A “Normalized” America

How was your week? Just another normal few days. Life in the United States is just plain old boring.

It may be boring, but it certainly is not normal: at least of late.

We Americans are guilty of taking too much for granted. Things happen that are certainly everyday occurrences, so much so that we dismiss them, things like sunshine, air, food, water, transportation, media, sports, and schools. That’s understandable. What about “new” things? Not so much.

Over the past six generations, Americans have done a pretty good job of finding new things — millions of “widgets” that have radically changed lives, so much so that we take them for granted. We’ve “normalized” them all. And most of those are not tangible items or “things ” — they’re processes, ways of thinking, methods of conducting ourselves, the way we treat others, etc.

Who can argue that American politicians and their minions have not normalized a host of things that, in some cases, have taken control of the heart of our nation? No one can truthfully argue that this has not just happened but has flooded our nation from coast to coast. How so? Let’s take a look.

Routine Normalizations

Many of these have been practiced for so long we don’t give them a thought: our slang terms, group titles, word associations, etc. That especially holds for the purposes of political correctness, which itself is a normalized process that we take for granted.

  • Gay Marriage 

    I remember a time not so long ago where homosexuality alone was unspeakable. Many were known to be gay. But that fact was taboo in most quarters, and gays had to hide in the proverbial “closet.” Gay marriage was something that did not happen. In fact, in most cases, it was non-existent. Because of state laws, some gays lived together and proclaimed themselves — if they were bold enough to do so publicly — declared themselves as “partners.” Marriage was out of the question. Now, gay marriage is just another “ho-hum” thing. Why? Because it’s been normalized.

  • Racism 

    Even though Racism has always been part of American culture, it was also kept in the closet for two centuries. No one hung a name on it. It was just one of those “things” that people kept in their hearts and didn’t throw the word about. However, racism itself was EVERYWHERE! It wasn’t until the late 50s and early 60s that it took front-stage. The Civil Rights Act of 1963 put it out front. The Vietnam War saw demonstrations spawn anti-government actions by U.S. dissidents and anti-racist factions tagged along. The racial divide became so thick one could cut it with a knife. Even though “it’s” always been there, it wasn’t normalized until politicians began to pick it up and use it. Since that occurred, we take it for granted.

  • Transgenderism 

    Just as there are people today who believe homosexuality is just a choice that some make to adopt as a personal lifestyle, there are those who dismiss Transgenderism as a fraud. It is true; Science has NOT offered any facts which prove Transgenderism is real, believers in Transgenderism point to the fact it has NOT been disproven either. Until the turn of this century, it was still considered an aberration. But in the past twenty years, Transgenderism has been normalized, not just in the U.S. but worldwide.

  • Elitism

    Every society in World history has struggled with class warfare. There seems always to be a serving class and a ruling class. The oddity of that in the U.S. is that our forefathers fled from Europe to escape that very classism that destroyed their society. And here we are today with the same travesty devouring our nation: Elitism. The fact is this plague has swept across the nation with its mental, emotional, and even economic devastation for innocent people who find themselves being “unworthy.” They, therefore, are relegated to less-than equality in every area of their lives simply because someone normalized a socio-economic class of Americans in which they supposedly fit.

  • Criminal Violence 

    One of the scariest normalizations we’ve seen is that regarding violence. For example: as of May 2, 2021, right at 1,000 people have been shot on the streets of Chicago. And the mainstream media report the numbers with a yawn! It’s no big deal for Chicagoans to shoot up their streets and buildings (and people). Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, New York City, Baltimore, and Philadelphia see the same travesties play out. Our law enforcement branch of government at the state, local, and federal levels find themselves with their hands tied and little or no recourse against the onslaught of criminality. Why? In America, we’ve normalized such actions.

  • Massive Government Deficit Spending 

    A government budget: what’s that? Yes, it is required that the White House send a proposed budget each year to Congress for consideration and approval. But that means very little, if anything at all. Both Congress and the White House have adopted over the past few decades the policy of “spend as much as you want to in total disregard for the revenue coming into the nation’s treasury.” Every American knows that, in their personal lives, such a process automatically leads to devastation. Bankruptcy is usually the outcome of such fiscal irresponsibility. But Americans think, “as long as there are checks in the checkbook, there must be money in the bank!” The bank balance is zero, yet the spending continues. No one in D.C. seems worried about the obvious consequences. There WILL come a reckoning. But instead of preparing for economic devastation that certainly will eclipse any we’ve seen previously, no one in government takes any thought about the certain pending repercussions! Deficit Spending is just another “thing” we normalized.

  • Federal Government Handouts 

    Examples of such handouts do NOT include the likes of Medicare, Social Security, or Veterans Benefits. Those are each a program into which recipients have for decades paid into them through payroll deductions to “earn” the future benefits of each when reaching retirement age. Certainly, assistance to Americans who need help is a necessary element of what our nation espouses. But a system that was implemented through the hearts of charity has evolved into a behemoth that has grown almost the size of our entire country! Charitable recipients have evolved into angry and needy people who demand more and demand more now. A hand-up has become a cold shoulder with no gratitude at all. We’ve normalized the federal government’s process supporting in bountiful ways every need for one specific segment of our society. What was once based solely on “need” has now found its way to being “required.” Doing so is taken for granted. It’s now normalized.

