House Intel Adam Schiff Zoo

If you see the Audio Player button here, do NOT listen to this file until the end of today’s story. On some viewer’s browser the Play button is at the end of the story. This short audio file should be listened to last.

That’s exactly what it was. It became apparent in Schiff’s opening statement that reeked of political bias, to fuel Democrat’s Trump impeachment process, but, most importantly, extreme hatred for President Trump. We’ll visit Mr. Schiff’s exposed hatred for the President in an audio file later in this story.

Today’s offering, will not be lengthy, will not (as normal) be an opinion piece. As promised we have released it in bullet point format. I felt going into a weekend, you deserved to receive the truth of this important story but with as little negative perspective as possible.

It was meaningless to listen to any of the Democrat committee members as they questioned the DNI Acting Director Admiral Joseph Maguire who is the former Counter-Terrorism Chief. They all stayed on script, all parroted Schiff’s narcissistic demeanor, and accused Director Maguire continuously of failure to comply with statutes that purportedly require the referral to Congress all Intelligence Agency Whistleblower complaints when the Inspector General finds the allegations credible and “urgent.” Schiff, however, disregarded the details of that statute that require any such referral to Congress to be exclusively for the wrongdoing of someone within the Intelligence agencies. This claim is not about an Intelligence Agency individual. Additionally, Maguire received an opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel that the complaint does NOT allege wrongdoing on the part of an Intelligence Agency employee and therefore does not fall under the requirement to forward this claim to Congress.

  • Here’s the problem with this: Congress writes ALL federal laws. Congress created the applicable federal statute, including its restrictions. Congress determined the DNI Director had no authority to give Congress that complaint! Maguire basically was “damned if he did-damned if he didn’t” turn it over to Congress. Yet Schiff and his Democrat Intel Committee lapdogs treated Admiral Maguire like a criminal, yet every step of his actions was taken with the complete knowledge and direction of the Department of Justice. The big problem? No such whistleblower in these circumstances had ever in U.S. history happened previously. And Congress did NOT anticipate this type of whistleblower claim.
  • It was obvious throughout the hearing that Democrats had no interest in the facts of the process used by Admiral Maguire, the Inspector General, the counsel of the Department of Justice, the process required to ascertain any conflict regarding Executive Privilege according to the White House Counsel. Intel Committee Democrats continually pushed Acting Director Maguire for his opinions on various issues, many of which did not apply to this particular complaint at all. Adam Schiff continuously twisted the wording of his questions of Maguire to obviously try to elicit a specific response from Maguire.
  • Schiff and others in numerous questions demeaned Maguire, stating that the actions of President Trump in that phone call with Ukraine’s president should have immediately upon Maguire’s decision to not refer the matter to Congress referred it to the FBI for investigation. None would ever allow Director Maguire to answer the question! The Admiral tried to answer to that question asked by at least three Democrats but was shut down. What he tried to tell them is the Justice Department received a criminal referral from the DNI Inspector General regarding the possibility of the Presidents actions in that phone call being a campaign finance violation. the DOJ declined to take action after a review. It was simultaneously referred to the FBI. That referral was determined to not contain valid reasons for any criminal prosecution.
  • The universal thread contained in every question asked by Intel Committee Democrats was the assumption that President Trump was guilty of tampering with another presidential election colluding with a foreign government. That was not a new allegation against Mr. Trump by Democrats. We just completed a three-year, $40 million Mueller investigation of President Trump for alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 election by Mr. Trump and members of his campaign: Deja Vu.

In just a moment I want you to listen to the audio of a phone call between Congressman Schiff and two persons he was told (and he believed) were Russian intelligence agents who had evidence of significant and illegal wrongdoing by Candidate Trump during the 2016 campaign. The specifics of that “evidence” in the call comported with details included in the infamous Steele dossier. At that point — early in the Mueller investigation — Schiff had on numerous occasions on numerous television news shows gleefully proclaimed he possessed factual evidence of collusion with Russia by Mr. Trump to assist his victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The conversation with these two Russians was viewed by Schiff as a way for him to grasp the proof of Trump wrongdoing sufficient to initiate impeachment proceedings.

Little did Mr. Schiff know that the two on that phone call with him were radio announcers that told Schiff’s assistants about the Trump dirt. The call was not just recorded for later dissemination, it was aired live on their radio program. Before you listen to it, know this: this action taken by Schiff was a REAL attempt on his part to illegally use to obtain evidence against Donald Trump. According to his insistent admonition to Admiral Maguire, Schiff himself should have immediately contacted the FBI and referred the matter to investigators. Rather than doing the legal and right thing with an FBI referral, Schiff chose to get the news himself. He envisioned it as his chance to give the world the proof of Trump collusion that he and others (including his fellow California cohort Rep. Eric Swalwell) untruthfully had reported again and again they already possessed!

Late-Breaking News:

Reliable yet anonymous sources have identified who the whistleblower “probably” is. A very reliable source has stated to TruthNewsNetwork the secret Washington whispers heard and fingers point to Edward “Ned” Price as the whistleblower who came forward with the accusation that President Trump “abused his office” during a phone conversation with the Ukrainian president. Edward “Ned” Price (born 1982) is a Fellow at the New America Foundation and a political analyst for NBC News. Price is also a former American intelligence officer who worked at the United States Central Intelligence Agency from 2006 until February 2017. On February 20, 2017, Price published an op-ed piece in the Washington Post, outlining his decision to retire from the CIA rather than work in a Donald Trump administration.

Price certainly fits the profile of what has been rumored about the whistleblower: former intelligence officer, supportive of a Trump political rival, etc. But that’s not the half of it, though. Sources also report that Price was not only a CIA deep state agent but was also one of the spies that John Brennan used in the 2016 election to spy on the Trump campaign.

I’ll leave this breaking news segment with this: if the President’s conduct was so egregious, then why on Earth didn’t State Department officials who were privy to the conversation first-hand register a complaint? Price only learned about the incident second- or third-hand!

The Wrap-Up

You know my feelings about Adam Schiff, his role in House leadership and the way he handles himself, and his vitriolic animus for Donald Trump. He in that hearing accused Admiral Maguire of being incompetent, unpatriotic, and incapable of carrying out his role as Acting DNI Director.

Schiff has on many occasions assured American that President Trump was/is a Russian operative with deep ties directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin and that Trump’s 2016 actions were actively soliciting and participating with Russian operatives to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Schiff constantly in interviews denigrated Mr. Trump for being so un-American.

We’ll close with this audio of Mr. Schiff in a phone call with whom he thinks are two Russian government operatives who have dirt of various kinds that implicate President Trump directly with illicit and illegal activities in Russia. Schiff did not know they two guys were radio disc jockeys tricking Schiff live on-air to attempt to do exactly what Schiff has continuously accused the president of doing in 2016!

Listen to this phone call by clicking this link. It’s exactly like listening to one of our podcasts. On your browser, it may be located at the top of this page. Click on the audio player in either location you see it to play:



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