Pedophilia Front and Center

Enter Stage Left: Jeffrey Epstein. You probably heard his name during the last decade or so. But you never heard “all about” Jeffrey Epstein. He’s in the news now. And Epstein news is just beginning its ramping up. Get ready folks: Jeffrey Epstein is about to begin the daisy-chain of the revelation of dozens and dozens of famous Americans in sex trafficking incidents of which he was a part of and/or instigator! That’s right: “SEX TRAFFICKING.”

An indictment alleging sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy was unsealed Monday morning (July 8) against billionaire financier and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein who made his first appearance in a New York City federal court late that same day.

Prosecutors allege Epstein, the 66-year-old wealthy hedge fund manager arrested on Saturday (June 6), preyed on “dozens” of victims as young as 14.

“The victims described herein were as young as 14 years old at the time they were abused…and were, for various reasons, often particularly vulnerable to exploitation,” prosecutors wrote in court documents. “Epstein intentionally sought out minors and knew that many of his victims were in fact under the age of 18.”

Immediately following the arrest of Epstein for sex trafficking, Christine Pelosi, a Democratic National Committee official and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, warned conspicuously that it is “quite likely that some of our faves are implicated” in the “horrific” sex-trafficking case against politically connected financier Jeffrey Epstein.

“This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice,” Pelosi tweeted. “It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may – whether on Republicans or Democrats.”

Pelosi’s tweet is ominous. First, she is NOT media high profile — at least compared to her mother. Many (including TruthNewsNetwork) feel her tweet is a message to all those she termed their “faves” (who must be high-profile politicos and probably some titans of industry, finance, and entertainment) that the clock is ticking quite a bit faster now toward their exposure for the past sexual misdeeds of many.

Apparently all this has been for years commonplace in Washington. Word is that some if not many of the members of Congress who mysteriously “retired” before the 2018 midterms or who decided to simply not run for re-election for “personal reasons” and did so with little if any explanation may be on the Epstein “revelation list.”

You can bet Epstein has no intention of going down without taking others with him. If he and his attorneys sincerely believe that the Feds have the goods on him, the magnitude of the charges against him so far (with apparently more to come) would send him to jail for the rest of his life. Yep: it’s that serious. Epstein will certainly bargain with the names of visitors to his mansions and Caribbean island.

As hard as it is to envision, there will be more noise in the media in the coming days than you have EVER seen and heard before — even from Watergate, the 2 Iraq wars, and Vietnam. But here’s something that may shock you: it is doubtful that you’ll see and hear much of this in the “anti-Trump media,” at least at first. As sealed indictment after sealed indictment are released and made public, conservative media outlets will trumpet details of those to the World. Traditional media will be forced to reluctantly give-in and cover the Epstein story.

TNN is all over it, has been all over the sex trafficking going on in our country, and will bring you every tidbit as revealed and confirmed. Remember this: when we bring you something, you will KNOW it’s factual and factually confirmed. We do NOT bring gossip and innuendo to you. That means you may see and hear some thing from other media sources that you do NOT see and hear at TNN — at first. That will be only because we have not been able to yet confirm them. After all, none want another CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, or Huffington Post. As we get truth, so will you.

We’ll get right to it. Let’s go back to the details of Jeffrey Epstein from 14 years ago when the billionaire hedge fund guru faced the business for the first time for messing around with kids.

Jeffrey Epstein: Sexual assault history

Epstein allegedly created and maintained a network and operation from 2002 “up to and including” at least 2005 that enabled him to “sexually exploit and abuse dozens of underage girls” in addition to paying victims to recruit other underage girls.

In 2005, the world was introduced to the reclusive billionaire who was a friend to princes and an American president, a power broker with the darkest of secrets: He was also a pedophile, accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls into a sex-slave network, buying their silence and moving along, although he has been convicted of only one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor. Visitors to his private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,” have included Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Stephen Hawking.

According to a 2011 court filing by alleged Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre, she saw Clinton and Prince Andrew on the island but never saw the former president do anything improper. Giuffre has accused Prince Andrew of having sex with her when she was a minor, a charge Buckingham Palace denies.

