Obama Dishonestly Attacks Attorney General William Barr

The former President did something rarely ever seen. A President seldom attacks members of the administration that follows his. President Obama believes his interpretation of the actions of Attorney General William Barr to notify the court the DOJ is dropping charges against Lt. General Michael Flynn had no basis in the law.

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said, according to Yahoo News, in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free,” he reportedly said. “That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of the rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”

Wait a minute: is this from the President of the United States that for eight years arbitrarily determined which department of his administration and under what circumstances would simply IGNORE U.S. laws! Is he doing what today’s mainstream media and many Democrats are doing? They too, selectively choose which laws are OK to enforce, which are OK to ignore, and who can with impunity ignore the laws they dislike.

Don’t forget that Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, was told to stop prosecuting federal lawbreakers for drug crimes. They were to prosecute “only those guilty of dealing and drug trafficking.” Mr. Obama did not personally break any federal laws in doing that, but he certainly suborned the commitment of crimes that sometimes were felonies.

Would someone please forward to me the laws signed by Mr. Obama that allowed anyone to enter our country illegally? Yet during his eight years, he not only allowed our southern border to be raped by millions of illegals, but he also fueled the explosive numbers of illegal crossings by handcuffing U.S. Customs agents preventing the performance their duties.

There was a civil rights criminal action underway before Obama’s inauguration that began during the George W. Bush Administration. In a mostly-white section of Philadelphia that was inhabited mostly by senior citizens, several members of the New Black Panther Party on Election Day stood at the entrance to one polling location holding clubs. They were dressed in full military garb. Those clubs in their hands were sufficient to keep quite a few people from voting.

The Bush Justice Department began a case against the Panthers for civil rights violations through election interference. Shortly after Mr. Obama took office, his Attorney General instructed prosecutors to drop the case of election interference.

President Obama kept-up with FBI investigation of his former director of the Department of National Intelligence, Michael Flynn. He made that clear in a January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting. Obama notified members of the outgoing DOJ present in that meeting that he “knew all about the details of the investigation into Michael Flynn.” One DOJ attorney in that meeting testified that she was shocked that any president would know any of the details of the Flynn case or any other active FBI case.

Someone who fashions themselves to be a Constitutional Attorney as does Obama certainly should have, before giving his own opinion, examined the case and its details. I doubt Attorney General Barr or any DOJ prosecutors assigned to the Flynn case consulted with Mr. Obama. On what did he base his criticism of this DOJ’s actions? Certainly, it was NOT the facts and evidence from the Flynn case. Could it be that he made those remarks based on something from his past interactions with Lt. General Flynn – maybe because of the same reasons Mr. Obama labeled Flynn as one of the two chief challenges that President Trump was going to face as President? Obama in a transition meeting with Trump responded to the question, “Who are what are the two most dangerous things Trump would face” Obama’s answer? Kim Jong Un and Michael Flynn.

Think about that answer. Instead of mentioning Russia, China, ISIS, Syria, illegal immigration, or something else actually a REAL threat to the United States, he chose North Korea as “primo-dangerous” to our nation along with Lt. General Michael Flynn.

There is NO reasonable answer to why Obama did so. There’s no doubt Obama wanted Flynn discredited and gone from government service. Why? Maybe there was a thing or two about Mr. Obama and his international “stuff” Flynn discovered as O’s DNI Director. Is Obama hiding something from the nation? Never!

Here’s another applicable question: If Obama was concerned about our justice system and the rule of law, where were his cries against the DOJ injustices during HIS years as President? HIS FBI manufactured evidence with lies and coverups to seize the Constitutional rights to “equal justice under the law” from Flynn. HIS justice department created the Russia Collusion investigation based on manufactured “facts” which they used to lie to a judge to receive a warrant to surveil American citizens. Why wouldn’t a president who claimed to be a “President OF the people” demand transparency to Americans by HIS Justice Department?

What woke him up?

The apparent exoneration of Lt. General Michael Flynn.

Is there something brewing that might just throw some bad light on President Obama? Many are thinking that’s so. After all, he during his eight years in office, made it clear that regarding all things presidential, HE was “The guy.” He was involved in everything. NOTHING happened just because it happened. During his administration, everything that was done had a purpose.

What could be his purpose for this attack on Barr?


  • A.G. Barr doesn’t play politics at all;
  • The DOJ’s actions on dropping Flynn’s charges have Obama worried;
  • Certainly, he must be concerned about details surfacing that proves his involvement might have been unlawful;
  • He is tired of seeing the “change” in the nation during his eight years deleted;
  • He’s afraid of a second Trump term.

Obama wasn’t through with his attacks on this Department of Justice or the Trump Administration: “So I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do,” he said. “Whenever I campaign, I’ve always said, ‘Ah, this is the most important election.’ Especially obviously when I was on the ballot, that always feels like it’s the most important election. This one — I’m not on the ballot — but I am pretty darn invested. We got to make this happen.”

His words once again prove what his party and those even left of Democrats are dedicated to seeing happen: Total government control of the Nation.

He never tried to hide it. In fact, he bragged about it:

“We are five days away from fundamentally changing America!”

He stated that at a Missouri campaign rally in October of 2008, just before his election. He was elected, then immediately began ripping apart the structure of our 250-year-old capitalist system to begin the socialist transformation of the greatest nation in World history. The U.S. won that title by refusing the socialist system of top-down government again and again!

In closing two quick notes: First, Mr. Obama incorrectly stated Lt. General Flynn was convicted of perjury. He wasn’t convicted of anything. He pled guilty to lying to the FBI in their entrapment scheme in which the FBI told him if he did NOT plead guilty they were going to indict his son for federal crimes.

Secondly, the DOJ is NOT “letting Flynn go” — they can’t! Federal Judge Sullivan will take the DOJ’s motion under advisement and make a determination to either accept their motion or not. If he refuses the motion, he then has the option of continuing the federal case. (Mr. Obama, you probably have forgotten that politicians do not have the power to enforce laws in the U.S. That’s the job of the Justice Department. But we understand your mixups. You’ve been really busy in implementing a plan to undercut this President and the will of the American People)


At least Part One of the “What’s Obama doing?” question was revealed yesterday (Mothers’ Day) on the morning news talk shows. Democrats were everywhere defending all those Obama officials who were exposed for lying under oath before Congress and directly to the people of the U.S. on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC for YEARS! In today’s edition of “TNN Live,” we go into those details. You do not want to miss the show! (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM)

Let’s face facts: when the top dozen or so Obama FBI leaders along with another dozen from the Obama Department of Justice were caught and finally exposed for creating and perpetuating lies about this President to cover the lies of the last President, those Obama Sunday sycophants would have been much better served by sitting quietly drinking coffee Sunday morning instead of doubling-down on national television on the Obama Administration Evils. Yet they continue!

And the evil exposed is NOT just in politics: it’s in national healthcare!

Buckle-up folks: Monday morning at “TNN Live” and the entire week are going to be epic. With revelation after revelation, a sad picture of devastating leadership in America pushed our country to the brink of not socialism, but pure, unadulterated Communism!

“Facts Matter.” Get them here every day, but especially all this week.


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