“The EndGame”

What and why are the Democrats doing what they are doing today? The answer has been purposely hidden during the decades while their plns have been implemented.

We’ve spoken in details of who today’s players are and how they operate in the roles they play. We’ve also discussed in Parts I and II what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are positioned to be in this. Today we present the “Finale” — what the EndGame is for this Democrat Party.

It doesn’t involve just THIS Democrat Party. It reaches across oceans and national boundaries. It includes leaders from every sector of life in every nation. It is global.

This video that’s 20-minutes in length details who, what, and how this process has been implemented and unfolded until today. To understand all of this, you need to watch this! 

If you cannot watch it now, stop here and come back to complete the video when you have time to watch it all. This is VERY Important!


I know: many extremists have claimed for years “the end is near!” Most of us have continually dismissed their claims, clinging to the confidence we have that the U.S. is too large, too powerful, too democratic to allow itself to fall into such a trap.

But understand this: we’ve watched for years as America’s left wing politicians have worked diligently to grow our government while diminishing the power of the American electorate.

Why would doing so be a concerted effort by so many who have given their lives to this cause if it isn’t real? Why do they need total control of the lives of every American to simply represent us in government to find and implement what’s best for us if this isn’t real? Remember: as it stands Constitutionally, today’s government is and is to forever be “government of, by, and for the People.” 

For their plans to proceed, that type of government has to be eliminated.

For us, it began with the United Nations being established on our shores at almost entirely U.S. taxpayers’ expense but is run by a group of handpicked international Socialists? Why are members of the Left in America so supportive of giving our resources to fulfill international commitments made by American politicians that giveaway American assets?

We’ve known for years. You saw and heard American leaders who have for decades been part of the process of the creation of a global ruling class of people that calls the shots for everyone — including YOU! That group is comprised primarily of members of the U.S. Democrat Party, but not just Democrats. No, American RINO’s (Republican In Name Only) have spent millions in a campaign against the continuation of a Trump agenda. Globalist members of that group like former Ohio Governor John Kasich, Colin Powell, and even the wife of Sen. John McCain have already during the Democrat Party “Virtual” Convention spoke loudly in their endorsement of ending the Trump administration.

Why would these and so many other so-called Republicans already be in such unity against what America today stands for if they were not pushing for a government established for a ruling class to control in total? A Biden/Harris elected would initiate the process of the U.S. joining the globalist you say and heard from their own mouths their desire and intentions to work towards a global government.

It’s coming. It’s their singular objective. The most powerful nation on Earth with the greatest political and economic might is the singular resource necessary to push the “Start” button to awaken this behemoth that will control us all.

Are you committed to that end? Do you support making that move? Are you ready for every aspect of your life to be ordered by a group of individuals who hate what our country has been for 260 years and are more than ready to give it away?

Putting a Biden/Harris ticket in control of our government is the key to the initiation of this globalist plan. It will initiate the gradual loss of who this nation is.

With a Trump re-election, we will have four more years of not just pushing back against this global monster, but to eat away at its foundation. How do we do that? By continuing our aggressive attacks against those domestically who are stealthily giving away our freedoms.

By the way, the Globalists will NOT stop their efforts with a Trump victory. They are in this for the long-haul. But a win will show them Americans now understand who are our enemies and that we are willing to go to war with them to pushback against and ultimately destroy their purposes.

What do you want?

4 thoughts on ““The EndGame””

  1. John G. Griffin

    Dan, thanks for having the courage to speak out. No doubt that it is the plan to gather up the United States. The only thing that will prevent it is to bring it to the full light of day. Thank you.

  2. I am not pessimistic at all but I will not deny the brick wall in front of me doing 60 mph. These people have only one agenda and it is not at all for the welfare of this country but as you said Dan, it’s destruction. They have been promised pie in the sky when the Earth becomes a NWO! You and I are only stepping stones to get there. The Scripture plainly says they are going to have ultimate rule for a period of time. This will only last until in Daniel 7 says “The Ancient of Days” takes HIS seat and rules in favor of HIS saints. Then their kingdom will turn to dust. Now more than ever we need to understand that GOD is not asleep and this all has to do with HIS plan of restoring and redemption! When the dust settles, WE WIN!

  3. Dan, I have watched this video several times over the past couple of weeks, I believe every bit of it. It seems like so many people are still in denial. People do not want to face the fact that we are headed for real upheaval in our country. I’m glad I know who holds my tomorrow….
    Keep telling us the truth….even if it hurts!!♥️

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