
Forbidden Fruit And The Classroom: The Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators Scandalously Suppress

We weathered COVID-19, lockdowns, school closures, remote classes with remote teachers, and the total absence of fundamental education for our children all at one time. As we emerged from the Pandemic and looked back, we sadly realized that American parents had been shills for teachers unions to pocket billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. All of […]

Forbidden Fruit And The Classroom: The Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators Scandalously Suppress Read More »

Night Of The Living Ed: Zombie Public Schools, Drained Of Pandemic Lifeblood, Haunt The Land

Call them “zombie” schools. A significant but unknown number of public schools across the U.S., particularly in big cities, have lost so many students in the last half-decade that many of their classrooms sit empty. Gone is the loud clatter of students bursting through crowded hallways and slamming lockers. The harm from these half-empty schools

Night Of The Living Ed: Zombie Public Schools, Drained Of Pandemic Lifeblood, Haunt The Land Read More »

Public Education’s Alarming New 4th ‘R’: “Reversal” of Learning

Call it the big reset – downward – in public education. The alarming plunge in academic performance during the pandemic was met with a significant drop in grading and graduation standards to ease the pressure on students struggling with remote learning. The hope was that hundreds of billions of dollars of emergency federal aid would

Public Education’s Alarming New 4th ‘R’: “Reversal” of Learning Read More »

Suddenly, School Choice: Its Rapid Post-Pandemic Expansion Sets Up a Big Pass/Fail Test for Education

After public schools’ pandemic failures, eight states – including Arizona, Florida, and Indiana – are committing tax funds for educational alternatives for most any student, including those students already in private schools and from wealthy families.   A growing number of states are adopting a comprehensive new type of school choice program that would pose

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Conservative Christian Education Is Being Born Again  

Arcadia Christian Academy, which opened in Arizona on Aug. 8, is one of dozens of Christian micro-schools popping up across the country, offering a hybrid in-class and at-home education to keep costs down and the odds of survival up in an increasingly competitive K-12 sector. What’s more, many long-established Christian schools are growing their enrollment

Conservative Christian Education Is Being Born Again   Read More »

School Choice: Sets The U.S. In A Pass/Fail Test for Education

A growing number of states are adopting a comprehensive new type of school choice program that would pose a threat to public schools if many students were to leave them for a private education.  Eight states – including Arizona, Florida, Indiana, and West Virginia – have approved “universal” or near-universal school choice laws since 2021.

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Suddenly, School Choice: Its Rapid Post-Pandemic Expansion Sets Up a Big Pass/Fail Test for Education

After public schools’ pandemic failures, eight states – including Arizona, Florida, and Indiana – are committing tax funds for educational alternatives for most any student, including those students already in private schools and from wealthy families.   A growing number of states are adopting a comprehensively new type of school choice program that would pose

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After School Security Precautions, How To Identify “Likely” Shooters

Yesterday we discussed the successful changes made by the nation of Israel to stop their rampant school shootings. They fortified every school in the country, locking each facility down while making each facility impervious to “normal” school shooting incidents. These measures included complete fencing, a “one-way-in” and “one-way-out” access process, armed teachers and administrators, and

After School Security Precautions, How To Identify “Likely” Shooters Read More »

Critical Race Theory Lights The Fires For “School Choice”

States are making school choice legislation a priority at a time when teachers’ unions blocked the safe reopening of schools for in-person learning and, backed by the Biden administration, have embraced Critical Race Theory indoctrination for K-12 students. “It is difficult to understate just how huge a year school choice has had in state legislatures

Critical Race Theory Lights The Fires For “School Choice” Read More »