Saturday Bullet Points: December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Wow, this year has just flown by. But many, many, many things have happened for us all during the last twelve months: some good, and, unfortunately, some bad. But, here we are at Christmas 2022! That must mean that we’re gonna make it!

This week has been full of important events. From Biden’s massive Omnibus bill to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky speaking in a fatigue sweatshirt to a joint session of Congress. Who would have thought any of that would happen one year ago? But it did.

So let’s grab the big stories of this past week: the BIGGEST of the BIG stories. You regulars know how this offering works. Read the two or three sentences after each bullet point. They describe the full story of those events. If after you read those sentences you want more information, click on the blue arrow at the end. Doing so will take you to a complete story with all the details of that particular event.

If you don’t want any additional info, just scroll down to the net bullet point and repeat.

Yes, it was a big week. How big was it? Let’s get started!

Bullet Points

  • The U.S. Senate passed the $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill on Thursday. Sadly, the House followed suit and passed the bill Friday midday. And President Biden signed it into law. Rather than give you the details in the 4155-page document that NO ONE has yet read, let’s go to the floor of the House Friday morning and see what Texas Representative Chip Roy had to say about it. (Click on the arrow in the middle of the home stream of the video to play):


  • Has anyone seen Vice President Kamala Harris in any public setting lately? We have not. And most people we have asked just look back with a blank stare, trying to recall if they have seen the southern border Czar/Vice President of late. We haven’t! Don’t think for one minute that fact is lost on the former Attorney General Vice President. SHE came out this week complaining that the media don’t cover the “strength of her leadership.” Don’t laugh at me — I’m just the “teller” of events that happen. Quite honestly, I haven’t been looking for documentation of the “strength” of her leadership. I’ve never seen one tiny example of her leadership. So I certainly have not worried about its strength! For details of the story, click on this link:
  • For years, many have wondered about the “reach” of the FBI, CIA, and other government agencies into the U.S. News World and Social Media Giants. Although it seemed the government infringed upon much of what we see and hear, no private citizen could ever get a handle on whether or not it existed and therefore had no idea about its very existence. But Elon Musk certainly confirmed government intrusion and actually how deep it is in his now seven Twitter files feed. Let me succinctly just tell you, It’s REALLY and REALLY nasty. In fact, it’s un-American! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans do not even know that our military — every branch of our military — is dangerously depleted in numbers and woefully prepared for any type of military conflict. Why? Because the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin decided to “Go Woke” and adopt every Woke policy being touted by America’s far-left sycophants. The biggest among those policies Austin grabbed was to mandate that every member of the military get COVID-19 vaccinated. He didn’t care about the massive number of vaccine injuries that have resulted from the vaccines. And he adopted the “no-vaccine; no-military service” policy. Just as happened in the private sector, thousands of military members refused vaccinations and were given pink slips. Guess what President Joe Biden did this week: he signed a Defense Budget Bill that included the cancellation of mandatory COVID vaccinations! Let’s pray it wasn’t too late. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Friday, we were honored to welcome Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA) to the show. He spent about 3o minutes discussing the latest details about all of the important issues we know about and some we did not see or hear about in Mainstream Media. The Congressman is with us regularly and he is full of the details at that time from behind the legislative issues that we rarely hear about from any other source. Today, he dove deep into the insanity of the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus bill. He went even deeper with scathing details of the disregard by Democrat leaders in the House and Senate of “regular order” in passing legislation — especially bills that are this important. We also discussed the process of the determination of how to spend our tax dollars, the debacle at our southern border with the plans for the Department of Homeland Security in this new legislative year, and a House majority controlled by Republicans. This conversation is well worth your listening!  To hear it, just click on this link:
  • In the midterm elections, there was one very close election that was NOT for a U.S. House or Senate seat. It was for the governor of Arizona. Kari Lake, a longtime television news figure in Arizona, ran against the sitting Secretary of State. It was an extremely close race. After a recount, Lake’s opponent was named the winner. However, there were apparently a large number of discrepancies in the election process — specifically in the Maricopa County voting process. (Maricopa County is actually Phoenix where the majority of the votes cast there determine the outcome of any statewide election) Lake filed a lawsuit questioning several of the confirmed irregularities. A judge Thursday approved a motion from Lake after a temporary hold for her lawsuit to move forward. What’s expected? Maybe, just maybe, an election in Phoenix that looks suspiciously to have been “manipulated” may result in an important overturn! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Who can forget the gorgeous blonde young lady who co-hosted a network tv show for several years that zoomed to the top of ratings: Christina Hall. That co-host for the show which covered her and her former husband buying “icky” Los Angeles area homes, completely gutting and remodeling those homes, and then selling them, usually making an enormous amount of money in the sale. It appears that Christina has a serious medical condition that has resulted in her spending much time in a hyperbaric chamber. Wow! For complete details, click on this link:
  • U.S. oil officials made clear that President Biden’s decision to dramatically cut oil and natural gas production in the U.S. immediately upon his inauguration would result in a dangerous reliance upon Vladimir Putin and Russia’s oil and gas reserves. The U.S. has not in the past relied on Russian oil, but, with Biden’s dramatic cut in U.S. production, it was inevitable that we and our allies in Europe would be forced into using oil from Middle Eastern countries and Russia. It was expected that northern Europe would be especially susceptible to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strong-armed tactics. Sure enough, Friday it was announced that Russia is “probably” about to reduce its oil production that will pull 700,000 barrels of oil daily from the World’s oil being sold. How will that impact the United States? For complete details, click on this link:
  • We all know that China has stealthily worked its way into every entity in the U.S. it possibly can. Whether it’s federal agencies, U.S. corporations, and our social operations, China’s into everything. Thankfully, however, the United States government has become very proactive in censoring Chinese companies that are abusive to their own citizens. Sadly, however, the U.S. blacklisted this company for its human rights abuses. But there’s one problem: you can still buy its products on Amazon! Who is the culprit? For complete details, click on this link:


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