Saturday Bullet Points: May 29, 2021

There is no doubt that Americans should look closely at the circumstances in our country this weekend. Why? Because Monday, Memorial Day, we honor all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can always have the rights initially confirmed to us in the U.S. Constitution. Those rights were NOT free in the beginning. And they’re still not free. They each come at a price. Use that as the context in which you examine highlights of important events over the past week in our Bullet Points. While reading these stories, when you become enraged at those who wish to destroy the Representative Republic, those brave Americans sacrificed their own lives to establish and preserve, think of this: Freedom is NEVER free. Someone always pays.

Catch up on the week’s happenings with our Bullet Points. And, by the way, have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Bullet Points

  • Have you heard of that blockbuster expose of America’s BIG media outlets this past week? You know, the one penned by that executive at Breitbart News. The revelations revealed details of the numerous wrongdoings Americans suspected were happening in our news media. They’re genuine! How about looking at nine of the top revelations in the New York Times bestseller “Breaking the News.” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Are you one of those Americans who felt that the U.S. Government was somehow using COVID-19 as a method to use to seize power from the American people? If you are, you’re certainly not alone. And with the rush for vaccines and vaccinations that seemed to be pushed a little too hard, the Biden Administration seemed to be suspect. We were told Friday that Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and others in the Administration are “looking closely at requiring vaccination passports for travelers! For complete details, click on this link:
  • The “COVID-Passports” have long been rumored. Texas Senator Ted Cruz weighed in Friday about what those would actually be doing to Americans. It would make our environment very similar to totalitarian countries that require “official” documents for everything their people do — another type of power grab. What happened to that “my body, my choice” demand the Left have demanded regarding abortions? Doesn’t that same principle apply to vax sticks or not? For complete details from Ted Cruz, click on this link:
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin said that compulsory vaccination is inappropriate to implement in Russia, the Russian portal RT reported. “I want to state my position again. I think that mandatory vaccination is inappropriate and can’t be introduced,” Putin said during a video conference on the economy on Wednesday, May 26. Hmmm… it looks like one of those totalitarian countries may not be as anxious to take MORE control of THEIR people! For complete details, click on this link:
  • Did you hear that the CDC reported (quietly) this week that more than 10,000 “breakthrough” infections have been documented to Americans AFTER they received the COVID-19 vaccination? That’s certainly not something Dr. Anthony Fauci has discussed with Senators in hearings with Dr. Fauci lately. What’s up? For complete details, click on this link:
  • We have heard very little about the treatment of COVID-19 using the pharmaceutical Ivermectin. Fauci and the mainstream media have treated that drug as they treated Hydroxychloroquine: crickets! It should be no surprise that the Mexican government, in controlled tests, has discovered that Ivermectin’s use early dramatically reduces hospitalizations. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Fauci’s at it again. When he was asked about the dangers of researching viruses in laboratories to manipulate their structure, he made it very clear why doing so is not just OK but necessary. And he gives NO thought to the possibility of a lab accident spilling deadly pathogens into Earth’s atmosphere if such a laboratory disaster happened. For complete details, click on this link:
  • I don’t know about you, but this rush by Speaker Pelosi to get her hand-picked Democrat-led “January 6 Commission” approved was a ridiculous notion! It’s not needed. The FBI has already arrested more than 400 “alleged” lawbreakers from that riot at the Capitol. Why is there a need for politicians to get involved? With Pelosi, there’s ALWAYS a political explanation. Guess what: the Senate blocked the formation of the Commission. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Have you heard anything about the soon-to-be-presented Biden $6 Trillion budget plan? Based on the pork included in EVERY spending bill ever presented by Speaker Pelosi, can you imagine how much pork there in his proposed budget? One egregious requirement has already been spotted: passed in Congress, taxpayers will be FORCED to fund abortions. For complete details, click on this link:
  • The Left is now confirmed to have taken the transgender conversation way too far. In Virginia, one teacher has been fired for something he disputed about transgenderism. To be blunt, he’s probably lost his job. For complete details, click on this link:
  • We are about to find out if there is “equal justice under the law.” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who famously announced she would not give interviews to any reporter who isn’t black, has been sued by a reporter for refusing an interview! Help me understand: do you end racism with more racism? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Georgians witnessed firsthand what happens when a politician running for Atlanta mayor makes outlandish comments about defunding the police. That candidate was left standing dry (literally) when kids stole his car! Think about it: what should he do? If he calls the Police, he’s hypocritical! For complete details, click on this link:

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