The Deadly Politicization of America’s Medical Care: Part One

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. Dresden James – British television writer

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. –  H. L. Mencken

Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything, the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking.William Mather Lewis – President, George Washington University 1923-1927


The Good News: God is still on the throne, and He still answers prayer.  But we cannot be silent if we want to save our Republic.  God gives us free will, but He tells us to put on the full armor of God and, having done all to Stand!  As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

If we want to keep our God-given freedoms recorded in America’s Bill of Rights, we must rise from the recliners, dump the beer and turn off every sport with the anti-American flag-hating kneelers, including the Olympics. An evil plan has been hatched by those who hate our Constitutional Republic and her freedoms; that plan is straight from the Marxist pit of Hell.

Concentration camps and forced labor Gulags await unless we rise against despotic godless tyranny. Throughout Europe, people are demonstrating against the totalitarian tactics, the shutdowns, the masks, and now the mandated COVID jabs!  France, England, Italy, Ireland, and Greece are seeing massive protests, but as of yet, the American spirit has not awakened to spit in the face of authoritarianism.

Orchestrated Destruction

I am sick of writing about the evils of COVID’s medical nihilism and malfeasance. Every day we learn more despite truth constantly being censored. The comrades’ plans for America began over a century ago…and now we face annihilation.

A friend in Israel sent me a short video she said I must watch.  In six minutes, former Army officer Royston Potter urges us to get our houses in order.  He talks about the supply chains, ships, cargo being slowed down, trains stopped, and grocery shelves being empty. The elitists are turning off the economy, keeping it shut down rather than allowing pre-COVID status to return. The attacks are coming on multiple levels; everything is now a shortage, aluminum, steel, wood, energy, etc.  Assaults are happening on multiple fronts with full-spectrum dominance, and it’s only just begun.

Video Here:

COVID decimated manufacturing, companies can’t get people to work, restaurants can’t get servers to return, and it’s blamed on government funding to help those destroyed during lockdowns.  Citizens stay home because the government hands out more money per week to them than they can make working.

There’s a class-action lawsuit against the State of Tennessee.  Governor Bill Lee ended the federal unemployment programs early, and our Senator Marsha Blackburn claims that since those funds came from the feds, they must be given out.   Yet, there are a quarter-million jobs in TN that need to be filled.  Up to nine other states have similar lawsuits.

Four years of Trump encouraged America’s comrades to rush their final programs to fruition. The neo-con Trotskyites in the Republican Party are silent.  Like Lenin and Stalin, Trotsky was a Marxist, but he wanted to bring communism in slowly so the people would accept it. That’s the reason we rarely hear more than a handful of republicans speak out.

Leveling America to a third-world country is being accomplished; look at what has been effectuated by the illegitimate president in seven months.

If we don’t wake up, canned beans will be the only food source on grocery shelves as in Cuba and Venezuela, and the stocked-up toilet paper will eventually run out.  Biden tells freedom-seeking Cubans to get lost while opening the southern flood gates to gangs, terrorists, and lawbreakers.

Medical Tyranny Continues

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the delta variant now represents 83% of sequenced coronavirus cases in the U.S. She claims a major setback in progress in the U.S. epidemic that reflects a surging variant and the country’s ongoing struggles to increase vaccination rates.  What Walensky didn’t tell us is that the COVID-inoculated are passing this variant.  Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine tells us the vaccines don’t stop the virus; they do the opposite; they “feed the virus” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

Those utterly useless face diapers that kept us apart and kept our faces hidden are back.  The CDC tells us that even people who’ve had their COVID-19 shots must wear masks in public indoor settings in areas with the widespread transmission of the coronavirus.

They also want universal masking in schools.  They want children ages two to 12 to wear masks in public places or when they’re not with their family.  Can you imagine trying to keep a mask on toddlers?  Well, best wear them to bed, to the sauna, while swimming, and even in outer space.  Good grief, the American people who fall prey to this Marxist control are lemmings and lab rats.

All this despite mask ineffectiveness.

Despotic NY Governor Cuomo says he’ll spend $15 million on the door-to-door policy of convincing people to inoculate, and they’ll put them in a car and drive them to receive their jab.  Cuomo and other governors are off the hook for the murder of thousands of nursing home elderly when they issued directives to admit COVID patients because of alleged hospital shortage.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) says it will not investigate COVID-19 nursing home deaths in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Of course not!  Murder of “useless eaters” is apparently legal for Democrats.  Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of former Obama Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, is now the number one advisor to Fauci’s buddy, World Health Organization President and China mouthpiece, Dr. Tedros.  Ezekiel has stated that everyone who reaches the age of 75 should die, that life after 75 is not worth living.  Dr. Emanuel is also one of Biden’s Covid-19 advisors.  Has he told Biden to die?

Here’s something even more special that Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel will love…the next target for messenger RNA jabs after COVID-19: the flu vaccine.  “Vaccine” makers want to replicate their so-called “success” with the COVID jab.  All the regular actors are back, Sanofi SA, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, and Pfizer Inc. are all working on mRNA shots against seasonal flu, betting the technology will be more effective, and quicker, and cheaper to make than traditional shots.

The DOJ has declared that COVID-19 jab mandates are legal.  It is their opinion that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 jabs under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA). Since when are they allowed to override federal and Constitutional laws and have their opinions become law? Yes, I know; they’ve done it for nearly two centuries.

The government, via the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Johns Hopkins University, decided long ago that children 12 years and older should also receive the jab.  However, there are no cases of children dying from COVID unless they had underlying comorbidities such as leukemia.  The instances of myocarditis in inoculated teens are on the rise.  Just recently, a 13-year-old died in his sleep a few days after receiving the second jab.

The CDC is signaling its support for mandatory jab “passports,” likely being the way forward for a nation that has all but beaten the plandemic that 99.75% of people recover from, unlike polio, smallpox, etc.

Both the FDA and the CDC have admitted they have worked on vaccines that shed.  I’ve reported this in several of my previous articles, including Dr. Lee Merritt in an interview with Alex Newman.  Dr. Merritt’s recent article in the New American Magazine asks, Are “Vaccines” Harming More than the “Vaxxed”?

So, if the un-vaxxed are getting this, where do you think it’s coming from?  Those who took the killer Covid jab are spreading it to the healthy un-jabbed. Again, it has already been acknowledged that those who are inoculated are shedding the spike proteins and infecting non-inoculated.  Even the FDA has written a “guidance document” entitled,  Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products.

(Part Two to appear here tomorrow, Wednesday, August 4, 2021)

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