Election Hypocrisy Amuck

Political correctness (to no one’s surprise) has taken first-place among the two dozen Democrats running for the presidential nomination. Those Dem candidates who are members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are playing their “politics” cards ahead of their obligations to the voters in their respective states.

In their legislative tasks, however, they are ignoring the will of those who elected them and have opted for the “Party-line” on all current political issues in D.C. Let’s take a look at a few:

Judicial Nominations

Few expect Democrat lawmakers to blindly support a Republican President’s judicial nominees. But at election time, things can make a quick turn. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), for example, voted in favor of 46 percent of Trump’s nominees from 2017-2018, according to data compiled by Demand Justice. Yet the figures, obtained and reported by Politico, show that in 2019, that number shrank to zero.

Two other 2020 candidates, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), also rejected every single one of Trump’s picks this year, when in previous years they each approved 47 percent.

Why do you think that would be the case?

“They’ve lost their minds,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), told Politico. “It’s just reflexive so I don’t think it’s any reflection on the nominees in particular. They’re just opposed to anything and everything the president is for.”

According to Fox News, even those who approved the majority of the president’s judicial nominees during the first two years of his term have reversed course. “While Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), approved 64 percent of Trump’s picks in past years, this year saw just a 3 percent approval rate. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), went from 51 percent down to 6 percent. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), had approved almost half in the past, at 49 percent, and stands at 11 percent this year.”

Gayle Trotter, spokesperson for the conservative Judicial Crisis Network, said this trend against approving Trump’s nominees “isn’t going to play well” for Democrats in 2020.

“American voters made their voices heard on this issue in 2016, they want independent judges who fairly apply the law and adhere to the Constitution,” Trotter said. “Trump has delivered those kinds of judges for the American people and it’s only radical Democratic politicians who are standing in the way.”

In past years, it was common for potential judges to receive approval from both of their home state’s senators before their nomination moved forward. That changed during Trump’s presidency. In 2018, then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), stopped requiring senators’ approval, allowing Trump to get judges on the court who did not have the approval of their senators.

The Ninth Circuit, for instance, was known largely as a liberal jurisdiction until President Trump started placing conservative judges on the bench. Now, the number of conservatives is catching up to the number of liberals on the court, with Trump poised to take advantage of even more recent openings on the bench. The Ninth Circuit includes California, whose senators include Harris.

Isn’t it sad? Most Americans feel that choosing federal judges should be solely based on the juris experience of those nominated and have nothing to do with political ideology or party affiliation. Not so anymore. Politics in D.C. is so partisan, so Left and Right driven, that even in the sector of U.S. government that is so intrusive and therefore critical in Americans’ lives — the Law — political partisanship rules the day.

But it doesn’t stop there!


One of the most troubling things during any election season is the “business” actions of candidates who remain in their elected role while campaigning. Let’s face it: it is virtually impossible for an elected official — especially at the federal level — to function in their elected position at a 100% level AND campaign for either re-election or for election to some other position. Believing that doing so is sheer lunacy! “If” they CAN perform that elected job successfully while campaigning full time, the requirements of their particular position are far too few to justify the responsibility to voters they assume. Something’s wrong there!

How frustrating it has been for years to see votes in Congress that come up during an election season that elected officials miss because they are out on the campaign trail.  Voting interferes with their campaign schedules! This often happens regarding very serious national issues, especially during THIS campaign season.

Most egregious is the vote that recently occurred in Congress in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate: the vote for the emergency funding for all of the issues at the southern border to take care of illegal immigrants that are in federal facilities.

Americans have now named the problems of Immigration as their number one concern for the 2020 election. We all see and hear Leftist news drivel about deplorable conditions at federal holding facilities that find “children in cages,” and “women drinking water from toilets.”  Of course President Trump gets blame for all the “real” and “bogus” claims of poor conditions for illegals: NO kids are in cages and NO women are drinking water from toilets.

What’s necessary to fix the problems? Money!

What legislation was voted on in the last two weeks regarding illegal immigration? Money!

With the deafening cries from these Democrat presidential candidates for the White House to “fix” the immigration border crisis (which they all cried for months was a “fake” crisis created by Trump), certainly those presidential candidates who serve in Congress jumped at the chance to fund the emergency $4.4 Billion bill to take care of the needs of those immigrants. It didn’t quite happen that way. Here’s the way they each voted on that funding:

  • Corey Booker of New Jersey (Senator)
  • Michael Bennet of Colorado (Senator)
  • Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii (Congresswoman)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand of New York (Senator)
  • Kamala Harris of California (Senator)
  • Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota (Senator)
  • Seth Moulton of Massachusetts (Congressman)
  • Tim Ryan of Ohio (Congressman)
  • Bernie Sanders of Vermont (Senator)
  • Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (Senator)
  • Eric Swallwell of California (Congressman who dropped out)

How do you think they all voted?

Not one voted FOR the funding of the Bill! 

In all fairness, not one voted AGAINST the funding of the bill either. Hmmm…What does that mean?

It means political partisanship won the day. It means that none of them wanted to be charged by the extreme Left in their party by voting FOR the funding of the bill, because the bill did NOT include specific restrictions for exactly what the Trump Administration would spend the funds for.

It means that none of them wanted to be charged by the Moderates in their party for voting AGAINST the funding of the bill.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew she had enough votes in the House to pass the bill. So she gave her House members who are running for President permission to simply not vote. The same thing happened in the Senate. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer knew the bill would pass in the Senate, so he gave Democrat Senators running for president a pass so they did NOT have to vote at all.


Isn’t it a shame that our government — the government of the greatest country on Earth — is held captive by politics! What happened to “We, the People” or “The Rule of Law?”

Doesn’t it make you wonder what the attraction could possibly be for these people who told Americans “I will go to Washington and represent YOUR thoughts, YOUR needs, YOUR perspectives, and govern for YOUR benefit in every issue I face in Congress?”

Isn’t it ridiculous that when considering federal judges appointed by this or any president during the year immediately following an election will vote for or against confirmation based on that appointee’s record? But in a campaign year, they vote exactly opposite.

Isn’t it ridiculous that when considering legislation to fix a serious problem that they have been screaming about for months, they quietly don’t vote because of what that vote could mean to their supporters while campaigning?

Isn’t it a shame that in doing so, they ignore the REAL problems thousands of people are facing everyday that those legislators could fix in ten minutes by just voting based on what they’ve screamed for for months?

Whenever in doubt: FOLLOW THE MONEY.

There’s a lot of money in U.S. politics. We will not go into the details and give you examples, but be certain that most of what we are seeing today from those fighting for the White House is based on a war for campaign dollars. Democrats must have many dollars to have any chance of defeating Donald Trump. And they cannot afford for the light of truth to expose them as non-partisan or too soft in their campaigns. They MUST appeal as best as possible to ALL of their party members — at least in the primaries. Whoever wins the nomination will then move to the middle. In doing that, they will eliminate those in the far left of the Democrat Party and move to the middle. They know that NO Democrat can win the White House from the far left — at least in 2020.

Isn’t it funny that NO media outlets put any of this out in the general public? I wonder why…

1 thought on “Election Hypocrisy Amuck”

  1. Everett & Ann

    Thanks for another on point article.

    Reminds me of Bible verses below.

    being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
    James 1:8 –

    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.
    James 4:8-10 –

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