“Absolute Proof”

This story today will be brief.

We all know the “My Pillow” guy: Mike Lindell. His television commercials are enough to drive anyone crazy. But, you can’t fault him; those commercials sell quite a few pillows.

Lindell is an ardent Trump fan. He’s not just a fan — he’s a successful entrepreneur who put his personal and business reputation on the line on a national basis that has cost him dearly. But he has taken his support for Donald Trump to a new level — a level millions of other Americans have done so but have done so quietly. Not so for Lindell.

Mike Lindell alerted us all about a week ago that “all of the evidence of widespread election corruption will be released to the nation on Friday, February 5th.” He’s a man of his word and did just that. He released a professionally produced documentary titled “Absolute Proof.” He simultaneously released it on his own website and on YouTube. As you can imagine, YouTube yanked it.

Others posted the documentary on other social media websites, but they each did the expected from “Cancel Culture” American media: pulled it down. I quit searching for it this morning. I hope it stays alive on Mike’s website. Why? Read the following paragraph and you’ll understand:

  • You may think Mike’s a nutjob or even a raving lunatic. I don’t know him personally, but I’m one American who determines the legitimacy of others, not by what people say, but what that person says linked to what they do. Sometimes it’s difficult to stick to just those when evaluating another. Today’s stark-raving mad Mainstream Media make it impossible to believe what people say!


  • The documentary is two hours long — longer than most movies. But there’s a reason for its length: it’s FULL of intricate details reported and shared by more than a dozen forensic computer experts, internet engineers, and election equipment experts. None of the information given is hearsay. Every word spoken and illustrated is backed up with hard, cold evidence — something that very few have seen before.


  • Most at first blush when reading this will say, “There’s no evidence of election fraud! Look at all the Trump Campaign lawsuits in which judges tossed them all out for lack of evidence. November 3 voter fraud is nothing but a conspiracy theory.” That’s the Mainstream Media, Democrat Party, RINO, and Socialist story — and they’re sticking to it. But, they’re lying!


  • “Dan, what about the lack of evidence in court?” No court ever let the evidence be presented into a court record! Mainstream Media states otherwise.

What’s Happening?

With the release of “Absolute Proof,” the truth is out. Yes, it’s been out for a couple of months, but the Media have prohibited it’s being allowed in the marketplace of American ideas! One America News (OAN) is the only network that I know is allowing the documentary to air. News Max TV actually shutdown a live interview with Mike when he brought up the pending release of his documentary that proves election fraud: Cancel Culture!

Folks who know me know that I demand honesty and facts. I receive from many people each day forward stories, talk show segments, videos, documents, some of which are bogus on their faces, but some are NOT bogus. (Thanks for sending that stuff.)

It’s hard to find the truth in things. In fact, that’s why we started TruthNewsNetwork three years ago: we research things we “hear” and “see” to find the truth or fiction in them. Sometimes that’s an arduous and timely task. But it’s worth it to discover the truth with which one can make honest and fact-based decisions.

Mike Lindell obviously feels the same way. He spent scads of his own money to put this all together. The horror of this is that every person who presents the evidence of fraud, corruption, and rampant illegalities committed in the runup to the November 3rd election and during its aftermath already had the information, data, documentation, video, and photographic proof of the fraudulent election actions taken by numerous people to change the election results.

They had no place to turn to present all that evidence. State court judges and even some federal judges refused to even conduct evidentiary hearings at which this same evidence from these same experts would have been presented in court on which judicial decisions could be made.

The scariest thing about all this is that for all this to occur, it had to be planned, funded, implemented, and operated by a large number of very intelligent and connected people — both inside the United States and around the World. And this operation was massively expensive. Where did THAT money come from?

My Conclusions

  • There is NO doubt the election was corrupt, fraudulent, and purposely so;
  • Democrat Party leaders ARE complicit in what and how it happened;
  • The Department of Justice and FBI under Barack Obama and Joe Biden are up to their eyeballs in involvement in this scheme;
  • China, Iran, Spain, Italy, and other countries are just as deeply involved in this massive treason against the United States.

I don’t make those statements lightly. Even though things on election night and afterward didn’t smell right to me, I never personally saw any of the evidence of election fraud. So I couldn’t make an educated decision. But I’ve felt since that it was stolen but I had no proof.

There is now no doubt in my mind that November 3, 2020, ACTUAL election results show Donald Trump with 80+ million “legal” votes compared to 60 million (or fewer) votes for Joe Biden!


What do we do?

First, WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY in its entirety. Do so IMMEDIATELY. One America Network is showing it multiple times each day. Additionally, you can watch it directly from Lindell’s personal website: https://michaeljlindell.com

It’s two hours, folks. But every minute is critical.

After you watch it, talk about it (with your own personal thoughts) to your friends and family members. Spread the word.

Do you know the scariest conclusion I have after digesting all this: apparently, the most powerful and wealthiest people in the U.S. in business, politics, and big dollar finance are complicit in all this and participated in a “non-military coup” to steal an election.

I just had another thought: in the documentary, the downline ballots were also impacted by the cheating. So probably, the Senate is still under Republican majority control!

Sadly, at this point, all I can recommend is arming yourself with facts. From there we will have to develop a plan based on what can legitimately be done to correct this madness.

Make sure you join us on Monday morning on “TNN Live” from 9-11 AM Central. To join the show live, click on the blue banner to the top-right of this story on the website.

Stay Close!

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