Saturday Bullet Points: March 25, 2023

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Moscow and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the World explodes! Well, not exactly. The pair announced their objective is to form an alliance with which they (united) will become Earth’s most powerful political entity.

Can you imagine that happening if Donald Trump was still President? I can’t. And many other things have happened since 2021 that are NOT good that I’m sure would have never seen daylight in a Trump Administration.

Let’s concentrate on the past week to keep from going bonkers! There are plenty of news items of importance you may have missed that WE have organized for you. We call them “Bullet Points.” They’re in an easily readable structure. Read the few descriptive sentences of each. To get complete details, click on the blue arrow at the end of the description. You’ll be forwarded to a site; a story will complete details. If you’ve already studied the story, skip to the next Bullet Point.

Let’s get started right now!

  • Store and business closings have been inevitable, primarily because of the COVID-19 fallout and “BidenFlation.” Fortunately, such closings have been rare over the past two years. But, it appears that the inevitable is becoming a reality. One of the largest discount stores is preparing to close some of its stores that span the nation. Walmart has announced its plans to shutter nine stores over the next year. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Recent news about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the furor it is causing is giving the FBI more news and information than first thought. Among those tidbits is this: efforts to hide potential wrongdoing by the Biden family go way back in time. And these “coverup Biden Family Syndicate” efforts predate the Joe Biden Administration AND the Hunter laptop debacle. Those efforts date back to 2015! Hmmm…Who did Mr. Biden work for in 2015? What and who are involved in the coverup? For complete details, click on this link:
  • That massive plan to eliminate billions of dollars in student loan debt is still pending. Missouri and five other states took legal action against the President to stop this executive action. Meanwhile, Rep. Bob Good is introducing a resolution to overturn the President’s plan to pile all this debt on the American taxpayers. Think about the Biden plan: force taxpayers — many of who chose NOT to borrow money to go to college and went to work, and others who borrowed money, went to college, and paid their way — to pay the debts of those who borrowed, went to school or squandered their loans, and now are begging for taxpayer intervention in their debt. Hmmm… For complete details, click on this link:
  • Most Americans are anxiously awaiting the 2024 presidential election. They’re in large part hoping that President Biden can push back the inevitable flock of Democrat candidates that will jump into the race for the Democrat nomination for POTUS. (April Fools!) Only two out of ten Dems support Joe Biden in the primary race! That fact may not surprise some Americans. The Democrats among them who don’t want Biden again are having difficulties finding another Democrat to run! Who might they choose? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Millions of American parents of public school children watched their treatment when they stood up for their kids at school board meetings. They are aghast at House Democrats who opposed a bill that codifies parents’ rights regarding their children. Despite some of the most vitriolic speeches by many House Democrats, the bill did pass. Listening to those dissenting Democrats giving their speeches was horrifying. Some of the most prominent among them made horrendous claims against the legislation that are shocking. To see how each voted and what they had to say, click on this link:
  • House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is in the news for issuing a warning to all Americans. Unsurprisingly, the far-left Democrat is “preparing” us all for the horrors and violence that are eminent to us all. What are they? He’s telling Americans that Donald Trump’s words will likely initiate egregious violence nationwide that “probably” would get someone killed! Jeffries is using Trump’s warnings to Americans that if Manhattan Prosecutor Alvin Braggs’ indictment of Trump happens, Americans should protest. Jeffries slept through the Portland months of nightly rioting in Portland and Minneapolis. He never uttered a word about all that violence. For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s just a matter of time before President Biden announces that his diplomacy is uniting Middle East countries and calming their concerns about the U.S. and each other. Saudi Arabia and Iran are opening their embassies with each other. And it appears Syria is up next. And Syria’s been in the “dog house” for over a decade. What’s drawing these former enemies to come back together? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone silent since losing her Speaker position. But she’s back in the news. We all know she has been a devout Catholic her entire life. We also know that the Catholic Church firmly supports the Right to Life and is dead against abortion. Pelosi — along with most of her fellow Democrats in politics — quietly through the years have abandoned any convictions they may have had regarding abortions — decided to “flip the switch” and declare they are “Pro-Abortion” advocates. Nancy, however, is in dispute with the Archbishop of San Francisco, who scolded her for her switch. She recently blasted the Archbishop for his calls for her to retake her Pro-Life stance. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Do you sometimes wonder how long Russia will be able to continue in its attempt to seize control of Ukraine? Putin thought he could march through the Ukrainian countryside and scare President Zelensky and his fellow compatriots into surrendering. He received a surprise. Russia lost a shocking amount of its military hardware in the invasion. Experts around the World have wondered how long Putin can keep going. How bad is it? Putin is sending 1940s Soviet Union tanks to Ukraine because they’ve exhausted their supply of 2000 tanks in Ukraine! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Even after World War II, Germany and Japan are shoring up their militaries, preparing for another war. No, neither is targeting their common foe in WWII: the United States of America. Though both nations have been powerful partners to the U.S. since that War, each faces potential military conflicts with their geographical foes: Germany against Russia and Japan facing China. Where does the U.S. figure into these geopolitical military preparations? We’re no longer included in this discussion because neither of our longtime allies can trust our government! For complete details, click on this link:


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