Author name: Dan Newman

Voter Fraud: “It’s everywhere….it’s everywhere!”

  Today’s BIG news is that Donald Trump feels that several million votes in the Presidential election were fraudulent. Well, that’s NOT big news today. Trump stated that was the case throughout the campaign maintaining there were fraudulent votes caste during the primary elections too. What IS new is that ALL the media — including […]

Voter Fraud: “It’s everywhere….it’s everywhere!” Read More »

Difference between Conservatives and Liberals

There is an obvious vast divide between conservatives and liberals made more obvious by all of the vitriol between candidate camps during this election season — such anger and disgust never seen in any previous election in modern history.  The differences between political camps are numerous.  But there are fundamental traits that can be pointed

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Trumpism #2: The Democratization of Presidential Communication

  I’d love to take credit for the name of this particular blog, but it actually came from Kelly Anne Conway – senior advisor to President-elect Donald Trump who also was his Campaign Manager.  In stating the above, she identified what is probably the biggest current fear of the national media: to be left out

Trumpism #2: The Democratization of Presidential Communication Read More »