What Should We Call It?

It’s taken over the nation in just three short months. It’s everywhere. It consumes each 24/7 news cycle, it dominates work and home atmospheres, and it’s pretty much all Americans speak about to each other. It so dominates our social and political cultures today, one would think it long ago would have been analyzed, examined for its sources and substances, and because of its detrimental results in the nation would have been eliminated. If not removed, we would have a well-devised plan in place and operation and be well on the way to its destruction.

But it’s still here. And it’s still dominating our lives. Every day we watch it consume all the oxygen in the air, choking out independence, freedom, entrepreneurship, peace, joy, what little tranquility we can find in our busy lives, and is stealing the souls of our children. It’s not religion. It’s not politics. It’s not war. It’s not even divisiveness or anger or hatred, or fear.

What is it?

It’s chaos. It’s here, it’s spreading, and it’s consuming every aspect of every American’s life. It’s dominating almost every waking hour of each of us. It even wants to take over our sleep. Its objective? The identical goal it has had since it first appeared on Earth: the destruction of all that’s good.

In the past few years, we’ve published stories about chaos. But we’ve not seen such chaos as today. Indeed, chaos has been robust and far-reaching in the past from time to time. But today, chaos has taken on a life of its own. And it’s being fed the fuel that will not only perpetuate its living with us but will enable it to grow ever more powerful and all-consuming. And as it always does, it is set on the destruction of all that oppose it.

The Message of Chaos

What’s its goal? Who owns it? Why is it growing so rapidly and consuming so wide? And the last and probably most important question is: who is its Master?

Let’s work backward in finding those answers. Who started it all?

That’s an easy one to answer for Christians: “God is not the author of confusion, but peace.” With that verse, it is simple to consider that whatever or whoever is opposite of God is whatever or whoever control confusion. That would be Satan or whatever you wish to use to call him.

The objection of chaos can never be for any positive purpose. It has always been divisive by its nature. It never calls on unity or peaceful communication or purposeful finding ways to dissolve the confusion it creates. It feeds on anger and spitefulness, hatred, and meism. It is controlled by those who choose to weaponize it for causes to divide and separate people who it targets. Those have found ways to take ownership of that process and to enhance the damage it creates. Chaos draws its power from the selfishness of human nature — the lust for power and control over others. Chaos, by its nature, exists to permanently destroy all that is good.

Chaos’ master is Evil. And its taskmasters are all those who use it as a weapon of destruction for their perceived enemies.

2020 U.S. Chaos

It began with the impeachment of Donald Trump. The chaos narrative that was built for that project was created on a bundle of lies, misinformation, lying, cheating, and the demonization of some really good and honest people.

The Second Chapter of “2020 Chaos” was an artificial pandemic that was introduced to the United States by a group of medical experts.  They demanded the undying respect and obedience of every American to introduce and implement not real methods to tackle a new disease — which COVID-19 is — but to intimidate Americans with the continuous use of the fear of the unknown to in three short months destroy the American economy while calling on the messages emanating from American elitists who were given credibility by those around them because “they are experts, and we MUST listen to the experts.”

In full disclosure, I know COVID-19 is a disastrous disease and never have and will never denigrate that fact. But it is a manageable disease that, even with all of the purposeful mystery around it, will NOT destroy the United States. And it certainly does NOT warrant the chaos that has resulted from the non-factual facts that have been shoved down the throats of the nation. What it accomplished was to put Americans’ immunity systems in a pause because of the universal lockdown forced on the people by these elitists that have prevented us from normal interactions, which are mandatory for our bodies to protect themselves against bacterial and viral foes that permeate our atmosphere 24/7.

The Third Chapter of “2020 Chaos” is sowed racial unrest that was seeded by the horrendous act of four Minneapolis police in the George Floyd killing. After that atrocity, activists from dozens of known and unknown groups have pulled out the dog whistles of chaos and ordered demonstration and protests that seemingly and purposely often morph into looting and rioting. Those have all erupted into mass devastation and even death at the hands of other humans.

The Messengers of 2020 Chaos

Need I say? There could be NO better trained, NO better armed, NO one angrier than the Mainstream Media. They’ve had years to practice and to perfect their purpose. In those years, they’ve bowed to new taskmasters in politics who promised them horror stories about their opponents, nonstop camera and satellite news coverage of their riots, 24/7 coverage that aggressively identifies while demonizing the “supposed” foes of the partners of the Mainstream Media.

The truth? It matters little to the Media Mob. They see their foes limping and even bleeding a bit. Just like rabid dogs that the bleeding has stoked their hunger to finish their foes, no matter the cost and no matter what that “finish” might be. All that is relevant to them is a victory at the cost of all who they determine are on “the other side.”

Never mind how much destruction results from this chaos. Forget about the cost for it all that can never be recovered. Forget about what of the fiber of this nation that gives us our identities will be devoured and lost forever. All that matters is “The Win.” No price is too much; no cost is too high, no wrong is too wrong, no pain hurts too much.

Don’t doubt about this revelation. Here, I’ll let someone else paint a more definitive picture:

“We can seek out media that is well-sourced and informative.” That MUST be a requirement that not only do we adopt ourselves, but we teach our children the same things. If we do not pour into their malleable minds the truths in our world, their basis of reason will be established by others with whom they interact: like liberal teachers in our schools and universities and on YouTube, Snap Chat and Twitter posts, and what they see and hear in video games.

Who can turn down the chaos? Only ME, and only YOU.

Advice? Turn down the media. Moderate your own chaos. Stop letting agendas of others to whom you watch, listen, and read determine your state of mind. Be an individual — a thoughtful, deliberate, and conscientious decision-maker. Do that, and you’ll see your chaos meter go way down quickly.

Hurry up and do that! You’re going to need to get as low as possible. Why? I don’t think the chaos around us is going to go away anytime soon.


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