Is it Only Past Sins of Republicans Matter in Elections?

It is incredible how the Media, about a year before national elections, always seem to forget about the sins of politicians who run for office under the Democrat Party banner. Do you think that is done on purpose? Ha! This election cycle is NO different.

Don’t get angry because I pointed to only the sins of Democrat candidates and not Republicans. Why would I do such? Probably because the Media never STOP pointing Americans to the sins of Republican candidates: you know the “REAL” sins as well as their “PERCEIVED” sins! Democrat candidates get a free pass. If not a free pass a “get out of jail free” card.

I’m not sure of your religious perspective, but if you are a Christian who holds to the Bible as factual and the guide for Christians, we are taught that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” I’m reasonably sure Democrats who run for office will occasionally blow one of the Ten Commandments, too!

Maybe, though, that is NOT true of Joe Biden. If you watch and listen to any news reports, podcasts, interviews, or analyses of many experts, it appears that Joe Biden stepped off a cloud to begin his formal campaign for President. And, of course, angels in Heaven — where Joe descended from on that cloud — do not commit sins. And if one ever did, it would not have been an “actual” sin, but merely an “honest mistake.” That’s the job of the Mainstream Media during this election cycle: making sure every voter in the U.S. knows in a detailed fashion that former Vice President Joe Biden is not only a good man, a great Dad, a wonderful husband, and a fantastic former U.S. Senator and Vice President.

Painting Joe Biden as a man of honor is a piece of cake for Democrats who have centuries of practice portraying sinners as saints. We don’t even need to go back to Jim Crow-era racists who dominated the party after the Civil War. Or presidents with feet of clay like Woodrow Wilson, who re-segregated the federal workforce in Washington, or even Franklin Roosevelt, who turned away a ship carrying Jews fleeing the Holocaust while allowing Japanese Americans to be placed in internment camps.

Their modern hero, JFK, was a philanderer whose sex partners included a mob boss’s mistress and White House interns not yet out of their teens. Bill Clinton has remained a party hero despite the infamous interludes with his own intern and robust evidence that he committed sexual harassment in Arkansas and multiple felonies – including perjury and suborning perjury – while in office. (Suborning perjury was proven)

Democrats haven’t worked this sliver of history on their own – liberal historians and partisan journalists have diligently twisted the past to create their new cast of heroes. Some of these leaders are now facing a long-overdue confrontation with past evil deeds only accentuates how successfully their past improprieties have been buried.

Now that Biden is their candidate – now that they need him – the propaganda effort to paint this troubling man in a rosy light is in full swing. The glory bestowed incessantly on this cherub from recent political past flows like rivers from the media talking heads. Even a recent smalltown editorial asserted that Biden “is extraordinarily kind, that he is principled in public and private and that he is fundamentally decent.” Their evidence: The video messages extolling Biden at the Democratic National Convention!

The issue is not the Democrats’ hero-worship – the Republicans did the same for Donald Trump during their convention – but the media’s benign acceptance of this spin as fact. (They didn’t accept that of the Republican Convention for Trump) Instead of addressing Biden’s disturbing past regarding areas they repeatedly assail Trump on – race, gender, abuse of office, veracity, and general character – news outlets simply declare his virtue and move on.

They ignore, for example, his troubling history on race. In 1991 Biden pulled the rope in the “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas, leading the cause to derail his Supreme Court nomination in 1991 by promoting racist innuendos about hyper-sexualized black men.

In 2007, Biden asserted that Barack Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Stop for a moment and consider how deep are the lakes of racial stereotypes one must pull from to say that.


The same media outlets that passed along every smear about Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court fight in 2018 quickly dismissed the more credible claims of a Senate aide who said Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. As a candidate, Biden doesn’t just jeer and bully opponents, as Trump does – he does it with one-on-one expletives to ordinary Americans who ask him questions he doesn’t like.


The media has continually ignored clear evidence that Biden stood by while his son Hunter exploited his father’s position as vice president — for hundreds of millions of dollars. While Joe Biden served as the Obama administration’s point man on policy in the Ukraine and China, Hunter received $80,000 per month for a no-show job on the board of a Ukrainian gas company; through another one of his concerns, Hunter cut lucrative deals with the Chinese that included a $1.5 billion cash investment in a newly-formed Hunter Biden investment company.


Perhaps the most troubling examples from Biden’s past were the lies he used to tell about the death of his first wife and daughter in a car accident in 1972. Police reports say she drove into the path of an oncoming truck. For years Biden claimed that the truck driver, who tried to save his family, was drunk. He only stopped when the man’s daughter tearfully complained.


Let’s be honest: political party doesn’t matter; state of resident doesn’t matter; university nor fraternity or sorority doesn’t matter; religion doesn’t matter: all that matters is the status of a person’s heart. NO candidate for any office in the nation has any type of immunity just because they may be a member of one party and not the other. Political affiliation has never given any candidate a single bit of legitimacy based solely on which party may have done so.

Here’s what the majority of Americans want regarding politics and political parties: Truthfulness. This election like in no other in recent memory has exposed the worst in America’s political system. That’s hard to find.

I am not asking for,  nor do I expect, a free pass for Donald Trump for his past transgressions. I AM asking for everyone to handle the personal attacks regarding individual “issues” one has with Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden and any other person running for any office in a purely personal way.

Honestly, expecting any to accept or reject any candidate based on a perception of who that person is that is painted by a political party is a stupid idea. We owe it to each other to — especially for an election this important — put aside our personal opinions about each of these candidates make our election choices based solely on each candidate’s abilities and expectations of performing in specific ways that align with our views. 

That means: forget about political party affiliation!

The insanity of the demands that people of a certain religion, a certain national origin, a certain skin color, a certain economical class has any obligation to vote for any one candidate based solely on these above characteristics has throttled hatred and division between Americans never before seen. It must stop.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every voter put aside all of the partisan hand grenades the Media are throwing at us all day every day and determine for whom we will vote based solely on OUR opinion of who will do the better job.

What a novel idea, right? I wish someone else had thought about that years ago — certainly long before me.

Wait a minute: wasn’t that at least in part the process our forefathers put together when they created the American voting system?

Who changed it?!?!

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