Saturday Bullet Points: April 20, 2024

This week ended with a bang! Well…maybe a “few” bangs. Israel responded to Iran’s assault early in the week. Former President Donald Trump’s trial is set to formally begin Monday after the entire jury we selected and seated. History was made in Congress as — for the first time ever — one party’s leader handed the gavel to the minority party’s leader to lead a key vote.

Could the week have been more eventful?

You know about these stories. But what about the “other” big stories of the week? Let’s take a look at those in “Bullet Point” format!

Bullet Points

  • Donald Trump Enjoys Double Digit Gains with Voters Aged 18-29.” That headline was not good news for President Biden and his campaign. Don’t think that news means that Trump has raced- by Biden in the 18-29 age group in current polls. In fact, it still shows Biden is leading Trump. But there’s much more to this story. And the “much more” has certainly forced Biden’s campaign officials to rush to the planning table to make some plans and make some changes to his campaign — QUICKLY! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Who would have thought ten years ago that a huge portion of our government, healthcare officials, and even educators would be encouraging children to “go for it” when they question their sex? Not only are these children “going for it,” they are being taught they can determine which sex they want to be. And if their “choice” doesn’t equal their biology, they can simply visit a “gender-affirming” hospital to change their “plumbing” surgically. Millions of children are experiencing that today. Sadly, doing so is destroying many of those who choose that route. In fact, Dr. Phil interviewed a gender clinic worker who tells horror stories of people begging clinicians to put their body parts back! For complete details, click on this link:
  • FOX News viewers were horrified Friday afternoon to see a man attending a Trump trial demonstration event douse himself with a combustible liquid and set himself on fire. The announcer on live television cried for someone to get a fire extinguisher quickly. First Responders acted quickly in getting him to a hospital. At last notice, he was in serious condition. What could drive a person to take such critical action in these circumstances? Why did he do it? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s enlightening to see President Biden on the campaign trail, even if he’s not very good at relating to his audiences. He’s been spending much time on the trail speaking to those people he feels he owns — besides African Americans. Of course, I’m referencing labor unions. It’s always surprising that he feels he must be divisive when he campaigns. He considers labor unions as “his” voter stable of certain support. This week, he was up to his old game. When he spoke, he attacked people like Donald Trump and the “super” wealthy in America. Of course, his attacking the top ten percent of owners is only a farce. In fact, his policies INCREASED the wealth of these billionaires while middle-class Americans struggled to pay their bills. Of course, he had to try to diminish his #1 opponent, lumping him into that class of Americans who inherited all their money. For complete details, click on this link:
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson is under siege by his own GOP counterparts who have been demanding “all or nothing” regarding the Republican Party’s legislative matters. At no fault of his, Johnson has watched the Republican House majority turn into the slimmest of majorities. That has forced negotiations far more difficult than the House has ever seen. What can possibly be done, and how can Johnson get this straightened out, if at all? Johnson spent time explaining the entire debacle with Ben Shapiro:

  • It’s sad to believe, but mainstream automatically gives every transgender person a free pass for any wrongdoing on their part. After all, they have obviously spent years being marginalized by straight Americans. Many struggle to just make it, with far too many opting for suicide. Transgenderism is the baby of the Legacy media, so they cherrypick the stories of transgenders and transgender issues. To illustrate such treatment, details were revealed in a story titled “Media Ignores Transgender Identity Of Alleged Potential Mass Shooter.” The details are chilling. For complete details, click on this link:
  • We were all naive in the 90s when Congress passed Title 9, which codified equality for women in every type of athletics. This was the first time the U.S. government had addressed the difference in rules and participation in athletic competitions between men and women. Women felt that they were finally able to compete on an equal basis. For decades, that process worked until transgender athletes pushed the legal envelope and are receiving assistance across the nation that is destroying the protections for women codified in Title 9. Some West Virginia female athletes have decided that “enough is enough.” They refuse to throw a shotput in competition against transgender girls. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Something surprising happened this week that shocked many Americans. Former Attorney General Bill Barr announced he supports former President Trump in his current trial, giving specifics to justify that opinion. Remember, the pair parted company in a very ugly manner at the end of the Trump Administration. And Barr has frequently expressed his problems with his former boss. However, this week, Barr spoke up and apparently changed his tune. He now supports Trump in both his current trial, AND Barr says he will vote for Trump! For complete details, take a look:

  • Most Americans are ready for football already. The NFL draft is just days away with training camp not far behind. High School and college football players are already prepping for Summer practices. The NCAA is busy, too. In fact, they have added a few changes to the game for the upcoming season that will probably disgust college football purists who love the game itself to remain as it has been for years. What could those changes be? For complete details, click on this link:
  • We haven’t blessed you in a while with some of President Biden’s gaffes — both on and off the campaign trail. Everyone has a slip every now and then. But Joe pushes the numbers of such boo-boos quite a bit higher. Our friends “down under” don’t miss much when it comes to Biden’s flubs:

1 thought on “Saturday Bullet Points: April 20, 2024”

  1. Let us not forget that Biden showered with his teenage daughter, that makes him a pedophile, And when he is touching little kids, they cringe, there is something about him that they sense is wrong. He is a man that sold out America to China, that makes him guilty of treason since he filled his bank accounts with foreign money. He is saying everyone should pay their taxes, but his family sure hasn’t done that. Why all the need for shell companies except to launder where the money came from. He doesn’t want gas stoves or gas heat in our houses. Wants us to buy electric cars. Well, I don’t see the congress, house of reps, or anyone in Washington dc driving electric cars, so why should we waste our money. And the landslide of illegals, which is what they are, flooding our country, shows no due diligence on Bidens part to protect the American people. So Biden is Not above the Law either. And all of the Dems are also not above the law. If I handled my finances like the Dems are, I would be sitting in prison.

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