America as we know would be obliterated. That would be necessary to make it happen.

Many feel that the massive amount of government debt for every nation would prevent the implementation of such a model. Others think (and I fall into this category) the “closer” to make such a reset would be if “they” — whoever “they” are — would offer each nation the cancellation of their entire national debt if they participate in such a platform of one global government.


Know this: This coming January, regardless of who is in residence in the White House, global elites by the thousands will board their private jets from every quarter on the Globe to make their way to Davos, Switzerland to drink, brag, and pontificate about all that’s best for the World and who should pull it all together as the leader of such a utopia. They’ve had this same conversation numerous times over several centuries. But the stars have never aligned to facilitate such a radical and necessarily universal transition by so many countries. I cannot imagine even trying to get Xi Jinping of China on the same page as Prince Charles of the U.K., let alone Kim Jong Un with Japan’s President to agree on some type of unified entity for Japan that includes everybody on the Korean Penninsula.

Does this mass of Autocratic globalist wannabees think they could possibly pull this off? They very well might be successful — “If” this one thing happens: it will NEVER occur with Donald Trump at the helm of the United States.

These globalists know that. Why do you think there is such a concerted effort on every front to discredit him, his policies, his considerable achievements for the American people, and his plans for even more significant achievements in a second Trump term?

They MUST remove Donald Trump from office to allow any possible transition to a Globalist structure even to get started.

I won’t waste your time and start naming more names. Just imagine for a moment if something like was happening, who in power in the United States would be the likeliest of individuals who are fighting so hard to remove Donald Trump. Every person that comes to your mind is likely to be a part of it. And there are certainly just as many again who are foaming to dump this President who has done little but rain on their parade. Obama was to lay the groundwork. Hillary was to move it forward in transition. Who was to take the torch from Hillary? We’ll never know because Donald Trump destroyed their grand scheme.

Am I certain of all this? There are few things involving our government, of which I am certain. In this, just as I have poured it out to you, I cannot honestly say I’m certain of every piece of this plan. But what I am certain of is that such a utopian worldwide concept has long been just a dream and that are thousands of very powerful, very wealthy, and very politically connected individuals that certainly feel they can make this a reality.

We lowly plebes will be forced to stand on the sidelines, hope and pray for our nation, and trust God to thwart the evil schemes of these evil people and “Keep America Great.”


1 thought on “What Happens if Trump Loses in November? The “Great Reset””

  1. I just finished reading Schwab’s dystopian fantasy rag, “Covid-19: The Great Reset”. Disturbing and unbelievable are the only words I can use to describe it. The world needs to wake up to the madness these global elites like Schwab have in mind.

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