“Words Have Meaning”

Americans have witnessed the completion of the loss of a free press that formerly represented the best of the best in the exercise of the First Amendment. As recently as five years ago, the American media were still — at least in part — were being REAL journalists. My, have things changed!

One of our TruthNewsNet partners pointed me to this story — one of our own —from January 2018. I thought it was a perfect example of how far left our media has gone in just a couple of years. 

But the thing that shocked me in reading this two-year-old story was the paragraph below in which Twitter responded to angry media members crying for Twitter to censor President Trump’s tweets. 

Read the entire story and read the paragraph that includes the Twitter response. It proves that Twitter has abandoned ANY journalistic integrity instead to become (if they weren’t already) nothing but a totalitarian media source exactly like in World War II Germany. The only difference is that THIS media takes their marching orders instead of from a dictator, Adolph Hitler, they take their orders from a group of political leaders called Democrats!

(This Story First Published by TruthNewsNetwork.org January 7, 2018)

“Words have meaning. And their meaning doesn’t change.” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

At no time in recent memory is there more proof of the validity of the late Supreme Court Justice’s words. Chiefly due to 24/7 instant satellite television, video, radio, and telephone communications, there have never been more words uttered, more videos seen, or more conversations all over planet Earth. Plato was the first to utter words similar to those of Scalia. But they had much different meaning then than today. Words then were simply that: mostly spoken to others, sometimes written and read, but always to a limited audience — compared to today. Today electronic communications are instant, worldwide, and too often deadly.

Americans above all others should understand the responsibility of words. Apparently though, many have not gotten that message. And with the rapid expansion of satellite communications, words are instantaneous and more powerful than ever because of their instant delivery. With that comes new dangers that increase in number and intensity every day. There are 200 billion tweets each year, 8.3 trillion texts each year, and in the U.S. alone there are 3 billion cell calls every day!  Words……

The Experts: “Wordsmiths”

Enter the media. Very conspicuously they have (from necessity) on the most part ceased research before reporting. News sources are no longer clerks in big companies, waitresses who overhear seedy conversations or junior level bankers seeking a leg-up at work and an extra dollar. No, reporters rely on “reprinting.” And the news they reprint or re-broadcast is more often than not simply revised versions of news from other reporters.

It seems that this “new” style of reporting brought with it permission for reporters to be editors, too. They have with impunity in every political story taken authority to “report” each painted with their opinion. Unfortunately for many — us and even them — their practice at perfecting this new craft has birthed a new monster in news.

The New Guy in Town

History when determining the factors in the Donald Trump 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton will certainly give the award to Twitter. The “Twitter in Chief” even before elected mastered the use of those 140 characters. Undoubtedly he is the REAL Wordsmith of the last few years. He quickly discovered when his campaign began that the Mainstream Media were anything but that. He had to find a way to get his message directly to the American people — unfiltered and unbiased. Bingo! The end result is that 18 months later every member of the MSM begin and end their days with the Twitter notification of the first and last tweets of the day. And they are pretty much always from @realDonaldTrump.

The Effects

I am not certain if the President knew the power of not only his messaging vehicle but also the power his actual style of messaging. And few in the MSM were prepared for either. But he learned quickly that everyday Americans were starved for real news, the truth from media, and a shot at absorbing facts and making decisions without the constant hammering of the Talking Heads. Donald Trump tweeting was a special and welcome surprise for them.

Besides getting the facts of his agenda directly to Americans without filters, he could send those messages anytime day or night without having to contact anyone for help. Some thought that in itself was dangerous. And the MSM pointed that out over and over in their reporting. His tweets and tweeting style have been critiqued by professional journalists and even psychiatric pros to ascertain the mental capacity of the current White House inhabitant. Depending on who you listen to, (especially today) the President is deranged, mentally unstable, incapacitated, and stupid. Or — according to some — he’s a genius. Probably the truth lies somewhere in between. My opinion is that his mental capacity on a scale of 1 to 12 with 12 being the highest is a solid 12.5. One can argue the number but not this: his mental stability is mountains higher than members of the Mainstream Media. They simply cannot figure him out. And he loves it.

The silliest thing about this entire Twitter thing is this: President Trump — who almost everyone on the Left has spent the last two days spewing the politically correct talking points about his mental incapacity — have been relegated by this “new guy in town” to turn to his Tweets each news day morning so they can determine what news is important. And they must end each day doing the same. President Donald Trump controls the American news cycle on a daily basis!

How powerful is @realDonaldTrump’s tweets? People of both political and business power tried to convince Twitter to deactivate Trump’s Twitter account. Think about that: there is NO reason to want to do that unless they are afraid that in his messaging the Political Elite will be exposed for who they really are! Twitter’s response: “Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets, would hide important information people should be able to see and debate,” Twitter said in a blog post. “It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions.”

There has never been and is not now another human being who so dominates news content 24/7. And the MSM hate him worse for doing so. But they have no alternative other than to report on everything he says. And he gives them plenty to write and talk about. And they make millions of dollars from this. Yet still they complain.


Former President Obama said this to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, August 8, 2014. “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” With that statement, Obama clearly signaled to the World how important he felt he was along with everything he had done and would do as President. The former law professor made many speeches, made many statements, appeared on numerous newscasts, radio and television programs, and spoke at uncountable numbers of events. But few of his remarks, speeches, or appearances are being chronicled among those of his predecessors for being truly remarkable. Oh, many of his statements and remarks are remembered, but not many are considered historically valuable. Those that ARE remembered are primarily the ones in which he toots his own horn, accomplishments, how great a president he was, and his multitude of insults and intellectual put-downs of his rivals. There are those that still scream about the narcissism of Donald Trump. But Barack Obama makes the current President look as selfless as Mother Teresa. Remember his famous comedy bit on nighttime television in which he read a Trump tweet that paraphrased said Obama would go down as one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history? Then Barack responded, “Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down in history as a U.S. President.”

Words really DO have meaning. Words are powerful. Look how President Trump has used them. And look how 62 million Americans have responded to them. Think for a moment about the OTHER side: the Media. If you haven’t, tune over to “Morning Joe” on MSNBC and listen for a half-hour. Watch Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue or a bit of Rachel Maddow’s evening show on MSNBC. Watch a CNN newscast. Listen to the words each of these say and watch their expressions when saying them. Absolutely NONE of them understand the power of words. Or if they do, they simply think you and I are so intellectually inferior to them we cannot possibly grasp the truth of things in our World, and that we are too dumb to discern what in their blather is news and what is simply their political perspectives.

Yes CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, PBS, and Jimmy Kimmel, words DO matter. And when you begin to use words in a truthful, intelligent, non-partisan, thoughtful, considerate way, Americans will come back to watch, listen, and read what you have to say.

When you, Anderson Cooper, are thrilled that 600,000 people tune into watch your CNN evening show, remember at the same time 8 million are watching FOX News. Why is that?

Words DO have meaning. And to quote the former President, “Elections have consequences.”

Mr. Obama, two consequences came from the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton did NOT win…and Donald Trump IS President.



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