
“In Full Disclosure…” Part 2

President Trump’s most recent public campaign against the US Justice Department and US intelligence community has stunned current and former intelligence officials. “He’s doing the enemy’s job for them,” one FBI agent said. Another agent compared Trump’s unwillingness to accept intelligence assessments that contradict his beliefs to the behavior of a toddler. “It’s like when

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State of Emergency Chaos

The noise is deafening. One Democrat operative declared in a televised interview, “This President didn’t get his way on his border wall, threw a temper-tantrum, and is declaring a national emergency and then heading to the golf course. There IS no national emergency,” she said.  Nancy Pelosi said this about a proposed Trump National Emergency

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Trump or a Democrat in 2020: Who Will It Be? Part Four

We haven’t forgotten about our continuing analysis of the “likely” 2020 Democrat Party presidential candidates. You must agree we’ve had some significant distractions from Washington D.C.! But let’s get back to working in the narrative about each. We began our analysis of Dem candidates several weeks ago. So far we’ve looked at Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY),

Trump or a Democrat in 2020: Who Will It Be? Part Four Read More »


I received a note early today from my mentor and editor, Ron White, from his breathtaking retirement log cabin in North Carolina. It seems I had misspelled words in several spots in yesterday’s story about the Democrat Party and racism. I had an excuse — no, TWO excuses! I use the software program Grammarly to

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“Real” Midterm Election Prediction: NOT Poll “Guesses”

Are you tired of the constant election polls analysis? Ever question how their results are determined? How can they vary so dramatically? Want a REAL solution with REAL answers? We have it! Our research department found a real election analysis firm that doesn’t look at polls or campaign contributions or ads or speeches. They’re pretty

“Real” Midterm Election Prediction: NOT Poll “Guesses” Read More »