Bullet Points Saturday August 29, 2020

It’s Saturday morning as we officially end the ”dog days of Summer.” Let’s start the day by catching up on news you may have missed this week. Check out the short synopsis of each story. If you want more information click on the link.  It’ll take you to a detailed story.

Bullet Points

  • Remember the drug remdesivir that is in clinical trials to prove it’s efficacy in treating coronavirus? Gilead Inc. said on Friday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the emergency use authorization of its experimental antiviral COVID-19 treatment, remdesivir, to allow its use in all hospitalized COVID-19 patients. For more details click on this link:
  • There’s been a conspiracy theory floated by several Democrat Party leaders and even passed around by Hillary Clinton: if Donald Trump loses to Joe Biden, Trump will refuse to leave the White House. Those promoting this conspiracy maintain the Military will be forced to remove the Trumps. But the top General has totally debunked the theory. For more details click on this link:
  • For forty years Democrats have been pushing for the federal funding of abortions. The Hyde Amendment has prevented federal tax dollars direct use for abortions. However, today’s Dems have made it clear that bypassing the Hyde Amendment is a major piece of legislation in their bullseye for the next year. For more details click on this link:
  • We’ve all heard that when anyone is infected with COVID-19 and makes it through, they have permanent immunity against it. But a Reno, Nevada man may have disproved that theory. At age 25, he was tested positive on April 17. He was treated, got well, and tested negative at the end of April. However, at the end of May he tested positive again. For more details, click on this link:
  • It seems today that for every issue or problem Americans have that has even a smidgeon of anything racial, someone always plays the “race card.” And, of course, anytime that happens it seems there must be a Republican somewhere in the problem. The RNC took the “race card” serious this week in their convention and relied on numerous Americans who debunked that allegation. For more details, click on this link:
  • Many on the Right feel that President Trump’s acceptance speech was one for the ages and certainly was his best yet. He touched on all the bases and made it clear to all that a choice of Biden as President would open Pandora’s Box of chaos on the nation. For more details, click on this link:
  • What’s the true story of climate change? It is certain no one has the real answer though many claim to. Californians have taken the lead on the climate cause, but maybe at their own peril. Once again their state is literally burning. Every “hot” season sees forest fires that not only destroy thousands of acres, but cost Californians dearly in all sorts of ways and does so needlessly. For more details click on this link:
  • There’s no telling how many of the 1400 White House guests were harassed by rioters as they left the White House grounds headed to their homes and hotels after Thursday’s Trump nomination acceptance speech. Television showed Sen. Rand Paul and his wife being confronted aggressively by BLM protestors. For more details click on this link:
  • Most Americans were excited to see and hear the speakers during the RNC that included people from all walks of lives. Those who spoke included pardoned drug offenders, an immigrant who fled Castor’s Cuba, and a host of people of color who believe in the American dream that works for ALL Americans. But many Democrats were NOT ecstatic for those folks to tell their stories. For more details click on this link:
  • I don’t believe the state of Minnesota has ever voted to elect a Republican President. Most believe that string will NOT be broken in November. But, oddly enough, a group of five Minnesota city mayors came out on Friday with their endorsements of President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. For more details, click on this link:


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