  • Production Accountability 

    Do you remember when a generation of parents told us the stories of the requirement of THEIR parents for hard work and accountability? Subsequently, our parents made the same requirements of us. If I, as a middle schooler, wanted money to spend, I had to mow lawns in the neighborhood or, in my case, teach piano lessons. If I, as a teenager, wanted a car, I had to find a part-time job and save enough money to buy a car. Guess what: that’s exactly what we DID. An entire generation — maybe two generations — have lost such a mindset. Instant gratification with little or no sacrifice or work effort to achieve one’s desires is expected by everyone coming of age today. We see no work ethic, no real desire to achieve or accomplish specific objectives or goals. Sure, some live by the same tenets as did most of us growing through puberty to adulthood. But those people are in a minuscule minority in today’s landscape of maturing teens. Sadly, American fathers and mothers have normalized the vacuum created in the former normal expectations of parents for their children. And if we have expectations for our children, there seems there are few expectations for specific results. We’ve normalized mediocrity, making it acceptable.

  • Law Enforcement 

    As recently as the election of Bush-45, no American ever gave thought to members of law enforcement being told by their superiors to ignore the enforcement of certain laws — laws created by elected officials and designed to protect the American people. Not only are federal, state, and local law enforcement officials encouraged to turn blind eyes from certain criminal infractions, those same law enforcement officials are expected to educate the public to the fact that the general public should not give breaking those laws even a second thought: “Go ahead and fly by the seat of your pants. We’re not going to enforce those silly laws!” Such “looking the other way” is devastating, not only to law enforcement but to American citizens who pay taxes for law enforcement officials to enforce laws to protect the general populace. It is unconscionable that any in government or OK with the random yet consistent ignoring by police of certain laws. We’ve made that normal!

  • Lying by Those Elected 

    We understand that there have always been elected officials who have told lies, misrepresented facts, and “bent the truth” a bit for political purposes. Let’s be clear: lying is NEVER all right — especially if you’re elected to serve people and you lie to those elected you! Yet, today, few on Capitol Hill give one second’s thought to telling a lie — often about critical matters which sometimes determine permanency in the lives of those told. “There was no cheating in the 2020 presidential election! No one can give one shred of proof that there was cheating in that election!” We’ve heard that claim made thousands of times. The reality is that facts and evidence are insurmountable that prove there was certain rampant election manipulation across the U.S., people purposely created and submitted forged votes, hid or destroyed ballots cast for candidates they despised, and manipulated voting tabulations electronically online. Even court cases containing evidence that proves these claims have been forbidden to be submitted in courts which would force their being made part of a permanent court record. Sadly, to about half the nation’s voters, preventing any evidence to prove or disprove any of the substantive election fraud from being examined is OK. Further, pending legislation regarding voting changes — H.R. One — will, if passed and signed into law, permanently overhaul our election system making all of the fraud seen and even that yet unrevealed normal, OK, and legal going forward. Simply stated, the political Left in America is not only willing but is demanding that election fraud and cheating be made legal! They want to normalize these processes.


We could go on naming different processes and identity tags that seem to crop up daily in the U.S. to normalize something or some “things” some individual or group want to use against a specific segment of our society. We didn’t forget things like “Systemic Racism,” “Critical Race Theory,” “Wokeness,” and many others. They are all different in some ways, but exactly the same in one way: They are each used as part of “the weaponization of normalization.”

Remember this: NO negative, NO allegation, NO charge against someone or some “thing” is useful to the anti-American Left unless it can be weaponized against the foes of the Mob, sometimes called the political Far-left. They, to be effective, have been and are making all these tools Normal, to make them each palatable and reasonable as weapons to Americans.

Any persons who credibly wish to destroy any institution, process, group of people, or government MUST realize that success in such a quest requires division. Divison among people and groups destroys communication. Lack of communication creates confusion. Confusion creates anger, hatred, and mistrust. All these combined are the Perfect Storm of Insurrection. Such a storm historically has effectively destroyed cities, governments, kingdoms, and even entire nations.

The first step to accomplishing such a cataclysmic event is the normalization of all the stepping stones we’ve detailed today and many others which number too many to detail in just one story. But they’re ALL here in full display in the United States.

NOTE: What has been encouraging to me is that in the wake of the legislative onslaught during the Biden Administration of egregious and totalitarian power-mongering spending to begat unilateral political control, Americans are awakening! Every day politicians and regular citizens are finding news cameras and microphones to use to inform their fellow Americans with the facts of what is happening. Most important is the push by the citizenry to scream these horrors aloud in a last-ditch effort to awaken their fellows to the treachery afloat in our government. In my war to stifle complacency in my heart, my home, and my country, it brings a smile to my face to see my fellow Americans running to grab the torch of Freedom to play their role to move forward for Freedom’s preservation!

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