Saturday Bullet Points: May 5, 2021

OMG: what a week! When we think, “NO week could have more controversial stuff happen than LAST week,” we have another week of havoc that eclipses the previous! Unfortunately, this week was no exception.

If you missed any of the noise, don’t worry: we’ve captured each of the big events. Check them out in our Bullet Points. Read the sentence or two of each story. If you want complete details, click on the blue arrow at the end of the descriptive sentences, and you’ll be transferred immediately to a full story. If you have all you need to know about it, click on the next bullet point and move on!

Let’s get started:

Saturday Bullet Points

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) can be just a tad dramatic at times. Apparently, she had not seen her grandmother in Puerto Rico and decided to take a trip to the Caribbean island. Grandma’s house apparently sustained significant damage during the recent hurricane there. As a result, Grandma’s roof was leaking. Of course, all of Granda’s troubles are the sole fault of, guess who: former President Donald Trump. But, one Conservative podcaster came to Grandma’s rescue by starting a Go Fund Me page to raise funds to fix the roof. And, of course, other conservatives immediately responded! For complete details, click on this link:
  • CNN’s Jake Tapper has stepped in it now. The Democrat, while visiting a fellow leftist’s show, revealed that he is willing to book for his show only about 1/3 of the Republican lawmakers in Congress. Why? Because all the others apparently publicly questioned the validity of the November 3, 2020 election results. By the way, Tapper reveals his ultimate hypocrisy by saying that. So instead, Tapper gives unfettered television time to Democrat Stacy Abrams, who still claims her failed attempt to win the Georgia governorship in 2018 BECAUSE REPUBLICANS CHEATED. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Of course, everyone was shocked to learn from the CDC that almost 5000 Americans have died due to receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccinations. What, you haven’t heard? Wow! Of course, if you read TruthNewsNetwork stories published here, you already KNOW those numbers. It comes directly from the CDCD “VAERS” report published on their website weekly. Incidentally, that 5000 death number totaled just this year surpasses the total number of deaths from ALL vaccinations of Americans since 1991! For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s common knowledge that Californians have been fleeing the state because of, not only egregious taxes but also because of the horrendous conditions of the state’s political and infrastructure. Many (like me) have been wondering what this mass exodus has cost the state in income and just how many people have left. The number of Californians leaving is approaching 200,000. How much money are those “former” Californian taxpayers leaving the state with? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s appearing that the source of COVID-19 just might be the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. But even with evidence continuing to appear daily confirming that, Democrats in the U.S. — including President Joe Biden — are adamant that the virus originated in nature and skipped to humans from other animals. Why? Because Dr. Anthony Fauci says so! However, the original letter sent from a group of involved scientists emphatically debunking the Wuhan laboratory leak “conspiracy theory” has withdrawn his support of allegations made in that letter. In fact, he is demanding an investigation into the Wuhan because it might truly be the source! For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s now common knowledge that we do NOT live in the Universe alone. Hundreds of sightings of UFOs around the nation for more than 100 years have been viewed skeptically with NO verification of any alien life. Of late, the U.S. government has “confirmed” the sightings of these UFOs. In fact, a report is being prepared to be released soon to the American people. What’s in the report? Will it confirm that there ARE aliens among us? For complete details, click on this link;
  • “One of the most senior officials in the Trump Organization has testified before a special grand jury empaneled by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office to hear evidence against former President Donald Trump and his company, sources with direct knowledge of the matter told ABC News.” There you go: “unnamed” sources again. The Left would love nothing more than for dirt to be uncovered sufficient to ban The Donald from running for election in 2024. Do they have anything? For complete details, click on this link:
  • No professional athlete is exempt from losing. But until this past week, LeBron James had never in his professional career not advanced in the post-season. It appears that “King LeBron” met his match in the first round of the 2021 NBA playoffs. What happened and who picked his pocket? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Historically in the U.S., during every financial downturn, there’s at least one sector in the economy that makes a quick recovery. And there is always a state or two that either misses the downturn or they find new ways to keep their economies going. That certainly holds true for a couple of states: Texas and Florida. Of the two, which seems to be “financially” cashing in the best in this post-COVID environment? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Far-left CNN, a fake news outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and encourages violence against conservatives, lost nearly half of its already anemic primetime audience last month. When you do a deep dive into the details of CNN’s losses and in what time slots they occurred, the losses fall on Fredo! For complete details, click on this link:


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