“Deep Stater Bill Barr Sells Out Trump and America” Part One

Friday, we introduced our new contributing editor to you, Kelleigh Nelson. She shared Part One of her revealing story about the U.S. Department of Justice. If you missed Part One, I suggest you go back and read it before moving forward with Part Two today.

Just a note: Kelleigh will be joining us in a few days live on our daily streaming radio show, “TNN Live.” Make certain you watch here for the date she’ll be joining us. She’s also bringing to our live show a couple of other really connected and recognizable names from the D.C. Swamp that will be coming aboard soon.

Read On!

Obama/Biden Culpability

There is strong evidence that President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden were involved in a conspiracy to obstruct justice and a conspiracy to criminality that shows the Justice Department wasn’t interested in following the corrupt trails, to begin with.

AG Bill Barr has actually given a pass to former President Obama and VP Joe Biden saying there is nothing he has seen in John Durham’s investigation to suggest any wrongdoing by either Obama or Biden.  Barr told reporters he has a general idea how Durham’s investigation into Obama gate and the conduct of the Obama era intelligence community is going, and he confirmed, “Some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes.”  He did all of this standing next to Deep State FBI Director Wray on May 18th, 2020.

Barr made this statement, “What happened to President Trump throughout his 2016 campaign and election was abhorrent.  It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.  As to President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man.  Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”  Coverup…no justice!

No Justice!

Barr said that while potential crimes by the Deep State are under investigation, it seems to be happening at an extraordinarily slow pace.  It is even slow by DOJ standards established by the Obama presidency.  Former CIA Director John Brennan (who voted for Communist Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential election) was interviewed by Durham in August of this year.  It was not a criminal investigation; he was interviewed as a witness.

Why did it take so long?  Barr’s DOJ seems to be playing cover for the Deep State.  Why did his investigation of the Clintons end with a whimper?  Why did he refuse to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for leaking memos with classified information?  Why did he refuse to charge former FBI Deputy Director and then Acting Director Andrew McCabe for lying to investigators?  It was Bill Barr who praised former Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein despite Rosenstein signing FISA’s and helping to launch the Mueller witch-hunt which was fraudulent from the very beginning.

AG Barr also played a role in the sweetheart deal for former senate aid, James Wolfe who served only two months in prison for leaking the Carter Page FISA warrants to four left-wing media, one with whom he was having an affair.  Wolfe was never charged with leaking classified information. Politico reports that during the lame-duck session after the 2018 midterms, Senators Warner, Richard Burr, and Diane Feinstein asked for leniency in his case and received it. And Barr wants FISA reauthorized without any reforms.

Barr Appointments

John Durham has interviewed several of the FBI investigators who worked on Robert Mueller’s witch hunt.  It remains unknown which ones are being investigated and it is also unknown whether any prosecutors are being investigated as well.  If Durham follows the same model used by the Justice Department of late, justice will likely not be served.

If Trump ultimately loses despite the treason and fraud, Barr can bury it, but if he wins, then Barr has to have a scapegoat.  Will the people stand for criminals going free and the innocents being destroyed?

Barr said it was just fine that the House went through with impeachment! But the impeachment was to cover Biden’s son Hunter and his Ukrainian Burisma dealings.  Is Barr ruling that out of his investigation?  And what about Pelosi’s son, Kerry’s step-son, Chris Heinz, and Mitt Romney’s top advisor, Cofer Black?

If the president wants justice himself, he cannot rely on these Deep State agencies that should have been cleaned out three years ago.  He can and should appoint his own special council outside of the FBI and their investigators to do this.  Sidney Powell is busy trying to save the Republic.

Barr’s appointment of U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen actually succeeded in getting exculpatory evidence to Sidney Powell and forced the DOJ to dismiss the case against General Flynn.  This evidence should have been given to his attorneys prior to Flynn’s plea of guilty which was done to save his son from Mueller’s attack dogs.

The AG has now assigned Trump appointee U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, John Bash, to examine “criminal unmasking” by the Obama administration.

Sounds good, except for the fact that the DOJ is defending the president’s Deep State persecutors and they are suggesting they won’t do anything serious regarding criminal prosecution.

Richard Grenell

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell did more in three months to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn. Grenell declassified the transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which proves the General did nothing wrong.

There is wide spread domestic political spying, far greater than AG Barr will admit. Brennan and Clapper had their own secret surveillance system.  Barr also has a long history of supporting expansive government surveillance programs and related legislation, including the Patriot Act.

As head of Trump’s transition team, Mike Pence chose his neo-con Deep State Republican establishment mainstay friend, Dan Coates as Director of National Intelligence.  In two and a half years, Coates did nothing to release these materials.  AG Barr and FBI Director Wray were mum.

Sidney Powell went to the mat for her client and clamored for the Justice Department to release the exculpatory evidence.  They’ve never given the original 302s (reports of Flynn interview by Strzok and Pientka), which I believe were destroyed once Strzok and Page rewrote them.  Neither Barr nor Wray acted to release the documents. Only last January, federal prosecutors wanted General Flynn to spend six months in prison.

Dobbs on Barr

Fox News’ host Lou Dobbs is not at all pleased with Bill Barr.  “Where the hell are the indictments, where the hell are the charges against the corrupt, the politically corrupt deep state within the Justice Department, the FBI?” Dobbs asked. “Why in the hell are we hearing apologies from someone in that rancid, corrupt department?”

Dobbs has stated more than once that Barr should be more loyal to Trump and shot down the longstanding practice of impartiality for DOJ officials.  Think of Bobbie Kennedy and his brother, President John Kennedy.  As Dobbs says, “The Justice Department works for the president.  It’s part of the executive branch.”

Since AG Barr took over for the impotent AG Jeff Sessions in February 2019, he has dropped the Clinton Foundation investigation, punted on charging Comey for leaking classified memos, and punted on charging McCabe despite a slam-dunk 18 USC 1001 false statements case.


Diana West, author of A”Deep Stater Bill Barr Sells Out Trump and America” Part One said when President Trump chose William Barr for his AG, her heart sank, and for good reason. Barr was a double agent during the Iran contra affair and a fixer for Poppy Bush.  Barr wanted the Church Commission to remove the moratorium on the destruction of CIA documents…covering for his bosses.  While at the CIA Barr drafted letters asking if the agency could again “start” destroying Church Committee records.

It’s been nearly two years since Bill Barr became the U.S. Attorney General.  While skilled at coverups, he has been derelict regarding indictments of his Deep State comrades. Justice has been swept under the rug.


As you can see, Kelleigh Nelson holds very little back. Her extensive career in national media and politics in tandem with her personal relationships open many doors that we cannot walk through. Obviously, with those open doors she receives a plethora of factual information that few others can.

I encourage you to make her one of your go-to sources for truth in news. Two things about her is certain: she never holds back facts when she speaks or writes, and sharing the truth regarding important matters is far more important to her than tickling the fancies of important politicos.

Come to think of it: she fits in rather well here at TruthNewsNetwork!

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