Insanity at NBC News

That probably doesn’t surprise too many of you: that anyone would say anything that can indicate any insanity at  NBC. Actually, there’s plenty there to go around! When we were preparing our story for this podcast, I found an interview with a news anchor and Chuck Todd — who is NBC’s political guru of sorts — and I was so taken aback listening to the two psychoanalyze not just President Trump, but every Republican member of Congress and every other Republican in the nation I stopped and was speechless. I thought, “I’ve got to break this idiocy down for all our TNN partners.

Because of my intense desire to show you personally just how jaded NBC News has become and just how consumed with their hatred for this president, I chose not to write the story. It’s much better and far more descriptive if I just do the audio podcast, play the interview, and stop their comments intermittently and give you MY analysis of their insanity while pointing out specifically just how they “bend” the truth to fit the narrative that is so pervasive at NBC News.

Please don’t be angry there’s no story today! Listen to the podcast. I think when you hear their mantra and my comments you’ll understand. And my hope is that we all will get to a place where anything we hear from those who have been permanently tagged as Leftist media hacks in their “reporting” are NOT given the benefit of the doubt when we hear them. Let the truth ring through their very words and expose their biases themselves.

We’ll elaborate on all this and more at 9:00 AM Central today on TNN Live. Don’t miss it!


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