Bullet Points: Saturday, May 16, 2020

What a week! What a week full of craziness. And it was a week that will forever be etched into our brains. No, we didn’t have a president impeached. No, (thank God) we didn’t have an assassination or a terrorist attack or an earthquake. But we DID have a massive explosion with the unearthing of dozens of declassified documents that exposed what will be known as historical political corruption. And, by the way, that political corruption came from the Barack Obama presidency.

Enough of that. Let’s get to the essential things that we missed this past week because of the little diversions we had!

Bullet Points

  • It looks like there is going to be some excitement, joy, and elation for a bunch of folks on the east coast. There are three governors who somehow figured when this pandemic is going to be over! How do they know that? How do I know they know that? It’s going to be officially over Thursday, May 21st! “How do you know that, Dan?” I don’t, but the governors of New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey do: they must know. Why? They’re opening the beaches for Memorial Day! Thursday the 23rd is the last day before Memorial Day Weekend begins. For more details, click on this link:
  • The Trump Administration must be evil. They are allowing the VA to continue the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of veterans in VA hospitals around the nation. According to the Associated Press, because the drug used for 70 years to treat lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and malaria, it has not been formally approved by the FDA for use for COVID-19 — never mind the thousands of humans whose life the drug has saved. The AP knows better than those veterans’ doctors what medication is best to save their lives. For more details, click on this link:
  • Have you finalized your Memorial Day Weekend travel plans? One place you may consider NOT going is Lake Tahoe. Don’t get me wrong; Lake Tahoe is a gorgeous place to visit with the coolest shops, great restaurants, beautiful scenery, and golf courses. You can even roll the dice at the casinos. But you better not try any of that Memorial Day Weekend. Why? You’ll get a $1000 ticket! For more details, click on this link:
  • “To Mask or Not to Mask, that is the question.” In the case of this presidential administration, others may “mask-up,” but POTUS has yet to be seen donning the unstylish garb. But, never fear, Ivanka has stepped in to “take one for the family.” Even though Dad declines to, in a factory tour on Friday, she wore a protective (and very stylish) black mask with the famous flag pin neatly attached to hers just below her left ear. For more details, click on this link:
  • No one wants to brag as who is doing the worst in business during this pandemic. But, I must say that manufacturing has been hit if not THE hardest, in the top two or three manufacturers in the U.S. How bad is it? There’s none worse searching back to 1919! For more details, click on this link:
  • Manufacturers are suffering. But so are those in the casino business. Las Vegas totally shutdown. Even in my city — Bossier City, Louisiana — one of the five riverboat casinos here announced today they are shutting their doors. Listen to this: Diamond Jack’s Casino for more than a decade has paid to the City of Bossier $1 million per year! And it’s gone. But never fear: Las Vegas is about to crank back up! For more details, click on this link:
  • There are everyday pimple-faced hackers who sit in their parents’ basement on playing video games on their computers all day. Then there are REAL hackers who hack into massive and very secretive files of some of the most well-known and well-healed financially folks in the U.S.” like movie stars and singers. Their price to release all those super-sensitive files ONLY TO THE FILES’ OWNERS? $42 million! And REvil — the hacking group — is not negotiating. For complete details, click on this link:
  • So what do folks do when they’re locked down in their own homes for a couple of months restricted from going pretty much everywhere? Well, the garage needs to be cleaned out, bathroom toilet to replace, replace two faded shutters, weed the yard, clean the gutters, watch Netflix movies, and then there’s finding a sex buddy! It’s happening, and the Dutch government is encouraging it. For complete details, click on this link:
  • There are a few folks who aren’t worried about being stuck in the house with nothing to do but watch paint dry or watch television. When you have a lot of money, you know that “money can buy you anything.” How about an underground luxury bunker that’s complete with every toy you can imagine! One class of people are doing just that and are laughing at us poor folks just shellin’ peas and watching Greenacres. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Everyone knows of identical twins that use that fact to their benefit to do things that other brothers and sisters can’t do: take turns being each other without anyone catching the switches. In those cases, it’s often tough even for Mom and Dad to catch the pair for fooling dates by exchanging places. If you think to catch two of them doing and how hard that is, imagine what it will be like for the parents of four! Yep, it’s true. It rarely happens, but it has now. For more details, click on this link:

Don’t forget we’ll be back in the saddle Monday morning with “TNN Live” broadcasting live from 9:00AM to 11:00 AM every weekday. We discuss the news, the real stories behind the news, we interview politicians, sports stars, and even some folks from the entertainment world you may know. Join us every weekday on TNN Live!

1 thought on “Bullet Points: Saturday, May 16, 2020”

  1. Eddie Thurmond

    I am just standing back in amazement at how elected officials are just trying to ram bills through to take us down and yet I have to always go to GOD’s Word and see what he has to say about the situation. Dan 7:21, 25 also Rev 13:7 tells us what is taking place and this is going on world wide and not just in America. I have said for a long time that America is the last door stop to holding back the New World Order. These people are evil and do not care about human life and that shows very well when they celebrate abortion on demand! Taking from those who have and giving to those who sit on their hands (Wealth Redistribution) all for power and control. GOD calls it stealing. I believe people are fully aware of what’s going on and the one thing that I know they are going to do is rig this election. They tried it in 2016 and it fell through. This time I feel they are pulling out the stops and it’s full steam ahead. The clock is ticking and at some point they are going to win and get their NWO but it will be short lived and the Kingdom they were promised will turn to dust because The KING of Glory will step in and take back what is HIS! GOD has this and that’s why I can lay down at night and sleep. Shalom!

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