Free Press or Not?

I am often chided because of my obvious low opinion of the Mainstream media. I think there is some vindication in the air for my feelings.

Front and center for the last week or so is the Mainstream media’s absolute hypocrisy compared to Mainstream media in the 70’s. There’s even a movie out about it. The Washington Post took their fight for the Press to be able to access information from the Pentagon to the Supreme Court — and won. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep co-star in the movie out now Pentagon Papers that chronicles that fight. Yet with that movie in theaters now starring two of the highest profile Hollywood leftist elites who claim to be driven by a consuming lust for transparency from all in government, lost is the purpose for this movie and the struggle the Post experienced to publish for the American public the truth.

Hypocrisy? Yep. Plenty to go around here. The New York Times editorial board, the Washington Post, news anchors from all the cable news channels, Democrat Party leaders and Congressional members, and even Jimmy Kimmel are literally going crazy at Congressman Nunes’ efforts to shed light for the American public on the apparent political corruption that exists at the Justice Department and the FBI. Their allegations about the memo and its release ran the full spectrum of charges against the GOP in general, the President, Nunes and Paul Ryan, and everyone in America who thinks this information should be released. And since its release, the MSM have been joined by EVERYONE on the Left with a cry in unity claiming the release illustrates President Trump’s disdain for the DOJ, the FBI, and everyone in the Intelligence Community. They say simply releasing this memo has destroyed the public safety in the U.S. and America’s national security.

I guess they miss the disclaimer EVERY conservative I have seen or heard discuss pros and cons of its release. All (including President Trump) in every press conference and interview are careful to make it clear that the mistrust of the DOJ and FBI are NOT for the rank and file members of either department, but of a select few of those in leadership who for some reason or reasons have chosen to join the quest to destroy this President no matter the cost. And in doing so they have gone all-in allowing anything and everything necessary to achieve that objective to be part of the process — forget about truth and justice and the law.

Why the Struggle to Hide Contents of the Memo?

There can only be one answer for their fight to protect the contents of the memo: there’s something to hide (or some “things” to hide) that cause all of these former self-proclaimed bastions of the Free Press and transparency in reporting to abandon their ethics, morals, and journalistic integrity to hide whatever there is to hide.

It has been shocking to watch their efforts to denigrate everyone within the process of production and release of this information to the public. They leave nothing on the table. All decency and professionalism is gone. So what could the reason or reasons be for this massive struggle to hide its contents? Let’s take a look:

  • The information is so damning EVERYBODY on the Left is implicated in wrongdoing. That could include the actual Intelligence Department perpetrators, bosses who instigated or simply knew of and allowed the wrongdoing, members of the Press who were complicit in coverups and leaking false information to Americans disguised as true news reports, and a host of politicians;
  • Intelligence agency management are “in the tank” for everything anti-Trump and are so blinded by his agenda they have colluded with each other to create an environment that in their minds is necessary to destroy him and his plans for the nation;
  • Someone or something has placed a cloud of fear over the DOJ and FBI that is forcing those in charge to initiate these actions against the Trump agenda to protect whoever is demanding these coverup actions. If true, that would mean there is a grand conspiracy directed by someone outside of the Intelligence community that has enough power (from every source they possess) to “blackmail” those at DOJ and FBI to do their bidding;
  • Some type of deal was negotiated and implemented between those on the Left and those in the Intelligence community that is simply being played out that was made necessary by the Trump victory last November;
  • The DNC, the Clintons, and/or other Leftists had cut deals to protect all those who are complicit in these coverups because Hillary was certain to be elected. That would have given them all the cover necessary for them to be able to do whatever things they were asked to do and committed to do, knowing Hillary would issue a “get out of jail free” card from the White House.  None of them expected there to ever be a need to hide the truths revealed in the Memo.

New Questions After the Nunes Memo Release

  1. Who broke what federal laws in the corrupt actions taken by the Media, members of the FBI and Justice Department, and complicit politicians? Will any or all face prosecution for their illegal actions?
  2. What FBI and DOJ members will be fired? And if not fired, who will answer why?
  3. What other information will be unearthed with the subsequent investigation(s) Congressman Nunes has stated are underway? Who will be implicated and what actions will be taken to hold those responsible?
  4. How far up the chain in the Obama Administration does the wrong-doing go? Will action be taken against those identified of acts that played into the corruption revealed in the memo?
  5. It is obvious the MSM is in direct coordination of story lines and messaging with the DNC and Congressional Democrats on what to say on what days to fight every part of and every person involved in the release of this document. Who orchestrated such coordination?

There will certainly be many more questions asked and surely many surprises will be revealed in the coming days. But here is the largest and most nagging question for me: Knowing factually that there were definite unethical if not illegal actions taken to obtain the initial FISA warrant and its subsequent renewals, and hearing the mounting and intensifying cries of foul against the MSM and Democrats on the Left, is it really possible that the Media and Democrats would approve the illegal actions that took place so far in this investigation? Do they really want to allow such lying, cheating, and hiding of facts from the American people to be not only allowed in the future, but to encourage doing so? Was it OK for those illegal actions to have been taken?

If that is what their objective is, I pray with all that is in me that somehow someway someone will step forward who knows where every skeleton is buried and will present evidence to Americans to prove it all.


It is time for Americans to demand that every person in United States government turns away from any and every political narrative. It is time for Americans to demand every action taken by any member of the federal government be straight by the book: the U.S. Constitution and subsequent duly passed by Congress federal laws. It is time for Americans to shine the light on corruption in Washington.

Further, it is time for EVERY politician — whether elected or appointed — to either embrace ONLY the laws of the U.S. or step away.

I will promise you one thing: though some do not like him, his style, or his methods, this President has just gotten started carrying around a really big flashlight. He has just begun to shine that flashlight around the dark corners of the Swamp kitchen. As that flashlight shines in the dark kitchen corners, all the critters are being exposed.

There have been presidents in the past who have started out with the same goals and objectives. They too have shined a flashlight and exposed some of the D.C. Swamp kitchen critters. But each have eventually given-in to the vastness of the Swamp and the amazingly large number of critters that live there. This President has never in his life given up on anything. And he carries a bunch of extra batteries to make sure his flashlight has plenty of power.

The difference with Donald Trump? He keeps his light shining around the Swamp and never turns it off. He’s got fresh batteries. And when the light stays on, the darkness goes away. The light keeps the darkness away. The critters have no place to hide. So they get caught.

The critters are afraid. I’m pretty sure that is why they’re all working so hard — Democrats, Mainstream Media, and some establishment Republicans — to either put out his flashlight or run him out of the Swamp. Critters love the dark. Why? It hides everything they don’t want anybody to see.


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