Will The Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up? Part Three

In the last two days, we have given you facts that expose some of the Vice President (and soon-to-be Democrat candidate for President) multiple examples of her extreme positions on most of the issues that are most important to all Americans. They are shocking to read, even though I’m a journalist, and I see and hear these things daily. Just one day’s worth of these facts garnered from “other” journalists is far more than I thought there were. After all, during her three-plus years as Vice President, President Biden’s handlers were careful to relegate her public appearances to the least important issues in our nation.

That in itself should shock every American.

With two days of exposure to her far-left policies, I thought we could wrap up the study into what policies she would bring with her if elected to follow President Biden as President. However, we’ve only scratched the surface.

I considered carefully how we could best present Part Three of this compelling story. Should we continue to post others’ articles? Should we publish interviews she has conducted during her years as a local prosecutor, California Attorney General, Vice President, and today?

As I puzzled through the options to best reveal more of her outrageous political ideology, I stumbled on an opportunity to present dozens of her far-left plans for us and to let you hear them in her own words. (It’s one thing to “tell” someone what a politician says, and it’s another thing to let people hear her “tell” us all of her far-left plans. Crafting that would give you more information from her own lips in a much shorter period of time.

Last night, Sean Hannity of FOX News saved me some steps in attacking this plan. His staff compiled a plethora of ideas that the Vice President had made part of her ideological plans for the people she governed. These leftist and even totalitarian ideas she embraces are shocking, to say the least.

I have compiled her own explanations of her beliefs and plans for the United States if or when she becomes President. You can click on the link listed below to hear those from her and not some biased news reporter.

You may want to get a tall glass of something cold before you click the “go” button. You’re going to be listening for a while!

Shocking, isn’t it?

And we’ve only just begun…

2 thoughts on “Will The Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up? Part Three”

  1. She doesn’t have the mental accuity to think deeply… She is simply another robotic brain-washed radical, who always, automatically spouts her indoctrinated opinions without the ability to analyse consequences, a very dangerous woman if given the power.

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