What’s More Important Than Power?

Conservatives, GOP, and Independent voters have many, many areas of concern.  Just to name a few, consider the following list:

  • Abortion
  • Schools
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Drugs
  • Human trafficking
  • Taxes
  • Ukraine or other military involvement without threat to vital American interests
  • Federal Government Scope and overreach
  • Racism/Woke
  • Crime/shootings/gun freedom
  • Health/Medical Industrial Complex
  • Election Integrity
  • American Sovereignty
  • Transgender
  • Climate Change
  • Government and media lies
  • True representation in state and federal government
  • Spending
  • Two-Tiered Justice System
  • Rogue Intelligence/Investigative Agencies/Secrecy

There are most likely numerous others that I have failed to mention, either independent of this list or derivative from it.  It’s a big, BIG list.  They are very serious issues.

What is at stake in the resolution – or not — of these issues?

I would submit that nothing less than the very existence of the United States as a free, sovereign nation with justice and liberty for all its people is what is at stake.

Why are all these issues on the table?

  It seems clear that they exist because powerful forces in business here and abroad, in linkage with extremely wealthy persons, the politicians who they support, and the federal and state agencies run by those politicians are putting our nation, its people, and our founding principles under siege.  They appear to want to remake us into a people under an authoritarian, international rule.  Creating these “issues” and perverting the government agency powers are both fronts and tools for those people who seek to divide and conquer.  They keep us distracted, partitioned, and off balance making it difficult for us to unite and go after the root cause.

Their method has been and continues to be to first fracture the societies, not only of the USA but of the other, major, free powers in the world, in order to more easily pick up the pieces and remold those societies.  They can achieve those ends by destroying the ability of the people to support themselves and their families and by incrementally whittling away at a governing consensus, creating “classes” and then pitting them against each other.  Illegal immigration of non-indigenous cultures is one of their tactics.   Sound familiar?

The various government entities are little by little, usurping the rights of the people to determine their own way.  Control by some government authority appears at nearly every level of daily activities.  Political parties no longer represent the interests of those who vote for their candidates.  They rule seemingly autonomously, in favor of international elites and corporations, constantly growing their own powers to control us all.  No amount of common sense can be brought to bear if it doesn’t suit their ends.

There is one issue and one issue only, which tops them all, individually and collectively: POWER. 

Our minority opposition has it.  We, the people, do not…or rather, we have not recognized that we have it.  We just haven’t solidified and deployed it.  We outnumber them vastly and united, we can even outspend them if need be, when unified.

We cannot hope to rectify those things which must be rectified unless we first have the power to change them.  As long as we are focused on all their distractions, away from the organization of our power, they win.  They win, and we descend into whatever dystopian mire they are planning for us.  “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”, says Hitlerian Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum.  Right.  And the moon is made of green cheese…  (Have you ever read or seen the movie “The Time Machine?”  Our opposition wants to transform us into H.G. Well’s Eloi race.)

Along with the Council for Foreign Relations, the UN, the Trilateral Commission, and global financial elites, Schwab’s WEF is behind this destruction.  People like Biden, Obama, the Bush family, and their acolytes are their tools.

If we are to prevail, we must create our own power structure.  Very simply, we do not have one.  No, it is not the Republican Party and certainly not the other.  There is NO EVIDENCE that the Republican Party represents us or will ever do so.  None, nada, zip.  Senator Hawley recognized that fact after the 2020 election when he said, belatedly, that the party is dead and that it’s time to form a new one.

As I mentioned in a previous article, the GOP is owned by the RINOs.  More than sixty years (!) of trying to work within it has resulted in us ending up exactly where we are: powerless.  To say “vote out the RINOs” is tantamount to saying “Let’s vote out the Pope and his cardinals and replace them with some Protestants!”.  The two are their clubs, played by their rules.  The disconnect between the party and its voters is both stark and obvious.

Calls for unity require a flag under which to unify.  Unifying under the aegis of the Republican Party is useless.  It’s out.  So, we must create a new party under which to unify.  We will create the new party with our rules, not the old rules, the rules our opposition has used to hamstring us.

The new party, unlike the GOP, will not permit our opposition to work within it!  Neither will it be structured such that powerful financial entities can corrupt our members.  In fact, it will be structured specifically to make such influence among our elected members impossible, for that corruption and preemption are at the very root of our national dilemma.

At this point in our national existence, gaining power is the first and only issue.  Without it, nothing else is going to happen.  I would submit that using your energy to work on those distracting issues is just what our opposition wants.   There are also plenty of pundits who seem to want to keep you involved with such things.  They write about and regurgitate all the things which we need to remedy, but never offer a solution.  Voting Republican, we have seen, is not a solution.  Because that cannot be the solution, there has to be another. As it is, our people are fragmented, working at disparate goals which won’t be realized, kept away from that which our opposition most fears: our unification under a true political force for the preservation and continuance of the America we love.

Organizing the requisite force necessary to propel us forward, must be our first priority.  So, without further ado, go to Founderspartyofamerica.org and see an outline for the new party.  Then organize with like-minded people to see how it can be used to unify us all and win that which we so desperately need to win.

For some extra insights into how the forces arrayed against us work and who they are, listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrLQ7Dpvyk)

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