Saturday Bullet Points: February, 27, 2021

It’s Saturday morning and time to catch-up on the happenings from the past week, some of which you probably missed. We did NOT miss them. It works very simply: After each bullet point we give you a sentence or two that describes each story. If you want full details, just click on the blue “swoosh” at the end of the description. Go to a story that gives you “the rest of the story.” Dig in!

Bullet Points

  • Connecticut Federal Attorney John Durham announced his resignation on Friday. Before you panic, the ONLY thing he resigned was his position as federal attorney. He will full-time execute the role of Special Prosecutor to continue the investigation into wrongdoing by the Obama/Biden Administration in the Russia Collusion investigation of Candidate and then President Trump. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) gave a dramatic speech at CPAC in Orlando on Friday. He whipped the conservative crowd into a frenzy, especially when he called the #1 nemesis of the U.S. “Chi-merica.” What does that mean? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It certainly comes as no surprise that, with the election of Joe Biden, we have a surging and already-massive illegal immigration problem at the southern border. Just weeks into his presidency, Joe Biden is scrambling as are his immigration and border patrol officials to get their arms around this mass of people flooding to our southern border. The Biden Administration is woefully unprepared. And the entire issue is President Biden’s fault. For complete details, click on this link:
  • It probably comes as no surprise that another major U.S. city that is governed by far left local and state officials is suffering with a massive increase of crime shortly after they made the decision to, and subsequently have, defunded the police. And they have allocated the money saved to black communities. It’s San Francisco. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Have you ever wondered how at Planned Parenthood abortion centers how facilitating and performing the abortions of tens of thousands of American babies impact those in leadership at these clinics? Certainly the constant process of killing babies must take its toll. One former PP clinic insider says it makes her feel like “an administrator at Auschwitz during WWII.” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Great news on Friday! Johnson & Johnson received emergency use approval from the Federal Drug Administration to begin use of the third COVID-19 vaccination. How is it different from those already in use by Moderna and Pfizer? For complete details, click on this link:
  • No one can reasonably maintain that there were not numerous achievements for the American People during the Trump presidency. However, those on the Left are still quick to deny the significant facts that prove the good really happened — or at least the Trump was responsible. At CPAC on Friday, former Rep. Jason Chaffetz blistered Republicans who choose to diminish the results of President Trump, opting instead to judge his White House tenure based solely on their opinions of his personality while ignoring the good he did. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Accusations are flying from numerous Americans at the actions taken this week by the Biden Administration against Syria in a U.S. air strike. It’s reported the attack was retaliation against Iran for allegedly killing several Americans last year. But Biden was nasty in his barrage of insults of President Trump’s for the attack on his watch that took out Iran’s #1 General who had personally ordered the killing of several hundred Americans in the Middle East. For complete details, click on this link:
  • U.S. Intelligence agencies released classified information on Friday that apparently implicates the Saudi Crown Prince in the brutal execution of a Saudi national who worked in the U.S. as a reporter. Saudi Arabia has consistently denied any responsibility. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Even though a $15 per hour minimum wage is to be included in the House version of the COVID-19 stimulus bill, it will not survive in the Senate. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has an idea: why not pass a law requiring big corporations like Amazon and other billion dollar corporation to pay a $15 minimum wage rate? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Of course, CNN showed up at CPAC to “report” on happenings there. Their #1 anti-conservative reporter Jim Acosta was confronted at the conference in Orlando and asked why CNN concentrates on Sen. Ted Cruz dropping his two daughters in Mexico during the Texas freeze but ignores the 10,000 seniors who died at the hands of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. For complete details, click on this link:
  • It comes as no surprise that House Speaker Pelosi uses convenient comparisons to justify doing some of the strangest things in Congress. Pelosi this week in the wake of passing “The Equality Act”likened  the stigma of  Transgenderism to that of AIDS. Sound a bit strange to you? If so, you’re certainly not alone. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Did you know the Olympics are headed to China? Many in the U.S. are NOT happy about that and feel the Olympics should be moved elsewhere. Nikki Haley suggested that having the events in China is a bad idea. Why? According to the former governor, China is just like Nazi Germany was in 1936. For complete details, click on this link:
  • We’ve all heard stories of UFO’s in various settings. But pilots in flight have reported dozens of cases of viewing and even watching for extended periods of time UFO’s in crazy acts in flight most recently. The latest comes from American Airlines pilots in the recent past. For complete details, click on this link:

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