Epstein has spent the bulk of his adult life cultivating relationships with the world’s most powerful men. Flight logs show that from 2001 to 2003, Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed “The Lolita Express” by the press, 26 times. After Epstein’s arrest in July 2006, federal tax records show Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation that year.

Epstein was also a regular visitor to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and the two were friends. According to the Daily Mail, Trump was a frequent dinner guest at Epstein’s home, which was often full of barely dressed models. In 2003, New York magazine reported that Trump also attended a dinner party at Epstein’s honoring Bill Clinton.

(Trump supporters: don’t get excited. Trump NEVER went to Epstein’s island, was on Epstein’s jet one time only, flying from south Florida to New York with Epstein’s son. Additionally, Trump years ago severed all ties with Epstein. Mr. Trump discovered Epstein had made aggressive overtures to a Trump employee’s underage daughter at Mar-a-Lago. Trump banned Epstein from his resort for life. Further, in the 2006 investigation of Epstein, Trump cooperated with testimony to federal authorities who stated then that Trump had no involvement in anyway and was just testifying about what happened with Epstein.)

Last year, The Guardian reported that Epstein’s “little black book” contained contact numbers for A-listers including Tony Blair, Naomi Campbell, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Bloomberg and Richard Branson.

In a 2006 court filing, Palm Beach police noted that a search of Epstein’s home uncovered two hidden cameras. The Mirror reported that in 2015, a 6-year-old civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe No. 3,” believed to be the now-married Giuffre, alleged that Epstein wired his mansion with hidden cameras, secretly recording orgies involving his prominent friends and underage girls. The ultimate purpose: blackmail, according to court papers.

“Jane Doe No. 3” also alleged that she had been forced to have sex with “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders.”

“We uncovered a lot of details about the police investigation and a lot about the girls, what happened to them, the effect on their lives,” Patterson says.

Prosecutors also allege Epstein “worked and conspired with others, including employees and associates” who helped facilitate his conduct by contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with the 66-year-old at his mansion in New York City and Palm, Beach, FL.

Attorneys for  Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton’s controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, according to Fox News.

A 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was apparently part of an ultimately successful bid to negotiate a plea deal before Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in that Palm Beach sex ring, and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed “Orgy Island.” Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to a plea deal in which he admitted to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.


Child trafficking is a growing problem that cannot be ignored, and the media can no longer stay silent about, regardless of fears that it will call out powerful people and harm tight relationships. There have been too many instances to ignore, including the 1,400 individuals that underwent investigation by the British police as part of a historic VIP sex abuse network believed to include celebrities and politicians. Sadly, that inquiry fizzled out as a result of heavy pressure from powerful brokers in the U.K. establishment. There are various other cases to note, and yet pedophilia and child pornography continue to escape justice. One can only assume that blackmailing and bribery are keeping lips tight.

It was shocking that in his first sex trafficking “hand-slap,” Epstein was given an amazingly light sentence. In his approximate 1-year jail term at a south Florida jail, he was actually allowed to leave and go to work most weekdays. To make it worse, the records of all of the testimony and evidence and court proceedings in that case were sealed and unavailable to the general public. Last week, a federal judge unsealed those records.

Let’s hope that justice for our children is coming back to the U.S. Let’s hope America will have its proverbial eyes opened to the ongoing attacks on our babies. Let’s pray that the truth will be demanded by the public, elected representatives in our government both at the state and federal levels, and that the power brokers will be stymied at their attempts to hide the evil doings at their hands.

Sadly, this is the first chapter of this horror story. Make certain you stay close to There are many more very important things happening that we watch and bring details of as they happen. That will continue. But we will certainly make this process and current and subsequent investigations our priority.

”The Truth Will Out.”

2 thoughts on “Pedophilia Front and Center”

  1. I’m just speechless…you really don’t believe that humans can be so evil! Thanks for posts…if it were not for you, we wouldn’t be aware of half of what is truly going on out there. Although, sometimes that sand looks good…just stick your head in it!

  2. Everett & Ann

    Yesterday’s article Drag Queen Story Hour
    And today’s article Pedophilia Front And Center are so horrifying so awful and I know God’s Word says nothing is hidden from God. The perpetrators only hope is to repent.

    Jesus said:
    “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
    Matthew 10:32-33

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